

2017-06-10 16:50:06 英国留学云 4008-941-360





卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University ),是一所位于英国威尔士首府卡迪夫的顶尖大学,英国百年老牌名校。该校于1883年取得皇家许可状,成为威尔士地区唯一入选英国罗素集团(The Russell Group)的大学,该集团有英国的常春藤盟校之称,同时也是欧洲大学工会(EUA),世界大学联盟(WUN),联邦大学工会(ACU)和Universities UK的成员。立思辰留学360介绍说,它是英国罗素大学集团(Russell Group)的老牌成员及主要缔造者之一。卡迪夫大学囊括了威尔士地区49%的科研经费,并拥有两位诺贝尔奖得主。卡迪夫大学商学院(Cardiff Business School)是卡迪夫大学最大的学院,亦是欧洲最大的商学院之一,经国际高等商学院协会(AACSB)权威认证(全世界仅有5%的商学院取得了这项精英认证)。如今,卡迪夫大学的国际声誉吸引了来自英国以及100多个海外国家的学生和工作人员。


Baron Jenkins of Hillhead, President of the European Commission 前欧盟委员会主席(6 January 1977 – 19 January 1981),前牛津大学校监

Faisal al-Fayez, Prime Minister of Jordan 约旦首相 (25 October 2003 – 5 April 2005)

Barham Salih, Prime Minister of Iraqi Kurdistan 伊拉克库尔德斯坦自治区首相(1 September 2009 – 17 January 2012)

Neil Kinnock, Leader of Her Majesty’s Most Loyal Opposition 前英国工党党魁 (2 October 1983 – 18 July 1992)

Christine Chapman, AM for Cynon Valley

Wayne David, MP for Caerphilly and Shadow Minister for Europe

Elin Jones, AM for Ceredigion and Minister for Rural Affairs

Sir Emyr Jones Parry, former British Permanent Representative to the United Nations, (2003-2007)

Glenys Kinnock, former MEP and current spokesperson for Department for International Development

Mike Hedges, AM for Swansea East

Hilary Marquand, former MP for Cardiff East

Robert Minhinnick, co-founder of Friends of the Earth (Cymru)

Christopher Walter Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, advisor to Margaret Thatcher

Bill Rammell, former MP for Harlow

General Sir David Richards, current Chief of the Defence Staff

Brian Wilson, former MP for Cunninghame North

ereditary peer, and former newspaper editor


Professor SirMartin Evans,Nobel Prize for Medicine2007 马丁·约翰·埃文斯教授,爵士(Sir Martin John Evans)2007年度诺贝尔医学奖得主,因“利用胚胎干细胞把特定基因改性引入实验鼠的原理”

Professor DrRobert Huber, Professor ofChemistry,Nobel Laureate- TheNobel Prize in Chemistry1988 罗伯特·哈博(Robert Huber) 教授,1988年度诺贝尔化学奖得主,因“细菌的光合作用中心之蛋白质复合体的三维空间结构”方面的开创性成果

Professor SirKeith Peters,FRSPMedSci (Regius Professor of Physicin theUniversity of Cambridge)剑桥大学教授

ProfessorLeszek Borysiewicz, Deputy Rector ofImperial College Londonand Chief Executive of theMedical Research Council.Vice-Chancellorof the University of Cambridge帝国理工学院教授,剑桥大学教授

Professor John Loughlin, Professor of Politics剑桥大学教授

Professor Glyn Edmund Daniel,Professor of Archaeology剑桥大学教授

ProfessorVaughan LoweQC, (Chichele Professor of Public International Lawin the University of Oxford牛津大学教授

Professor Tariq Modood, Professor of Sociology, Politics and Public Policy布里斯托大学教授

ProfessorYehuda Bauer, Professor of Holocaust Studies at theAvraham HarmanInstitute of Contemporary Jewry at theHebrew Universityof Jerusalem耶路撒冷希伯来大学教授

Ajith P. MadurapperumaDeputy Director of the Interactive and Digital Media Institute of the National University of Singapore 新加坡国立大学教授

