For the Service Design Masters we are looking for portfolios that show clear evidence of:
Project topics that are challenging and aim to transform. Evidence of insight from user research, a sense of curiosity and willingness to uncover new insights.
Empathy and understanding of people.
Creative ideas that go beyond the expected and are built on user insight.
The ability to craft new solutions that are desirable and impactful.
An understanding of implementation and how concepts can be delivered in a sustainable and viable way.
That show your ability to shape and form services and experiences from a variety of physical, system or technological touchpoints to be beautiful and desirable to the user.
General information
1. Provide a title, medium, dimensions (artefact), length (digital audio/video) or word count (written) to describe your work
2. You have 5 areas available to upload content, each area can hold multiple files.
3. In the text space provided:
a. You may need to provide a short description of the work; refer to the Programme Guidance.
b. Always state whether this is an individual or collaborative piece/project; if collaborative you need to explain your contribution
The Royal College of Art supports interdisciplinary art and design practice and encourages applicants with diverse backgrounds and work experience.
Provide us with a 300-word statement of intent that addresses the following points:
1. Introduce yourself, your interests and your motivations for applying to the Royal College of Art, and to this programme in particular
2. Briefly summarise any educational background and professional experience to date that will support your application
3. Tell us what you want to do in the future
视频要求Journey Video
What else would you like us to know about you?
In your video, please explain your motivation to be a service designer and provide an example of your favourite service experience. Please then describe an aspect of service design you are most passionate about. Finally, briefly describe your favourite project in your portfolio and describe why you chose it.
This will be a chance to showcase your understanding of service design, your passion to study at a Masters level and your ability to communicate the value and impact of your work.
General Information
1. Your video does not need to be professionally shot and you may use the best resource available to you; we are not assessing the technical quality of this video
2. You must be visible in the video and communicate verbally*.
3. Your video can be in any of these formats: avi, mp4, mov, wmv.
4. Your video must be a maximum of 2 minutes long.
重中之重-Programme Video
今年在申请页面,RCA的每个专业都会有相关视频说明,里面会有programme leader去阐述自己对于申请学生的要求,因此这个视频也成了整个申请中对于标准要求(主观要求)最重要的参考因素了。我们还是以服务设计作为参考案例,在整个视频中我们主要提炼了以下因素:
Evidence of the identification of interesting innovative issues that you take a human centred approach to solving. We're looking for curiocity courage and inventiveness on the topics you choose to apply design to.
Clive Grinyer 视频里这部分有意思,human centred approach 理解还是围绕用户展开设计,即以用户为中心进行设计。而后续的 curiocity courage and inventiveness 理解是选题和解决问题方法上,应该更加开放更加具备创意,学生的视角不应该仅仅是放在如何解决实际问题,而应该思考如何通过设计去解决一些更大的问题(比如环境、社会等)。