1 Oxford
3 Brunel
4 Writtle College
5 Newcastle
6 Reading
7 Glasgow School of Art
8 Aberystwyth
9 Lancaster
10 Kingston
11 Goldsmiths
12 Kent
13 Loughborough
14 Edinburgh College of Art
15 Edinburgh
16 Bangor
17 UC Falmouth
18 Heriot-Watt
19 Dundee
20 Essex
21 Newman University College
22 Glamorgan
23 Brighton
23 Huddersfield
25 Lincoln
26 Roehampton
27 UWE Bristol
28 Bucks New University
28 Plymouth
30 Westminster
31 Bath Spa
32 Bedfordshire
32 Sunderland
35 Coventry
36 Nottingham Trent
37 University of the Arts, London
38 Norwich UC of the Arts
39 Gloucestershire
39 Robert Gordon
41 Northampton
42 Edinburgh Napier
43 Teesside
44 Hertfordshire
45 Arts UC, Bournemouth
45 Middlesex
45 Southampton
48 Birmingham City
48 Bournemouth
50 Chichester