ProfessorRobin Attfield, philosopher 卡迪夫大学教授,哲学家

ProfessorPeter Coles, Professor of Astrophysics 卡迪夫大学教授,天体物理学家

ProfessorHuw Dixon, Professor of Economics 卡迪夫大学教授,英国经济学家

ProfessorStephen Dunnett, neuroscientist 卡迪夫大学教授,神经学家

ProfessorPatrick Minford, Professor of Applied Economics 卡迪夫大学教授,宏观经济学家,撒切尔经济顾问团成员,曾为英国拒绝接受欧元一体化,保留英镑通货的智囊团成员之一,European Reform Forum及Conservative Way Forwardorganisation成员

Professor Laurence Copeland 卡迪夫大学金融学教授,著有《汇率与国际金融》

Christopher Norris, literary critic 卡迪夫大学教授,英国哲学家

H. W. Lloyd Tanner, Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy (1883–1909) 卡迪夫大学教授,数学家

Chandra Wickramasinghe, professor of Applied Mathematics - one of the foremost authorities on organic cosmic dust 英国白金汉大学教授

Professor Henry Lewis,Professor of Welsh Language and Literature 英国斯旺西大学教授

Dr Mansoor Alawar - The Chancellor of Hamdan Bin Mohammed e-University, Dubai 哈曼丹电子大学教授

ProfessorArchie Cochrane, pioneer of scientific method in medicine

ProfessorKeith Ward, philosopher,Gresham Professor of Divinity,Gresham College

Professor Alun Davies, bioscientist

The Rt RevdGregory Cameron, Bishop of St Asaph

Dr.Sheila CameronQC, lawyer and ecclesiastical judge

Rt RevdPaul Colton,Bishop of Cork, Cloyne and Ross

Jonathan Deibel, leading researcher into Wirewound Resistors

John Warwick Montgomery- American lawyer, theologian and academic known for his work in the field ofChristian Apologetics; Distinguished Research Professor of Philosophy and Christian Thought atPatrick Henry College.

DrAlice Roberts, clinicalanatomistandosteoarchaeologist

The Rt RevdDominic Walker,OGS, Bishop of Monmouth

Richard Clarke, philosopher

Rheinallt Nantlais Williams, academic

Dr Jamal Alsumaiti - Director General, Dubai Judicial Institute


Stephen Bird, Chief Executive Officer of Citibank consumer banking in Asia Pacific花旗银行亚太区零售银行业务CEO

Spencer Dale, Chief economist, Bank of England 英格兰银行首席经济学家

Andrew Gould, Chairman and formerCEO,SchlumbergerLimited 前斯伦贝榭石油公司主席,CEO

Dame Mary Perkins, Founder ofSpecsaversSpecsavers 全球创始人

Lorenzo Simonelli, President and CEO of GE Transportation通用电气交通部主席,CEO


Professor Richard Tait, former BBC Governor and BBC trustee 英国BBC前理事长,卡迪夫大学新闻研究中心主任,卡迪夫大学新闻学院院长、教授

Daniel Meadows, photographer, maker of digital stories, professor 世界著名摄影师, 纪录片导演,卡迪夫大学新闻学院教授

Colin Jacobson, photographer, director, professor 知名摄影师,导演,卡迪夫大学新闻学院教授

Craig Stewart Oliver,news editor, producer and media executive, Director of Communications for British Prime Minister David Cameron 知名记者,制片人,BBC全球新闻主管,英国首相卡梅伦公关总监

Tim Hetherington, photo-journalist and co-director of Academy Award-nominatedRestrepo蒂姆·海瑟林顿,知名摄影记者,战地记者,世界新闻摄影“荷赛奖”获得者,2010年凭借战争纪录片《雷斯特雷波》获得圣丹斯电影节评委会纪录片奖,并提名当年奥斯卡最佳纪录片,2011年在利比亚不幸遇难

Iain Canning, film producer, director 伊安·坎宁,著名电影制片人,导演。第83届奥斯卡最佳影片、第64届英国电影学院奖及第68届金球奖作品《国王的演讲》制片人;2011年制片《羞耻》获得威尼斯电影节多项提名及英国电影学院奖等。

Nick Broomfield, documentary film-maker and receiver of the BAFTA Lifetime Achievement Award for Contribution to Documentary 著名纪录片制作人,英国电影学院奖获得者

