1. 规模大、历史悠久
2. 获得多重认证
Acounting, Finance and Economics 会计、金融与经济类专业
Banking and Finance MSc
Finance MSc
Finance, Accounting and Business Graduate Diploma
International Economics and Finance MSc
International Financial Analysis MA
Quantitative Finance and Risk Management MSc
Strategic Planning and Investment MSc
Business Management 商业管理类专业
Advanced International Business Management (Dual Award) MA/MSc
International Business Management MA
-E-Business 电子商务类专业
E-Business MSc
E-Business (E-Marketing) MSc
E-Business (Information Systems) MSc
-Human Resource Management 人力资源管理类专业
Human Resource Management MA
International Human Resource Management MA
-Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
Arts, Business and Creativity MA
Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship MSc
-Marketing programmes市场营销类专业
Advanced International Business Management and Marketing (Dual Award) MSc/MSc
E-Business (E-Marketing) MSc
International Marketing MSc
-Operations Management 运营管理类专业
Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc
Operations Management (Dual Award) MSc/MSc
Operations Management, Logistics and Accounting MSc
-Internationally co-located programmes
Advanced International Business Management (Dual Award) MA/MSc
Advanced International Business Management and Marketing (Dual Award) MSc/MSc
Operations Management (Dual Award) MSc/MSc
-Interdisciplinary programmes 跨学科类课程
E-Business (Information Systems) MSc
Medical Technology Innovation MRes
Cross-Cultural Communication and International Management MA
International Development and Education MA
Transport Planning and Business Management MSc
Rail, Freight and Logistics MSc
Accounting and Finance
Business Accounting and Finance
Business Management
Business Management
International Business Management
Marketing and Management
Economics and Finance
Economics and Business Management
Joint Honours
Joint Honours degrees allow you to combine subjects taught by the Business School with a related subject.
Accounting and Mathematics
Economics and Mathematics
Politics and Economics