

2017-02-09 15:27:56 英国留学云 4008-941-360





Tuition Fees 2011/12

Standard Fees 2011/2012

Home / EU Students HNC/HND Full-time Part-time Per Module Note
Undergraduate £1,285.00 £1,820.00 See Note A See Note A
Undergraduate - Placement £910.00 See Note A See Note A
Postgraduate £3,400.00 £1,710.00 £555.00
MSc - £555.00 -
Research £3,400.00 £1,710.00 N/A
Overseas Students Full-time Part-time Per Module Note
Undergraduate and Postgraduate (Science-based) £10,500.00 £4,500.00 £1,500.00 1
Undergraduate and Postgraduate (Arts-based) £10,000.00 £4,250.00 £1,420.00 1
Undergraduate Placement - £1,820.00 -
MSc - £0.00 - 2
Research £10,500.00 £5,250.00 N/A

Non-Standard Fees

Home / EU Students Full-time Part-time Per Module Note
PGDE Primary and Secondary £1,820.00 - -
Chartered Teacher CPD - - £630.00
Education CPD - - £220.00
Executive MBA (Certificate Level) - £2,800.00 - 3
Executive MBA (Diploma Level) - £2,800.00 - 3
Executive MBA (Masters Level) - £2,800.00 - 3
Human Rescource Mangement (PgD) - - £875.00
Human Rescource Mangement (MSc) - £2,000.00 -
IT Academy - Credit Bearing Modules - - £210.00
IT Academy - Credit Bearing Modules - Distance Learning £730.00
IT Academy - CPD Courses £100.00 7
Introductory Modules (please see list below) - - £30.00
Supervision of Midwives NMC (UG & PG) (2x20pt modules for course) - - £520.00
Return to Practice (Midwifery) NMC (2x20pt modules for course) - - £305.00
Return to Practice (Nursing) NMC (2x20pt modules for course) - - £305.00
Grad Diploma Public Health Nursing £1,820.00 £910.00 £305.00
Grad Diploma District Nursing £1,820.00 £910.00 £305.00
Grad Diploma Occupational Health Nursing £305.00
Grad Diploma Occupational Health Nursing £520.00 6
Nurse/Non Medical Prescribing (UgD Taught & Blended Learning)(2x20pt modules for course) £305.00
BSc Policing £235.00 - -
Dip HE Nursing (Open Learning) £3,000.00 - -
Overseas Students Full-time Part-time Per Module Note
PGDE Primary and Secondary (Overseas) £10,000.00 - - 1
Education CPD (Distance Learning) £620.00
Executive MBA (Certificate Level) - £2,800.00 - 3
Executive MBA (Diploma Level) - £2,800.00 - 3
Executive MBA (Masters Level) - £2,800.00 - 3
Bsc Nursing Srudies/Interprofessional Studies (Distance Learning modules)(Completing) £262.50
Bsc Health Studies/Standalone (Distance Learning modules) - - £730.00
MSc Health Studies/Nursing (Distance Learning modules) - - £730.00
MSc Sensor Design (Distance Learning modules) - - £1,500.00
English Language - Foundation Course - Per Trimester £2,700.00 - -
English Language - Summer School (8 week course) £1,680.00 - - 4
English Language - Pre Sessional English (4 week course) £840.00 - - 5
UgD - 8 point 85.00
UgD - 10 point 105.00
UgD - 15 point 155.00
UgD - 20 point 210.00
PgD - 10 point 277.50
PgD - 15 point 416.25
PgD - 20 point 555.00

Note A: Full-time students who do any programme related modules (either as addiional modules or fo repeat year purposes) will be charged pro rata the full-time fee, i.e. £1,820 divided by 6 (modules) = £305 per module.

Part-time students will be charged £1,285 pro rata, i.e. £1,285 divided by 6 (modules) = £210 per module.

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