

2017-08-09 16:45:57 英国留学云 4008-941-360





立思辰留学360介绍说,利兹大学(The University of Leeds),世界百强名校,英国顶尖学府,英国常春藤名校联盟“罗素大学集团”成员,红砖大学成员,世界大学联盟成员,白玫瑰大学联盟成员。其校史可追溯于1831年,建校至今共培养出6位诺贝尔奖得主以及包括约翰·托尔金、张国荣在内的其它众多著名校友。学校在教学与科研方面享有崇高声誉, 2014年12月18日,英国唯一由官方组织的研究卓越框架(REF)评估中,利兹大学综合实力位居全英第10位。2016年TIMES英国大学排名上位居全英第14位。在2015/16QS世界大学排名上位居英国第18位,世界第87位。最新U.S.NEWs世界大学排名中全英第12名。在2016年1月发布的QS世界大学就业能力排名中利兹大学位居全英第3位,世界第20位。






奖学金名称:British Chevening Scholarships(英国志奋领奖金)


申请资格:students from over 150 countries postgraduate study

奖学金名称:Ford Foundation International Fellowship Programme (福特基金国际奖金)


申请资格:graduate-level leading to Master’s or Doctoral degree from IFP countries or territories

奖学金名称:British Council Awards 英国委员会奖金


申请资格:certain international students

奖学金名称:Joint Japan World Bank Graduate Scholarship Programme (JJ/WBGSP) (日本世界银行毕业生奖金)

奖学金数额:Variable / cover the cost of completing a master’s degree

奖学金名称:Tetley & Lupton Scholarships


奖学金数额:£4000 to £5200 / cost of academic fees at full-cost rate for international students / new taught postgraduates only and are available for one year only

申请资格:undertake taught postgraduate study in session 2010/11

奖学金名称:Faculty of Biological Sciences – Biological Sciences International Masters Prize Scholarship (生物科学国际 研究生 奖金)


奖学金名称:Faculty of Engineering – Excellence Scholarship (工程学院,卓越奖学金)


奖学金名称:Leeds University Business School – Executive MBA scholarship (商学院,MBA奖金


奖学金名称:School of Education MA Study Bursaries (教育学院,研究奖学金)


奖学金名称:School of Sociology & Social Policy – Partial Fee Bursaries(社会学与社会政策学院,部分学费奖金)


奖学金名称:School of Performance and Cultural Industries – Taught Postgraduate Scholarship – International(表演与文化产业学院,授课型研究生,国际奖金)


奖学金名称:School of History Masters Scholarships (历史学院硕士奖学金)


奖学金名称:Beresford Masters Scholarships


奖学金名称:School of Chemistry – Chemical Biology Scholarship (化学学院,化学生物奖金


奖学金名称:School of Chemistry – Chemical Process Research and Development Scholarship – Up to 10 awards available (化学研究与发展奖金)


奖学金名称:School of Chemistry – Chemical Process Research and Development Industrial Scholarships(化学研究与产业发展奖金)


奖学金数额:International students fees of £2,000 and maintenance of £3,500

奖学金名称:POLIS Taught Postgraduate Scholarship (International)(政治专业,授课型奖金,国际)


奖学金名称:School of Modern Languages – SMLC Postgraduate Bursaries (现代语言学院奖金)


奖学金数额:half-fees at standard UK/EU rate

奖学金名称:School of Education MA Study Scholarships(教育学院,研究奖金)


奖学金名称:School of Sociology & Social Policy – International Full Fee Bursary(社会学与社会政策,国际全奖)


奖学金名称:Institute of Communications Studies Postgraduate Scholarships(传媒学习,硕士奖学金)


奖学金名称:School of Geography – MSc in GIS Online Distance Learning Partial Fee Scholarships(地理学院,远程教学,部分奖学金)


申请资格:MSc in Geographical Information Systems via distance learning, and taking a business or planning stream in year 2

奖学金名称:School of Law – Postgraduate Alumni Scholarships(法律学院,硕士毕业生奖金)


奖学金名称:Leeds University Business School – Leeds Full-time MBA scholarship(商学院,MBA全日制奖金)

奖学金名称:Institute for Medieval Studies – IMS Endowment Fund Bursaries(中世纪研究院,IMS捐赠基金奖金)


申请资格:beginning MA programme or Year 1 of a PhD

奖学金名称:Department of Colour Science – Department of Colour Science Departmental Scholarship – Up to 4 awards available (色彩科学学院奖金)


奖学金名称:Department of Philosophy Studentships(心理学学院奖学金)


申请资格:Taught Postgraduate (MA) Programmes

奖学金名称:Department of Theology and Religious Studies – Bilbrough Award(宗教学与信仰研究学院奖金)



蒙古国前总统恩赫巴雅尔;香港巨星张国荣;NASA宇航员Piers Sellers;《指环王》作者J.R.R. TOLKIEN CBE教授[8]  等。


新闻集团下属道琼斯公司Dow Jones & Company首席财务执行官兼执行副主席 Stephen Daintith;

联合利华Unilever前执行董事 Ralph Kugler;

德勒Deloitte会计事务所前主席 Martin SciclunaFCA;

