拉夫堡大学(Loughborough University)是英国领先的著名高等学府,也是英国名校联盟M5大学联盟和1994联盟的创始成员。以世界一流的科研水平, 高质量的教学,基础学科的领先排名以及体育方面的成就享誉全球。拉夫堡商学院是拥有AACSB, EQUIS 以及AMBA三重认证的商学院。
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering:
MSc Low Energy Building Services Engineering
Business and Economics:
MSc Information Management and Business Technology
MSc International Business
MSc Management
MSc Marketing
Communication and Media:
MA Digital Media and Society
MA Global Media and Cultural Industries
MA Strategic Communication
Geography and Environment:
MA Climate Change Politics and Policy
MSc Climate Change Science and Management
MSc Environmental Monitoring, Research and Management
MSc International Financial and Political Relations
Institute for Design Innovation:
MA/MSc Design Innovation
Institute for Digital Technologies:
MSc Digital Finance
MSc Digital Marketing
Institute for Diplomacy and International Governance:
MSc Diplomacy and International Governance
MSc Diplomacy, Business and Trade
MSc Diplomacy, Politics and Trade
MSc Security, Peace-building and Diplomacy
Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship:
MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
MSc Entrepreneurship, Finance and Innovation
MSc Managing Innovation in Creative Organisations
Institute for International Management:
MSc International Management
Institute for Media and Creative Industries:
MA Global Communication and Social Change
MA Media and Creative Industries
Institute for Sport Business:
MSc Sport Marketing
International Relations, Politics and History:
MA Security
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering:
MSc Advanced Manufacturing Engineering and Management
MSc Engineering Design
MSc Mechanical Engineering
MSc Renewable Energy Systems Technology (Distance Learning)
MSc Systems Engineering
格拉斯哥大学(英语:University of Glasgow)位于英国苏格兰格拉斯哥,由苏格兰国王詹姆士二世建议,并由教宗尼各老五世于公元1451年创立的一所公立大学,是苏格兰历史第二悠久、全英国校龄第四的一所久负盛名的公立大学(其他三所大学分别是牛津大学、剑桥大学和圣安德鲁斯大学,同时该校也是全球最古老的十所大学之一)。
在近六个世纪的发展过程中,格拉斯哥大学培养出许多知名人物,这其中不仅包括“经济学之父”亚当·斯密,还有首先提出热力学温标概念的开尔文、蒸汽机的改良者詹姆斯·瓦特,以及外科手术消毒技术创立者约瑟夫·李斯特等,更培养出四名现代高等教育大学的创始人。当中值得一提的是,著名的理论物理学家阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦于1933年被格拉斯哥大学授予名誉博士学位。格拉斯哥大学同时也是国际大学组织Universitas 21的缔造者之一,以及英国精英大学集团罗素集团的缔约成员。
Aerospace Engineering MSc
Aerospace Engineering & Management MSc
Biomedical Engineering MSc
Civil Engineering MSc
Civil Engineering & Management MSc
Church History & Theology MTh/PgDip/PgCert
Critical Care MSc/PgDip/PgCert
Critical Care, Leadership & Management MSc/PgDip/PgCert
Electronics & Electrical Engineering MSc
Electronics & Electrical Engineering & Management MSc
Electronics & Photonics Manufacturing MSc
Mechanical Engineering MSc
Mechanical Engineering & Management MSc
Mechatronics MSc
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology MSc
Robotics & AI MSc
Sustainable Energy MSc
伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院(Royal Holloway, University of London),简称皇家霍洛威(RHUL),是一所坐落于英国伦敦郊区Egham镇的英国一流大学。由于古老的哥特式红砖建筑和碧绿的园林,皇家霍洛威学院被《每日电讯报》评为十大英国最美校园,以及全球最美十六大校园之一。
MSc Data Science and Analytics
MSc Artificial Intelligence
MSc Information Security*
MSc Data Science and Analytics with a year in industry
MSc Artificial Intelligence with a year in industry
MSc Information Security with a year in industry*
邓迪大学(University of Dundee,简称UoD),又译作杜迪大学,始创立于1881年,是一座坐落于苏格兰邓迪市的世界一流的著名研究型大学,也是英国的优秀老牌大学之一了。
Accountancy MSc
Accounting, Management and Strategy MSc
Accounting & Finance MSc
Business Research Methods MRes
Biomedical Engineering MSc
Comparative & European Private International Law (Dual Qualifying - University of Toulouse) LLM
Data Science PGCert
