相信商学院是很多想要到英国读商科的同学们心中永远的女神,多少准英国留学生为了她而辗转反侧,苦苦追求,只为得到她的亲睐。立思辰留学360介绍,华威大学商学院,是一家卓越的国际化商学院,也是英国华威大学旗下最大的学术院系,前身是成立于1967年的工商学院(School of Industrial andBusiness Studies)。华威大学商学院现在提供本科、研究生和博士生的学位课程,同时也为个人和公司提供灵活的短期进修和非学历教育。
BSc Accounting and Finance
学制:3年 full-time
入学要求:A-Level: AAA-包括数学或高等数学
first year modules
Introduction to Financial Accounting; Economics for Business; Business Law; Integrative Project; Foundations of Management Accounting; Financial Management; Quantitative Analysis for Management; Understanding Organisational Behaviour and CORE Practice.
Year two modules
Accounting in Context; Financial Reporting; Economics of Strategy; Finance; Global Environment of Business; Issues in Management Accounting and a Global Integrative Project.
Third year modules
Critical Issues in Management as well as a selction of elective modules in accounting and finance or elsewhere.