学制1年,学费19800英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福90(听力20、阅读22、写作21、口语22),PTE 62(听力60、阅读60、写作60、口语60)
1 咨询,谈判与调研技巧 Consultancy, Negotiations and Research Skills
2 机器学习与预测 Machine Learning and Forecasting
3 高级电子表格和决策支持系统 Advanced Spreadsheets and Decision Support Systems
4 大数据分析和可视化 Big Data Analytics and Visualisation
5 仿真建模 Simulation Modelling
6 应用R的商务统计 Business Statistics with R
7 决策制定的分析 Prescriptive Analytics for Decision Making
8 物流与供应链规划 Logistics and Supply Chain Planning
9 项目管理 Project Management
10 供应链金融和区块链技术 Supply Chain Finance and Blockchain Technology
11 运营管理和数字转换 Operations Management and Digital Transformation
12 整合行销通讯 Integrated Marketing Communications
13 国际营销策略 International Marketing Strategy
14 仓储和全球运输管理 Warehousing and Global Transportation Management
15 买方决策 Buyer Decision Making
16 应用营销调研 Applied Marketing Research
17 财务报表分析 Financial Statement Analysis
18 金融基础 Foundations of Finance
19 企业金融 Corporate Finance
20 学位论文 Dissertation