Digital and Social Media Marketing MSc
Finance and Banking MSc
Finance MSc
Finance and Risk MSc
Finance and Investment MSc
Human Anatomy MSc
International Banking, Finance and Investment Management MSc
International Banking and Finance MSc
International Banking MSc
International Accounting MSc
International Business MSc
International Business and Human Resource Management MSc
International Business and Investment MSc
International Business and Human Resource Management MSc
International Business and Investment MSc
International Business and Finance MSc
International Business and Marketing MSc
International Business and Entrepreneurship MSc
International Business and Management MSc
International Business, Marketing and Human Resource Management MSc
International Business, Accounting and Finance MSc
International Business, Banking and Finance MSc
International Commercial Law LLM
International Energy Commerce MSc
International Finance and Investment Management MFin
International Finance, Risk and Regulation MFin
International Finance MFin
International Marketing and Branding MSc
International Marketing and Management MSc
International Marketing MSc
Islamic Banking, Finance, and International Business MSc
Islamic Banking and Finance MSc
International Relations MSc
Islamic Finance MSc
Management and Entrepreneurship MSc
Management and Finance MSc
Management MSc
Management, Strategy and Leadership MSc
Management and Marketing MSc
Management and International Human Resource Management MSc
Medical Imaging MSc
Professional Accountancy MSc
Spatial Planning with Sustainable Urban Design MSc
Sustainability and Environmental Modelling MSc
Sustainability MSc
Sustainability and Renewables MSc
Sustainability and Water Security MSc
Sustainability: Climate Change and the Green Economy MSc
Sustainability and the Just Transition to a Low Carbon Economy MSc
Industrial Engineering and Management MSc
Industrial Engineering and International Finance MSc
International Marketing and Finance MSc
Educational Assistive Technology MSc
Data Science & Engineering MSc
International Energy Commerce and Finance MSc
Accounting MAcc
Comparative & European Private International Law LLM
International Commercial Law (Dual Qualifying - CY Cergy Paris University) LLM
Business & Human Rights LLM
Corporate & Commercial Law LLM
Environmental Law LLM
International Mineral Resources Management MSc
International Energy Law and Policy LLM
International Mineral Law and Policy LLM
International Energy Studies and Oil and Gas Economics MSc
International Energy Studies and Energy Finance MSc
International Energy Studies and Energy Economics MSc
International Oil and Gas Law and Policy LLM
The Low Carbon Just Transition LLM
Psychological Therapy in Primary Care MSc
International Oil and Gas Management MSc
Law (General) LLM
International Business and Islamic Finance MSc
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - TESOL MEd
Education (Leading Learning & Teaching) MEd
思克莱德大学(University of Strathclyde)始建于1796年,坐落于英国苏格兰格拉斯哥市,是一所世界一流公立研究型大学,享有良好的学术声誉。其中,享誉国际的Strathclyde Business School(SBS)是欧洲最大的商学院之一,是全球100所获得EQUIS、AMBA和AACSB “三重认证”的商学院之一,也是苏格兰最早获得三项认证的商学院。
MSc Advanced Construction Technologies & BIM (New)
Biomedical Engineering:
MSc Biomedical Engineering
Chemical & Process Engineering:
MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering
Civil & Environmental Engineering:
MSc Civil Engineering with specialist streams (New)
MSc Environmental Engineering
Design, Manufacturing & Engineering Management:
MSc Engineering Management for Process Excellence
MSc Mechatronics & Automation
MSc Supply Chain & Logistics Management
MSc Supply Chain & Procurement Management
