学制1年,学费30960英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力22、阅读23、写作24、口语22),PTE 65(听力58、阅读58、写作58、口语58)
1 随机过程 Stochastic Processes
2 风险管理统计方法 Statistical Methods for Risk Management
3 金融与保险计算方法 Computational Methods in Finance and Insurance
4 衍生品建模推断统计学 Stochastics for Derivatives Modelling
5 金融与保险近期发展 Recent Developments in Finance and Insurance
6 概率和测度 Probability and Measure
7 利率和信用风险理论基础 The Foundations of Interest Rate and Credit Risk Theory
8 量化风险建模和其它市场 Quantifying Risk Modelling and Alternative Markets
9 时间序列 Time Series
10 应用随机过程 Applied Stochastic Processes
11 高级概率论 Advanced Probability Theory
12 财务统计学 Financial Statistics
13 马尔可夫过程介绍及其应用 Introduction to Markov Processes and Their Applications
14 机器学习和数据挖掘 Machine Learning and Data Mining
15 保险风险 Insurance Risk