

2011-06-04 15:48:15 英国留学云 4008-941-360




2012年 2011年 学校名称 学生满意度 入学标准 科研水平 毕业生的就业前景 总得分
1 1 Cambridge 4.1 594 2.65 82 100.0
2 2 Oxford 4.2 522 2.82 82 99.1
3 3 Imperial College London 3.8 494 2.75 78 96.0
4 4 Sheffield 4.2 464 2.85 71 95.7
5 6 Durham 3.8 468 2.50 78 95.0
6 12 Leicester 4.2 436 2.40 75 94.6
7 7 York 4.4 432 2.75 67 94.5
8 10 Bath 4.1 464 2.50 72 94.5
9 11 Lancaster 4.0 408 2.80 75 94.3
10 8 Manchester 4.0 436 2.85 69 94.1
11 5 Bristol 4.1 472 2.67 66 94.0
12 8 Surrey 3.7 384 2.75 81 94.0
13 13 St Andrews 4.0 445 2.55 72 93.8
14 14 University College London 3.9 462 2.50 71 93.4
15 15 Sussex 4.2 387 2.37 72 92.8
16 19 King's College London 3.9 414 2.75 68 92.6
17 20 Liverpool 4.1 405 2.35 70 92.4
18 17 East Anglia 4.3 379 2.50 66 92.2
19 16 Edinburgh 3.9 443 2.65 64 92.2
20 35 Southampton 4.0 423 2.45 68 92.2
21 20 Nottingham 3.9 410 2.63 66 91.9
22 17 Warwick 3.8 435 2.45 67 91.7
23 27 Cardiff 4.0 416 2.60 64 91.7
24 31 Leeds 3.9 385 2.70 67 91.6
25 23 Exeter 4.0 411 2.50 64 91.6
26 28 Newcastle 4.0 372 2.60 66 91.4
27 39 Queen Mary 3.9 386 2.25 72 91.4
28 28 Dundee 4.2 361 2.80 61 91.4
29 26 Birmingham 4.1 413 2.45 62 91.1
30 34 Royal Holloway 4.1 339 2.80 64 91.1
31 24 Glasgow 4.2 393 2.60 59 91.0
32 28 Brunel 4.0 328 1.75 77 90.3
33 20 Aston 3.9 329 2.50 67 90.1
34 42 Reading 3.9 358 2.15 68 89.7
35 36 Queen's, Belfast 3.9 352 2.15 68 89.5
36 32 Strathclyde 3.9 322 2.55 62 89.0
37 43 Kent 4.0 349 2.10 65 89.0
38 33 Hertfordshire 4.0 269 2.15 72 88.8
39 46 Nottingham Trent 4.1 258 2.55 64 88.7
40 38 Canterbury Christ Church 4.0 79 88.6
41 24 Ulster 4.0 244 2.80 63 88.5
42 46 Heriot-Watt 4.1 309 2.20 63 88.5
43 36 Essex 4.1 260 2.25 66 88.2
44 40 Aberdeen 4.0 322 2.60 55 87.9
45 55 West of England, Bristol 4.0 266 2.61 60 87.9
46 45 Keele 4.2 282 1.75 67 87.8
47 55 Portsmouth 4.1 293 2.47 57 87.6
48 52 Hull 3.9 316 1.90 65 87.6
49 63 Plymouth 4.0 334 2.00 60 87.4
50 66 Huddersfield 4.3 249 2.00 63 87.2
51 68 UWIC, Cardiff 3.9 272 80 87.2
52 48 Northumbria 3.6 282 1.95 71 87.1
53 44 Salford 3.9 253 2.20 65 87.0
54 50 Sheffield Hallam 3.8 290 1.80 68 87.0
55 51 Coventry 4.2 307 71 86.8
56 55 Swansea 3.9 326 1.90 58 86.4
57 60 Aberystwyth 4.0 294 2.50 52 86.3
58 69 Bolton 4.0 193 1.30 78 86.0
59 67 Staffordshire 4.3 229 73 85.9
60 41 Robert Gordon 3.5 294 1.90 67 85.8
61 49 Glasgow Caledonian 3.9 286 2.10 57 85.8
62 69 Stirling 3.9 321 2.35 49 85.6
63 53 Brighton 3.7 273 2.08 60 85.2
64 59 Greenwich 3.9 227 1.75 63 84.7
65 81 Bradford 3.9 267 70 84.7
66 60 Bedfordshire 3.5 1.90 84.6
67 53 Edinburgh Napier 4.0 285 1.68 55 84.3
68 64 Gloucestershire 4.4 287 55 84.1
69 62 Manchester Metropolitan 3.7 261 2.05 55 84.0
70 73 Westminster 3.8 244 2.20 52 83.7
71 76 Kingston 3.9 243 1.85 55 83.6
72 71 Liverpool John Moores 3.8 275 1.70 54 83.5
73 58 Bangor 3.8 298 2.10 47 83.5
74 65 Oxford Brookes 3.9 301 1.85 48 83.4
75 81 Derby 4.1 243 1.65 53 83.4
76 83 Leeds Metropolitan 3.8 245 65 83.1
77 73 Bath Spa 4.0 262 1.10 83.0
78 86 Sunderland 4.1 164 69 83.0
79 85 Roehampton 3.7 207 1.40 65 83.0
80 72 Central Lancashire 3.7 263 62 82.4
81 75 Chester 3.8 279 81.9
82 77 East London 3.7 224 2.05 49 81.8
83 83 Bournemouth 3.8 233 60 81.8
84 79 Teesside 3.9 56 81.5
85 79 Worcester 3.6 268 57 81.2
86 - West of Scotland 183 67 80.9
87 - London Metropolitan 3.8 199 60 80.9
88 88 Middlesex 4.1 164 80.3
89 87 Edge Hill 3.8 195 79.9
90 78 Glamorgan 4.0 302 1.45 33 79.5
91 90 London South Bank 3.7 196 48 78.1
92 89 Anglia Ruskin 3.8 258 38 77.8
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