MSc Supply Chain & Sustainability Management
Electronic & Electrical Engineering:
MSc Electronic & Electrical Engineering
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering:
MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering
MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Aerospace
MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Energy Systems
MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Materials
MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Power Plant Technologies
MSc Satellite Data for Sustainable Development
Naval Architecture, Ocean & Marine Engineering:
MSc Marine Engineering
MSc Subsea & Pipeline Engineering
MSc Offshore Floating Systems (New)
MSc Ship & Offshore Structures (New)
MSc Marine Technology (New)
MSc Offshore Renewable Energy (New)
MSc Technical Ship Management (New)
MSc Advanced Naval Architecture (New)
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
MSc Education Studies
MLitt Media & Communication
MSc TESOL & Intercultural Communication
MSc Criminology & Social Policy
Faculty of Science:
MSc Advanced Computer Science
MSc Advanced Software Engineering
Strathclyde Business School:
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
MSc Business & Management
MSc International Management
MSc Marketing
MSc Finance
MSc International Accounting & Finance
MSc Business Analysis & Consulting
阿伯丁大学(University of Aberdeen),简称ABDN / UoA / AU,位于苏格兰北部城市的阿伯丁,是英国著名的教育和研究中心,世界著名研究型大学。该校于1495年由罗马教皇批准成立,拥有525年的历史,为英国五所古典大学之一,分别是:牛津大学、剑桥大学、圣安德鲁斯大学、阿伯丁大学、格拉斯哥大学。
MBA Business Administration
MSc (Econ) Accounting And Finance
MSc (Econ) Finance & Investment Management (with CFA)
MSc International Business & Finance
MSc International Business Management
MSc International Finance & Political Relations
MSc International Human Resource Management
MSc Marketing Management
MSc Data Science (15 months)
MSc Artificial Intelligence (15 months)
MSc Information Technology (15 months)
MSc Global Health and Management
MPH Master of Public Health
MSc Medical Imaging
MSc Medical Physics
MSc Physician Associate Studies
MSc Psychological Studies
MLitt Creative Writing
MSc Cultural & Creative Communication
MLitt Film, Visual Culture and Arts Management
MMus Music
MSc Professional Communication
MSc Translating and Interpreting Studies
LLM Business Law & Sustainable Development
LLM Energy And Environmental Law
LLM Energy Law MSc Energy Politics and Law
LLM General Law
LLM Intellectual Property Law
LLM International Commercial Law
LLM International Law
LLM International Trade Law
MSc International Political Economy
MSc International Relations
MSc Peace and Conflict Studies
MSc Sociology
MSc Strategic Studies
MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering
MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering
MSc Advanced Structural Engineering
MSc Oil And Gas Enterprise Management
MSc Geophysics
MSc Planetary Sciences
MSc Sustainability Transitions
贝尔法斯特女王大学(Queen‘s University Belfast)又称英国女王大学,是一所位于英国北爱尔兰首府贝尔法斯特的综合研究型大学、北爱尔兰地区最高学府、英国老牌名校、罗素大学集团、英联邦大学协会成员、欧洲大学协会成员、江苏—英国高水平大学联盟成员、中英大学工程教育与研究联盟英方牵头院校。
Faculty of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences:
MSc Accounting and Finance
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences:
MSc City Planning and Design
MSc Planning and Development
MSc Future Urbanism
赫瑞-瓦特大学是具有200年历史的英国名校,也是英国历史上建立的第八所高等学校, 它还是全球第一家机械工程学院。大学的校名是为纪念为人类发展做出巨大贡献的两位苏格兰先驱,即英国16世纪的财政大臣乔治·赫瑞和蒸汽机的发明者詹姆斯·瓦特而命名的。赫瑞-瓦特大学因世界水平的教学和实用的尖端研究而享有盛誉,成为在与工商业有关的专业领域内的英国顶尖大学之一。
Edinburgh Business School:
MSc International Business Management
MSc International Business Management with Human Resource Management