英国国家快运公司National Express Group plc(LSE:NEX) 前主席 Phil White;

英国手机零售商Carphone Warehouse Group PLC(手机仓库公司)(LSE:CPW) 首席执行官CEO Andrew Harrison;

英国翠丰集团Kingfisher plc(LSE:KGF) CEO 兼主席 Peter Jackson;

联合房产The UNITE Group plc(LSE:UTG)主席 Subir Raha ,

印度石油公司Indian Oil Corporation和石油天然气公司Oil and Natural Gas Corporation前主席;

迪拜工业城Dubai Industrial City执行主席,Rashed Al Ansari;

Learn Direct首席执行官CEO,Sarah Jones;

The Met Office首席执行官CEO Sarah Jones;

Tata Consultancy Services总顾问Sarah Jones等



JohnBattle,Labour Member of Parliament for LeedsWest (English,1976)

AlanCampbell,Labour Member of Parliament for Tynemouthand Government Whip (PGCE)

JonWharam,Communications Director for Tony Blair 1997-2001 (BA (Hons) Politicsand Parliamentary Studies)

NambarynEnkhbayar,President of Mongolia(Exchange student,1986)

Joséángel Gurría,Mexican economist,secretary general of the Organisation for EconomicCo-operation and Development (OECD)

KenHind,barrister and former Conservative Member of Parliament for West Lancashire (Law,1971)

EricIllsley,Labour Member of Parliament for BarnsleyCentral (LLB in Law)

ChristopherLeslie,Labour Member of Parliament for Shipley 1997-2005 (Politics andParliamentary Studies,1994)

ClareShort,Labour Member of Parliament for Birmingham Ladywood and formerInternational Development Secretary (Political Science,1969)

JackStraw,Labour Member of Parliament for Blackburn,current Justice Secretary andformer Home Secretary and Leader of the House of Commons(LLB in Law,1967)

PaulTruswell,Labour Member of Parliament for Pudsey (History,1977)

SimbaMakoni Zimbabwean Politician and Candidate for Zimbabwe Elections 2008


KamalAhmed,executive news editor,The Observer (Political studies,1990)

TimothyAllen,photojournalist (Zoology,1989)

StephenBeard,radio journalist,Londoncorrespondent for Marketplace from American Public Media (Law,1971)

SteveBell,political cartoonist for The Guardian (Fine Art,1974)

MarkByford,deputy Director-General of the BBC (LLB in Law,1979)

BarryCryer,comedian and scriptwriter (English,did not graduate)

PaulDacre,editor of the Daily Mail (English,1970)

GavinEsler,Newsnight anchor (MA Anglo-Irish Literature,1975)

JenniFalconer,television presenter (Student,Spanish and Italian,1990s)

SimonHattenstone,features writer,The Guardian (English,1984)

JohnHolmes,journalist and socialite (Classics,1937)

AndyKershaw,DJ and broadcaster (Politics)

LizKershaw,journalist and radio DJ. (textiles,1978)

PeterMorgan,screenwriter (Fine Art,1980s)

RichardQuest Reporter for CNN (Law,1985)

JayRayner,features writer and restaurant critic,The Observer (Political studies,1987)

GeorgieThompson,Sky Sports News presenter (Broadcast Journalism,1999)

MarkWheat,radio DJ at The Current from Minnesota Public Radio (English,1981)

AndyWilson,rugby league correspondent for The Guardian (Politics)

NicholasWitchell,BBC newsreader and royal and diplomatic correspondent (LLB in Law,1976)

MarkWood,Chairman and CEO of ITN (German,1974)

AlanYentob,BBC Creative Director (graduated LLB in Law,1968)

ThomasHedley,President of Hedley Media Group

AnitaRani,English radio and television presenter and journalist (Broadcasting)


ShonaAuerbach,award-winning director/cinematograper of Dear Frankie

CorinneBailey Rae,soul singer (English Literature,2000)

NickBrownlee,Crime thriller writer

LeslieCheung,Hong Kong actor and singer (TextileManagement,did not graduate)

JonathanClements,writer (Japanese,1994)

JeremyDyson,screenwriter and member of The League of Gentlemen (Philosophy,1989)

TonyHarrison,poet (Classics with Linguistics,1958)

VictoriaHesketh aka Little Boots,electronica musician[1]

StormJameson,writer (English,1912; MA 1914)

BarryJohn,noted theatre director and teacher,based in India since 1968

MarkKnopfler,OBE,rock musician,guitarist,singer and songwriter (English,1973)

KayMellor,television actress and scriptwriter (attended Bretton Hall,1983)

AlistairMcGowan,actor,comedian and impressionist (English,1986)

ChrisPine,American Hollywood actor,studied as a year abroad student during hisjunior year (English).

