首先,要访问英国签证官网(https://www.visa4uk.fco.gov.uk/ )点击Register Account 注册账户。注册过后,你需要到你注册时填写的邮箱中去激活账号,激活后再登录就可以了。
登录后点击Apply For Myself→Continue
补充好Applicant Details,其中需要注意的有一下三个地方
1. Date of Intended Travel: 未买机票的建议填写开学前的1-2周即可;订好机票的就填到达日期。
2. Visa issuing office:选择非MFA 外办的。如在广州签,请选择Guangzhou (广州、深圳、福州)。
3. Select Visa Type 请按照下列选择。
接着点击右栏的Go To Application
Passport/Travel Document,按中文提示和实际情况填写
要注意的地方有:1.Issuing Authority不够空间填写的可简写,例如MPS Exit&Entry Admin 2. What is the main address and contact details of where you will be staying whilst in the UK? 填写录取通知书上的地址和电话号码
Personal Detals and Travel History,Family Details, Medical Treatment三部分都按中文提示和实际情况填写
Tier 4 Student
1. sponsor’s licence number, name of your sponsor, full address, Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies Number, course title, course level, start date and end date 都可以在学校发的CAS上面找到,需要严格从CAS上抄写。
2. Have you already started studying this course? 选NO。
3. Address of the main site of study? 同样写学校CAS上提供的地址。
4. Confirm which of the following options apply 选 studying。
5. Have you been assessed by the sponsor by other means, for example references or a portfolio of artwork? 一般选NO。
6. Please indicate how you meet the minimum English language requirement relevant to your course 如需读语言班选择倒数第二项,不需要的话选第三项。
7. 若上题选择了第三项,下面需要填写雅思的信息: Awarding body填university of Cambridge Local Exam Syndicate; Title of Qualification填IELTS; Level of Qualification 请按CAS上的信息填写; Date of Award填写考试时间;Award reference number 请按雅思成绩单右下角的Test Report Form Number。
8. 学费金额和已交学费按照CAS上填写。
9. What document has been provided as evidence of payment 选择shown in the CAS。
10. Do you have an established presence in the UK? 选择No (注: 如果你已经获得过学生签证,并在之前签证过期4个月内在英国学习了超过6个月的课程,或者正在申请新的课程且必须超过6个月以上,你就拥有一个established presence)。
11. For this initial application what is your primary site of study? 学校位置是否处于内伦敦自治区,要看学校地址而定。内伦敦自治区包括Camden, City of London, Hackney, Hammersmith, Fulham, Haringey, Islington, Kensington, Chelsea, Lamberth, Lewisham, Newham, Southwark, Tower Hamlets, Wandsworth and Westminster。
12. How much funding GBP(£) per month do you have to cover your the maintenance charges? 伦敦地区填1020,非伦敦地区填820。
13. Have any of your accommodation fees been paid to your sponsor? 按实际情况填写。
14. Do you receive support from a financial sponsor that meets the UK Visa and Immigration definition of a financial sponsor? 有奖学金的填yes,没有的填no。
15. Do you have any remaining fees and maintenance still due for payment? 按实际情况填写,一般是no。
16. Course fees 填CAS上要求的学费-CAS上显示已交的学费;Maintenance填 1020/820 (看是否在伦敦地区)课程长度(若课程长度大于9个月的,就直接乘以9)-CAS上显示的已交的住宿费; TOTAL填course fee-maintenance。
17. Do you have money in your own name? 根据实际情况,若资金在自己名下的,下一题的文件就填bank statement、deposit book等;若资金不在自己名下就选NO,下一题的文件除了填bank statement、deposit book等外还应加上birth certificate等可以证明你和开户人关系的文件。
18. Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies 填30,Maintenance填10,Total填40
Additional Information 一般可以不用填。
点击Confirm Application,检查过后没问题就可以提交。
提交后Go To Application就会变成绿色,接下来Sign Declaration,之后就可以按照自己方便的时间预约签证。最后支付在线支付签证费3410人民币(具体以签证中心公布费用为准) (可以使用Visa卡、Master卡、支付宝或银联卡在网上支付) ,立思辰留学360介绍,请务必将Worldpay发给您的确认函打印并一起带去签证申请中心作为您已付款的证明。
最后点击Print Application,到时签证需要带上该打印本。