巴斯大学管理学院是英国一所顶尖的商学院,被公认为英国十大商学院之一。经过40多年的发展,巴斯大学管理学院已经成为了欧洲一流的商学院,在经济学人(The Economics)2014全球商学院排名中位居第20位,在英国商学院中仅次于伦敦商学院。
Semester One: taught units
Compulsory units
You will take these units
Semester two: taught units
Compulsory units
You will take this unit
Optional Units
You will selec four of these units
Summer: Dissertation or Practice Track
Business economics
Fundamentals of accounting and financial management
Human resource management
Operations management
Methods of management research
Virtual organising: understanding group behaviour online
Understanding employment law
Strategic management
Fundamentals of corporate finance
Financial management for international business
Management consulting: data driven approaches
Project management
Strategy and human resource management
Strategic brand management
Investment banking
Leading and managing change
Entrepreneurship and innovation
Global governance and accountability
Principles of corporate social responsibility
Supply management
Business analytics
Consumer behaviour
Strategies for sustainability
Contemporary and emerging issues for organisations
New product development
Risk and risk management
Economic governance and industrial policy
Managing strategic partnerships
You will finish the course by choosing one of these two options:
Dissertation Track
You will produce a unique piece of research using techniques learned throughout the year.