ArthurRansome,writer,studied science for two terms in 1901

HerbertRead,poet and literary critic (English)

SimonRix,bass player for Leeds band Kaiser Chiefs(Maths and Geography,2000)

WoleSoyinka,Nigerian writer and first African winner of the Nobel Prize inLiterature in 1986 (English,1957)

GregStekelman,writer and illustrator,author of A Year in the Life ofTheManWhoFellAsleep (English and Spanish,1998)

Ng Thiong‘o,Kenyan author (English student,1960s)Science and technology

SirDavid Baulcombe,plant scientist (Botany,1973)

RobertBlackburn,aviation pioneer and founder of Blackburn Aircraft (Engineering,1906)

EmilyCummins,Technology Woman of the Future 2006,British Female Innovator Of theYear 2007

EdmundHappold,founder of Buro Happold and the Construction Industry Council (CivilEngineering,1957)

D.G. Hessayon,world-renowned gardening author (Botany,1949)

V.Craig Jordan,OBE,responsible for pioneering research into breast cancer andthe development of the cancer drug Tamoxifen,(BSc and Ph.D. inpharmacology,1969 and 1972)

JenniferRoss Meiring,architect director with BDP (B.A.,English,1979)

GeorgePorter,chemist,Nobel prize winner and President of the Royal Society(Chemistry,1941)

PiersSellers,NASA astronaut (Biometeorology,1981)

JenniferWilby,Director of the Centre for Systems Studies,University of Hull.


AbdullahYusuf Ali - One of the World’s most famous translators of the Quran.

MichaelAsher,Desert explorer and author (English 1977)

AlistairBrownlee,Olympian and ITU Triathlon World Champion. (Physiology and Sport2009).

DanielByles,Guinness World Record holding ocean rower and polar explorer (Economicsand Management Studies 1996)

ClaireCashmore Bronze medalalist in both the 2004 Paralympics and the 2008Paralympics.

ChristopherFay,CBE,chairman of the advisory committee on business and the environment,chairman of Expro International and a director with BAA and Anglo American,andchairman and chief executive of Shell UK from 1993–1998 (BSc and Ph.D. in civilengineering,1967,1970)

KatFletcher,president of the National Union of Students of the United Kingdom,2004-2006 (Sociology)

BekeleGeleta - Secretary General,International Federation of Red Cross and RedCrescent Societies (MA Transport Economics,1974)

PeterHendy - Commissioner,Transport for London(Economics & Geography,1975)

DavidHessayon - gardening author and,according to the Guinness Book of Records,biggest-selling non-fiction author in history (Botany,1950)

RichardHoggart,sociologist and author of The Uses of Literacy (English,1939)

AbdullahO. Nasseef - Saudi geologist,chemist and politician

TomPalmer,Rugby Union player

DavidParry,dialectologist who founded the Survey of Anglo-Welsh Dialects

IvorPorter,Ambassador and Author of Operation Autonomous and King Michael(English,1936)

RichardProfit,polar explorer (Biology and Management Studies 1996)

SirChristopher Rose - former head of the Court of Appeal Criminal Division (LL.B.,1957)

DrHarold Shipman,general practitioner and convicted serial killer (Medicine,1970)

GeorgeMartin Stephen,high master of St Paul‘s School,London (Englishand History)

MarilynStowe,divorce lawyer and the first Chief Assessor and Chief Examiner of theLaw Society’s Family Law Panel (Law,1970s)

CecThompson - rugby league player and co-founder of Student Rugby League

SubirRaha- arguably the most influential business leader in the Indian public sector.Staff

LascellesAbercrombie,poet and literary critic (Professor of English literature,1923-1929)

WilliamAstbury,physicist and molecular biologist who made pioneering X-raydiffraction studies of biological molecules (Textile physics,1928-1961)


SirWilliam Henry Bragg,Nobel Prize winning physicist/chemist (Physics,1909-1915)


DameLynne Brindley,Chief Executive of British Library (University Librarian,1997-2000)

AnastasiosChristodoulou,Deputy Secretary of Leeds University and FoundationSecretary of the Open University

DavidCrighton,mathematician (Mathematics,1974-1986)

GeoffreyHill,poet (English,1954-1980)

GeoffHoon,politician (Law,1976-1981)

SirChristopher Ingold,chemist

BenediktIsserlin,Semitist and ancient historian

PercyFry Kendall,Award-winning geologist (Geology 1904-22)

ArnoldKettle,literary critic (English,1947-70)

BethanyKlein,popular music theorist and former Birmingham City University lecturer (2008-present)

OwenLattimore,pioneer in Chinese studies (Professor of Chinese studies,1963-1970)

JohnAnthony McGuckin,former Reader in Patristic and Byzantine Theology

IreneManton,botanist and cell biologist

DavidI. Masson,British science-fiction writer (assistant librarian 1938-1939;curator of the Brotherton Collection 1956-1979)

SirRoy Meadow,paediatrician

RalphMiliband,political theorist

LeonardJames Rogers,mathematician (Mathematics 1889-1919)

WoleSoyinka,Nigerian Nobel Prize winner

J.I. M. Stewart (Michael Innes),writer (English,1930-1935)

E.P. Thompson,historian (Extra Mural,1948-1965)

ProfessorJ. R. R. Tolkien,writer (English,1920-1925)

StephenTurnbull,military historian

ProfessorPhilip Wilby,composer,School of Music until 2006

VernaWright,senior lecturer,rheumatology

G.Wilson Knight,literary critic (English)

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