Guto Harri, Director of Communications at News International, BBC director 英国新闻国际频道公关总监,BBC总监

Martin Steven Lewis,financial journalist, TV presenter, author, entrepreneur 英国财经记者,电视制片人,作家,企业家

Kate Muir,film critic,novelist 泰晤士报影评人,小说家

Max Foster, CNN Anchor, CNN Toda CNN国际主播

Riz Khan,journalist and television interviewer BBC,CNN新闻主播

Huw Edwards, journalist BBC News新闻主播

Manish Bhasin, journalist and television presenter BBC体育记者

Alan Johnston, journalist BBC新闻记者

Susanna Reid, television presenter BBC Breakfast主播

Celia Barlow, news editor and Labor Party politician;BBC编辑,工党政治家

Victoria Hollins,British journalist BBC London News 记者

Claire Victoria Marshall,British Journalist BBC新闻记者

Jenny Hill,News reporter BBC新闻记者,主播

Claire Summers,television presenter BBC主播

Rhodri Williams,sports journalist BBC体育记者

John Witherow,journalist 记者,星期天泰晤士报编辑,泰晤士报编辑

Adrian Chiles, television presenter 英国电视节目主持人,作家,ITV体育主持

Sian Lloyd, television presenter ITV主播

Emma Catherine Crosby,television presenter Channel 5记者,主播

Jamie Owen,presenter and reporter 今日威尔士主播,记者

Matt Barbet, journalist 英国Breakfast电视广播有限公司记者

Elizabeth Palmer,Canadian television journalist 加拿大CBS新闻主播

Thomas Kielinger,German journalist and publicist 德国记者,出版商

Rahul Kanwal, journalist and executive director Headlines Today 印度新闻频道Headlines Today执行理事

Ambika Anand,TV anchor and editor in chief 印度NDTV主播,首席编辑

Suw Charman-Anderson, journalist and social software consultant 欧洲开放权益组织前任执行官,知名记者

Julia Hartley-Brewer, journalist and television presenter 英国记者,电视广播主播

Sarah Moore,British television reporter, presenter and University academic 英国电视主播,记者,学者

Jonathan Cook,freelance journalist and writer 自由记者,作家

Anna Botting, SKY News journalist Sky新闻记者,主播

Ben Brown, BBC News journalist BBC新闻记者,主播

Adrian Chiles, ITV, BBC Broadcater, writer ITVBBC主播,作家

Oliver Holt, sports journalist; 英国体育记者

Donald Macintyre,The Independent correspondent 独立报记者

Rajesh Mirchandani, BBC correspondent BBC记者

Jason Mohammad, BBC newsreader, presenter BBC新闻主播

Geraint Vincent, ITV news journalist ITV新闻记者

Gillian Clarke, poet and receiver of the Queen‘s Gold Medal for Poetry 诗人,女王诗歌奖金奖获得者

M. A. Griffiths, poet 诗人

Paul Moorcraft, writer 作家

Robert Evans, writer 作家

Bernard Knight, crime writer 罪案作家

Craig Thomas, author 作家

Stephen Fry, actor and television presenter 斯蒂芬·弗雷,英国演员,电视主持人,电影制片人

Philip Madoc, actor 演员

Vedhika Kumar, Indian Actress 印度演员

Sharon Morgan, actress 演员

Sian Phillips, actress 演员

Karl Jenkins, composer 卡尔·詹金斯,知名作曲家,音乐家

Philip Cashian, composer 作曲家

Grace Williams, composer 作曲家

Alun Hoddinott, composer 作曲家

Arlene Sierra, composer 作曲家

James Righton, musician 音乐家

Los Campesinos! 知名乐队组合


Nathan Cleverly, professional boxer and currentWBOlight heavyweightworld champion 职业拳击手,WBO light heavyweight级世界冠军

Gareth Davies, formerWalesandBritish and Irish Lionsinternational rugby union player, and current chief executive of Cardiff Rugby Football Club 前威尔士与不列颠国际板球联盟运动员,卡迪夫橄榄球理事

Steven Outerbridge, Bermudiancricketer

Jamie Roberts,Wales and British and Irish Lions international rugby union player

James Tomlinson, English cricketer

Bradley Wadlan, Welsh cricketer 威尔士板球运动员

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