MSc International Business Management with Finance
MSc International Business Management with Marketing
MSc Business Psychology
MSc Business Psychology with Human Resource Management
MSc Business Psychology with Intercultural Communication
School of Engineering and Physical Sciences:
MSc Energy
MSc Global Sustainability Engineering
School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society:
MSc Civil Engineering and Construction Management
MSc Civil Engineering with Industry Placement (2 years)
MSc Construction Project Management
MSc Construction Project Management with Industry Placement (2 year)
MSc Commercial Management and Quantity Surveying
MSc Commercial Management and Quantity Surveying with Industry Placement (2 year)
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences:
MSc Artificial Intelligence
MSc Human Robot Interaction
MSc Data Science
MSc Software Engineering
MSc Artificial Intelligence (2 years)
MSc Data Science (2 years)
MSc Computing (2 years)
School of Textiles and Design:
MA Fashion and Textiles Design
MSc Fashion & Textiles Management
MA Interior Architecture & Design
MA Digital Design and Innovation
MSc Design Management
MSc Management
MSc Management (Business Analytics)
MSc Management (Digital Business)
MSc Management (Enterprise and Innovation)
MSc Management (Finance)
MSc Management (Human Resource Management)
MSc Management (International Management)
MSc Management (Marketing)
MSc Management (Operations and Supply Management)
MSc Management (Software Technology)
MSc Management (Sport)
MSc Strategic Accounting
MA Communication, Media Practice and Public Relations
MSc Aerospace Engineering
MSc Chemical Engineering
MSc Civil Engineering
MSc Electronic and Electrical Engineering
MSc Mechanical Engineering
MSc Power Engineering and Sustainable Energy
MSc Computer Science
MSc Advanced Computer Science
MSc Cyber Security
MSc Data Science
Health Care Management, MSc
Health Data Science, MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Health Informatics, MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Medical Education, MSc/PGDip/PgCert
Medical Radiation Physics, MSc
Nanomedicine, MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Public Health and Health Promotion, MSc/PGDip
莱斯特大学(University of Leicester)始建于1921年,是一所致力于科学研究、创新及启发式教学,具有国际声誉的英国顶尖高等学府。大学教授Alec Jeffreys爵士在1984年率先研发出DNA基因指纹识别技术,使莱斯特大学成为该领域的领先研究中心。
Management Studies MSc
Marketing MSc
International Management MSc
Management, Finance & Accounting MSc
Accounting & Finance MSc
Finance MSc
Mass Communications MA
Digital Media and Society MA
Media & Public Relations MA
Media and Advertising MA
Global Media and Society MA
Aerospace Engineering MSc
Aerospace Engineering with Industry MSc
Masters of Engineering Management MEM
Masters of Engineering Management with industry
Advanced Electrical & Electronic MSc
Advanced Electrical & Electronic with a Year in Industry MSc
Advanced Electrical & Electronic with Management MSc
Advanced Electrical & Electronic with Management and Industry MSc
Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Management MSc
Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Management and a Year in Industry MSc
Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc
Advanced Mechanical Engineering with a Year in Industry MSc
Data Analysis for Business Intelligence MSc
Data Analysis for Business Intelligence with Industry MSc
Advanced Computer Science MSc
Advanced Software Engineering MSc
Cloud Computing MSc
Human Technology Interaction MSc
Advanced Computer Science with Industry MSc
Advanced Software Engineering with Industry MSc
MSc Financial Technology (FinTech)
MSc Big Data
