学制1年,学费36900英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福92(听力20、阅读24、写作24、口语20),PTE 62(听力59、阅读59、写作59、口语59)
1 统计方法与数据分析 Statistical Methods and Data Analytics
2 金融与数值实现 Finance and Numerics
3 市场风险与投资组合理论 Market Risk and Portfolio Theory
4 连续时间资产定价 Asset Pricing in Continuous Time
5 利率与信用建模 Interest Rates and Credit Modelling
6 金融和保险数学专题 Topics in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
7 随机过程 Stochastic Processes
8 算法交易数学与统计学 Mathematics and Statistics of Algorithmic Trading
9 应用计算机金融 Applied Computational Finance
10 操作风险与保险分析定量模型 Quantitative Modelling of Operational Risk and Insurance Analytics
11 预测学 Forecasting