BB96 - MMedSci Physician Associate Studies
B621 - BMedSci Speech and Language Therapy
G401 - MComp Computer Science with Foundation Year
G651 - MEng Software Engineering with Foundation Year
G400 - MComp Computer Science
G402 - BSc Computer Science
G403 - BSc Computer Science with Industrial Placement Year
G404 - MComp Computer Science with Industrial Placement Year
G600 - BEng Computer Science (Software Engineering)
G604 - BEng Computer Science (Software Engineering) with Industrial Placement Year
G650 - MEng Computer Science (Software Engineering)
G654 - MEng Computer Science (Software Engineering) with Industrial Placement Year
G700 - MComp Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)
G704 - MComp Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) with Industrial Placement Year
GG74 - BSc Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)
GG75 - BSc Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) with Industrial Placement Year