MSc Sport Management
MSc Advancing Practice
MSc Business Analytics
MSc Business and Management
MSc Marketing Analytics
MSc International Business
MSc Artificial Intelligence
MSc Environmental Management
MSc Digital Banking and Finance
MSc Applied Professional Studies
MSc Data Science for Business
MSc Human Rights and Diplomacy
MSc Applied Social Research
MSc Environmental Management (Energy)
MSc Mathematics and Data Science
MSc Environmental Management (Conservation)
MSc Psychological Therapy in Primary Care
MSc Applied Social Research (Social Statistics and Social Research)
萨里大学(University of Surrey)是英国百年名校,英国著名公立综合研究型大学,位于英格兰萨里郡吉尔福德(Guildford),距伦敦30分钟车程。萨里大学成立于1891年,其前身为伦敦的巴特西理工学院。在1966年9月9日被皇家许可而成为综合性大学。萨里大学是世界著名的人工智能、移动通信和卫星空间技术研究中心,也是英国大学中自1497年以来拥有英国皇室颁发的电子工程皇家教授席位(Regius Professor of Electronic Engineering)的大学。
Business, marketing and management:
Accounting and Finance MSc
Business Analytics MSc
Digital Marketing and Channel Management MSc
Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management MSc
FinTech and Policy MSc
International Business Management MSc
International Financial Management MSc
International Corporate Finance MSc
International Marketing MSc
Investment Management MSc
Management MSc
Strategic Marketing MSc
Chemical and process engineering:
Information and Process Systems Engineering MSc
Petroleum Refining Systems Engineering MSc
Process Systems Engineering MSc
Renewable Energy Systems Engineering MSc
Civil and environmental engineering:
Advanced Geotechnical Engineering MSc
Bridge Engineering MSc
Civil Engineering MSc
Infrastructure Engineering and Management MSc
Structural Engineering MSc
Water and Environmental Engineering MSc
Electrical and electronic engineering:
Artificial Intelligence MSc
5G and Future Generation Communication Systems MSc
Communications Networks and Software MSc
Computer Vision, Robotics and Machine Learning MSc
Electronic Engineering MSc
Electronic Engineering with Professional Postgraduate Year MSc
Mobile and Satellite Communications MSc
Space Engineering MSc
Environment and sustainability:
Corporate Environmental Management MSc
Environmental Strategy MSc
Sustainable Development MSc
Hospitality, events, tourism and transport:
International Events Management MSc
International Hotel Management MSc
International Tourism Management MSc
Strategic Hotel Management MSc
埃塞克斯大学建于1965年,是得到英国皇家授权的综合性大学,是一所在学术上具有领先地位的大学。英国埃塞克斯大学(ESSEX)位于英国的南部,埃塞克斯郡科尔切斯特市,是英国历史上第一个建立城市的地方,距离伦敦市只有一个小时的车程,且交通十分便利,有汽车、火车、城际快速车。埃塞克斯大学拥有三个校区,科尔切斯特校区位于英国东南部的古老小镇科尔切斯特,这里曾是罗马时期英格兰的首都;南岸校区;及位于洛夫顿校区的表演学院, 是拥有40年历史的英国最具有创造性的表演学院之一。
Master of Business Management
MSc AI and its Applications
MSc Data Science and its Applications
MSc Applied Data Science
MSc Psychology
MSc Business Analytics
Master of Business Administration: The Essex MBA
MSc Management Economics
MSc Behavioral Economics
MSc Artificial Intelligence
LLM International Law
伦敦玛丽女王大学(Queen Mary University of London),简称QMUL,又名伦敦大学玛丽王后学院,1887年建立于英国伦敦,得名于英王乔治五世之妻玛丽王后,1915年成为伦敦大学成员,是一所享誉世界的公立综合研究型大学。
School of Business & Management:
MSc Management
MSc Management with Integrated Pre-Masters
MSc Marketing
School of Electronic Engineering & Computer Science:
MSc Artificial Intelligence with Machine Learning
MSc Big Data Science with Machine Learning Systems
School of Economics & Finance:
MSc Banking and Finance
Centre for Commercial Law Studies:
Commercial and Corporate Law LLM
Intellectual Property Law LLM
Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law LLM
International Business Law LLM
Banking and Finance Law LLM
Comparative and International Dispute Resolution LLM
