埃普索姆(Epsom)被评为全英最适合居住的集市小镇之一,她位于萨里山(Surrey Hills)的边缘,是一个富有活力并极具历史感的小镇,这里作为创意中心是培养学生成为创意人才的完美场所。
在最新2018年卫报英国大学排行榜中,UCA位列全英第21位。学校共有4大个校区,约有6500 名同学就读于我们所开设的120多门课程。我们的教学质量在英国大学排名第14位,我们的建筑排名全英第9位,服装纺织排名全英第6位,电影制作及摄影排名全英第7位。
坎特伯雷 Canterbury
Pre-degree Access to Higher Education Diploma in Art & Design
Pre-degree Diploma in Art & Design - Foundation Studies
Pre-degree Extended Diploma in Art & Design
BA (Hons) Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 1)
BSc (Hons) Creative Coding & Technology
BA (Hons) Fine Art
BA (Hons) Fine Art | Four Year
BA (Hons) Graphic Design: Visual Communications
BA (Hons) Illustration & Animation
BA (Hons) Interior Architecture & Design
MA Architecture
MArch Master of Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 2)
MA Curatorial Practice
MA Fine Art
MA Interior Design
MA Urban Design
MA Visual Communication
MPhil/PhD MPhil/PhD at UCA Canterbury
埃普索姆 Epsom
Pre-degree Access to Higher Education Diploma in Art & Design
Pre-degree Diploma in Art & Design - Foundation Studies
Pre-degree Extended Diploma in Art & Design
BA (Hons) Business Innovation & Management (top-up)
BA (Hons) Business Management*
BA (Hons) Fashion
BA (Hons) Fashion | Four Year
BA (Hons) Fashion Journalism
BA (Hons) Fashion Management & Marketing
BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion & Imaging
BA (Hons) Graphic Design
BA (Hons) Graphic Design | 4 Year
BA (Hons) Marketing*
BA (Hons) Music Journalism
BA (Hons) Music Marketing & Promotion
MA Creative Arts Education
MA Creative Business Management*
MA Creative Marketing & Advertising*
Graduate Certificate Creative Arts Education
Postgraduate Certificate Creative Arts Education
MA Design, Innovation & Brand Management
MBA Fashion Business
MA Fashion Business & Management
MA Fashion Design*
MA Fashion Marketing & Communication
MA Global Media Management*
MA Graphic Design
MSc International Financial Management for the Creative Industries*
MA International Jewellery Management*
MBA International Master of Business Administration*
MA Luxury Brand Management*
MPhil/PhD MPhil/PhD at UCA Epsom*
法纳姆 Farham
Pre-degree Access to Higher Education Diploma in Art & Design
Pre-degree Diploma in Art & Design - Foundation Studies
Pre-degree International Foundation in Art, Design & Media (Jan start)
Pre-degree International Foundation in Art, Design & Media (Jan start with 5 weeks English)
Pre-degree International Foundation in Art, Design & Media (Sept start)
Pre-degree International Foundation in Art, Design & Media (Sept start with 5 weeks English)
Pre-degree International Foundation in Art, Design & Media (Sept start with 10 weeks English)
BA (Hons) Acting & Performance
BA (Hons) Advertising
BA (Hons) Animation
BA (Hons) Animation | Four Year
BA (Hons) Computer Games Arts
BSc (Hons) Computer Games Technology
BA (Hons) Digital Film & Screen Arts
BA (Hons) Film Production
BA (Hons) Film Production | Four year
BA (Hons) Fine Art
BA (Hons) Glass, Ceramics, Jewellery, Metalwork
BA (Hons) Graphic Communication
BA (Hons) Illustration
BA (Hons) Illustration | Four year
BA (Hons) Interior Architecture & Design
BA (Hons) Journalism & Media Production
BA/BSc (Hons) Music Composition & Technology
BA (Hons) Photography
BA (Hons) Photography | Four years
BA (Hons) Product Design
BA (Hons) Television & Media Production
BA (Hons) Textiles for Fashion & Interiors
Pre-masters Graduate Diploma: Art & Design
MA Animation
MA Ceramics
MA Documentary Practices
MA Filmmaking
MA Fine Art
MA Glass
MA Illustration
MA Jewellery
MA Media Communication*
MA Metalwork
MFA Photography
MA Product Design
MA Textiles
MPhil/PhD MPhil/PhD at *
Pre-degree International Foundation in Art, Design & Media (Jan start)
Pre-degree International Foundation in Art, Design & Media (Sept start)
Pre-degree International Foundation in Art, Design & Media (with 5 weeks English)
Pre-degree International Foundation in Art, Design & Media (with 10 weeks English)
International Summer School Jewellery
International Summer School Digital Media & Games
International Summer School Fashion & Textiles
International Summer School Creative Art & Design
罗彻斯特 Rochester
Pre-degree Access to Higher Education Diploma in Art & Design
Pre-degree Diploma in Art & Design - Foundation Studies
Pre-degree Extended Diploma in Art & Design
Pre-degree Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production & Technology
BA (Hons) Computer Animation Arts
BA (Hons) Computer Games Design
BA (Hons) Contemporary Jewellery
BA (Hons) Design for Theatre, Film & Performance
BA (Hons) Fashion Atelier
BA (Hons) Fashion Buying Retail Management
BA (Hons) Fashion Design
BA (Hons) Fashion Design | Four Years
BA (Hons) Fashion Media & Promotion
BA (Hons) Fashion Media & Promotion | Four Years
BA (Hons) Fashion Photography
BA (Hons) Fashion Textiles: Print
BA (Hons) Performance for Stage & Screen*
BA (Hons) Photography
BA (Hons) Silversmithing, Goldsmithing & Jewellery
MA Contemporary Jewellery
MA Fashion Photography
MA Photography
MA Printed Textiles for Fashion & Interiors
MPhil/PhD MPhil/PhD at UCA Rochester*
英国皇家刺绣学院 Royal School of Needlework
BA (Hons) Hand Embroidery for Fashion, Interiors, Textile