(1)建筑及营建 Architecture & Construction
(2) 商学及管理 Business School
(3) 化学及生命科学 Chemical and Life Science
(4) 电脑及资讯 Computing and Mathematical Science (Computer and Information Science)
(5) 教育学院 Education and Training
(6) 理工学院 Engineering
(7) 海洋学院 Greenwich Maritime Institute
(8) 健康学院 Health
(9) 人文学院 Humanities
(10) 自然学院 Natural Resources Institute
(11) 社会科学院 Social Sciences
(12) 法律 Law
接着我们再为您详列一些本校的热门科系, 看看有那些硕士你可以读:
一,大学部: 几乎任何科系都有
建筑及营建: MA in Architecture; MA Garden Design and History; MA Landscape Architecture; MSc Landscape Planning and Assessment; MA European Landscape Architecture; MA Urban Design; MA Urban Design with Computing; MA Website Architecture: MA Creative Web Strategy; MSc Building Engineering; MSc Rehabilitation; MSc Construction Information Technology; MSc Construction Management; MSc Facilities Management; MSc Occupational Hygiene; MSc Occupational Safety and Health; MSc Built Environment Studies; MSc Project Management; MSc Real Estate Development and Investment; MSc Housing;
商学及管理: MBA; MBA in Small & Medium-sized Enterprises; MSc Accounting & Finance (conversion); MSc Finance and Financial Information Systems; MSc Financial Management; MSc International Banking and Finance; MSc Financial Operations Management and Financial Services; (本校特强科系并提供实习 MA Arts Management, MA Cultural Tourism Management, MA Heritage Management, MA Museum Management); MA Employment Strategy; MA Strategic Human Resource Development; MA Strategic Marketing; MA Strategic Marketing Communication; MA Research in Business; MA Strategic Management; MSc e-Commerce; MA Maritime Management
化学及生命科学: MSc Biomedical Sciences; MSc Chemical Analysis; MSc Industrial Pharmaceutical Science; MSc Pharmaceutical Science; MSc Osteopathy;
电脑及资讯: MSc Applied Statistics; MSc Computing and Information Systems (conversion); MSc Distributed Computing Systems; MSc Internet Technology and e-Commerce; MSc Fire and Evacuation Modelling Technology; MSc Computational Science and Engineering;
理工学院: MSc Civil Engineering; MSc Electrical & Electronic Engineering; MSc Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering; MSc Engineering (research); MSc Engineering Management (Supply Chain Management and Enterprise Engineering); MSc Information and Communication (E-Technology and Operations Technology); MSc Manufacturing Systems (Lean Manufacturing & Computer Integrated Manufacturing);
海洋学院: MA Maritime Policy; MA Maritime History; MBA Maritime Management;
人文学院:MA in Applied Linguistics; MA Cultural Geography; MA English; MA History; MA Modern European Philosophy; MA Politics; MA Theological Studies; MA World Trade & Development; MA Literature and Criticism; MA Political Studies; MA Management of Language Learning; MA World Trade & Development;
自然学院: MSc Environmental Impact Assessment; MSc Environmental Conservation; MSc Remote Sensing with Geographical Information Systems (GIS); MSc Engineering Geology and Geomaterials; MSC Contaminated Land Remediation; MSc Sustainable Tourism; MSc Tourism and Protected Landscape Management; MSc Protected Landscape Management; MSc Natural Resources; MSc Sustainable Ecosystems Management; MSc Information Systems for Environmental Monitoring; MSc Regulatory Issues in Development; MSc Social Research Training-Natural Resources; MSc Grain Storage Management; MSc Post-Harvest Horticulture; MSc Food Safety;
社会科学: MSc Sociology; MSc Economics; MA Crime, Deviance and Punishment; MA Financial & Business Economics; MA Financial Economics; MA European Public Policy; MA Romani Studies & Social Science; MA Social Science; MA Sociology of Health & Welfare; MSc Addiction Psychology (pt); MSc Counseling Psychology (pt); MSc Therapeutic Counseling (pt);
法律: LLM (research); LLM in Legal Practice;
学校排名: 农业及森林 12名; 建筑25名; 建筑18名; 商学60名; 土木30名; 传播35名; 电脑25名 (RAE 4.0); 教育50名; 电机35 名(RAE 3a); 社会学29名; 心理学50名 (RAE 3b); 机械38名(RAE3a); 如需其他排名请来咏瑞留学 02 2393 8598
1. 大学部年学费7500磅 , 3年完成学位.
2.研究所年学费8000磅, 1年完成学位.
3. MBA 年学费11500磅, 1年完成学位.
4.基础学年课程年学费5000磅, 1年完成学位.
5. Pre-Master‘s 年学费5000磅, 1年完成学位.