1 拉泰赫和数学编程项目 Latex and Mathematical Programming Project
2 流形、同源、莫尔斯理论 Manifolds、Homology and Morse Theory
3 数理物理学线性微分算子 Linear Differential Operators in Mathematical Physics
4 弦理论导论 Introduction to String Theory
5 应用数学分析和计算方法 Analytical & Computational Methods for Applied Mathematics
6 量子场论 Quantum Field Theory
7 数学生物学高级议题 Advanced Topics in Mathematical Biology
8 波、数学建模 Waves、Mathematical Modelling
9 变分法及其运用 Variational Calculus and Its Applications
10 现代粒子理论导论 Introduction to Modern Particle Theory
11 微分方程渐进方法 Asymptotic Methods for Differential Equations
12 离散动力系统 Discrete Dynamical Systems
13 有限群表示论 Representation Theory of Finite Groups
14 曲线和奇异点 Curves and Singularities
15 椭圆曲线 Elliptic Curves