阿斯顿大学(Aston University)创始于1895年,坐落在英国第二大城市伯明翰市的市中心。学校风景优美,环境幽雅。该大学以商科、工科、语言及教育专业尤为出色。 在QS星级计划排行榜中,阿斯顿大学被评为“全球五星杰出大学”。该组织考查的方面包括教育质量、就业率、创新能力、教育设施、包容性和国际化。同时,阿斯顿大学还是英格兰中部地区M5大学联盟的成员之一。
Accounting, Finance and Economics:
Accounting and Finance MSc
International Accounting and Finance MSc
Investment Analysis MSc
Business and Management:
Business Analytics MSc
Business and Management MSc
Information Systems and Business Analysis MSc
MBA (full time)
HR, Strategy and Business:
Human Resource Management MSc
International Business MSc
Strategic Marketing Management MSc
Aston University June 2021 update
Social Sciences and Humanities:
International Relations and Global Governance MA
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages(TESOL) MA
TESOL and Translation Studies MA
Translation for Business and International Institutions MA
Engineering and Physical Sciences:
Data Analytics MSc
Data Analytics (including Professional Practice) MSc
Engineering Management MSc
Supply Chain Management MSc
德蒙福特大学(De Montfort University,简称DMU)坐落在英格兰的莱斯特郡,是一所优质的综合性大学。大学命名为德蒙福特是为了纪念Simon de Montfort,曾经的第六世莱斯特伯爵 (Earl of Leicester), 中世纪期间建立英国第一个议会的伟人。
学校拥有英国顶尖的艺术设计学院(毕业生荣获奥斯卡奖),全世界范围内唯一获得国际足联认证的硕士专业The FIFA Master,值得一提的是德大共有23名教授荣获英国高等教育学院授予的会士称号。
Art and Design:
Architecture and Sustainability MSc
Digital Design MA
Design Innovation MA/MSc
Design Management and Entrepreneurship MA
Interior Design MA
Fashion Management with Marketing MA
Business and Law:
Master of Business Administration (Global)
International Business and Entrepreneurship MSc
International Business and Finance MSc
International Business and Human Resource Management MSc
International Business and Management MSc
International Business and Marketing MSc
Project Management MSc
Computing and Engineering:
Aeronautical Engineering MSc
Business Intelligence Systems and Data Mining MSc
Computing MSc
Cyber Security MSc
Cyber Technology MSc
Data Analytics MSc
Electronic Engineering MSc
Energy and Sustainable Development MSc
Energy Engineering MSc
Engineering Management MSc
Information Systems Management MSc
Intelligent Systems MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert
Intelligent Systems and Robotics MSc
Mechanical Engineering MSc
Mechatronics MSc
Professional Practice in Digital Forensics and Security MSc
Software Engineering MSc
Health and Life Sciences:
Clinical Pharmacy MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert
Health and Community Development Studies MA/PG Dip/PG Cert
Youth and Community Development Studies MA/PG Dip
MSc Business and Management
MSc Digital and Social Media Marketing
MSc Finance
MSc International Business
MSc International Logistics and Supply
Chain Management
MSc International Procurement and Supply
Chain Management
MSc International Shipping
MSc Operations and Supply Chain
MSc Tourism and Hospitality Management
布莱顿大学(University of Brighton)是英国的一所公立大学,在布莱顿、伊斯特本和黑斯廷斯有三个校区。其历史可追溯到1858年在布莱顿英皇阁成立的布莱顿艺术学校(Brighton School of Art),1992年获大学资格,改现名。直至1970年正式成立为一所门类齐全、科系众多的综合性高等学府。学校目前共有10大院校、100多个科系、超过300多项本科和硕士专业。在最新的全国教育质量测评中,有近三十个专业表现突出。其中艺术与设计、艺术史、哲学、医药与药理学、图书馆信息管理以及运动、休闲与酒店管理等专业的学术地位更是不容忽视,年年在《全英高校杰出科系》榜上有名。
International Event Management MSc
International Management MSc
International Tourism Management MSc
Management MSc
Management (Entrepreneurship) MSc
Management (Human Resources) MSc
Marketing (Brand&Communications)MSc
Marketing (Digital Marketing) MSc
Marketing (International Marketing) MSc
Marketing (Social Marketing) MSc
The Brighton MBA
Leadership MBA
Advanced Occupational Therapy MSc
Advanced Physiotherapy MSc
Advanced Podiatry MSc
Health MSc
Health and Education MSc
Health and Management MSc
Health Promotion MSc
Language in Context MA
UX Design MSc