纽卡斯尔大学把中国大学划分为4个等级(Tier 1-4),每个等级内的中国院校分数要求不同。
要求英本2:1学位的专业,对应中国Tier1 / Tier 2院校均分75%,Tier 3 / Tier4院校均分80%;
要求英本2:2学位的专业,对应中国Tier1 / Tier 2院校均分70%,Tier 3 / Tier4院校均分75%。
以下传媒专业,大学要求Tier 1院校均分72%,Tier 2院校均分75%,Tier 3 / Tier 4院校均分80%:
MA Media and Journalism
MA Media and Public Relations
MA International Multimedia Journalism
以下计算机专业,大学要求Tier 1 / Tier 2院校均分70%,Tier 3院校均分75%,Tier 4院校均分80%:
MSc Computer Sciences
MSc Cyber Security
MSc Smart Systems Engineering
以下商学院专业,大学要求Tier 1院校均分72%,Tier 2院校均分78%,Tier 3院校均分85%,不接受Tier4院校的申请:
MSc Accounting and Finance Strategic Investments
MSc Banking and Finance
MSc Finance
MSc Global Human Resource Management
MSc International Business Management
MSc International Economics and Finance
MSc International Financial Analysis
MSc International Marketing
MSc Quantitative Finance and Risk Management
以下商学院专业,大学要求Tier 1 / Tier 2院校均分80%,Tier 3 / Tier 4院校均分85%:
MSc Advanced International Business Management
MSc Advanced International Business Management and Marketing
MSc Digital Business
MSc Digital Business (E-Marketing)
MSc Operatons Management
MSc Operatons, Logistics and Supply Chain Management