

2016-09-14 08:50:24 英国留学云 4008-941-360





布里斯托大学(University of Bristol),简称布大,始建于1876年,是位于英格兰西南部第一大城市布里斯托市的一所世界50强顶尖名校,历年最高世界排名为全球第27名,布里斯托大学是全英大学十强之一。1909年,布里斯托大学被英国国王爱德华七世授予皇家宪章,正式成为真正意义上的大学。学校建校至今共计培养了12位诺贝尔奖得主。布里斯托大学是素有英国常春藤盟校之称的“罗素大学集团(The Russell Group)”创始成员,也是英国历史上著名的六所“红砖大学”之一、科英布拉集团(The Coimbra Group)创始成员、世界大学联盟(Worldwide Universities Network)成员、欧洲大学协会(European University Association)成员。

英国前首相丘吉尔曾长期担任其校监,1929年至1965年临终,连续36年担任英国布里斯托大学校监.《星期日泰晤士报》评价其为9所构成英格兰地区“常春藤联盟”的大学之一。英国罗素大学集团官网这样介绍布里斯托大学——“The University of Bristol is internationally distinguished and one of the very best in the UK”。

留学360介绍,布里斯托大学在2015/16QS世界大学排名中,位居全英第9名、全球第37名;在2015-16泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名中,位居全英第9名、全球第69名;在2015上海交大世界大学学术排名中,位居全英第8名、全球第66名; 在2014英国政府官方REF( The Research Excellence Framework) 评估中,83%的研究成果达到世界领先水平,科研实力位居全英第9位。


The academic quality of the University is reflected partly in the Nobel Prizes and Fellowships associated with the University community.

Nobel Laureates

Sir William Ramsay (1852–1916)

Principal and Professor of Chemistry at University College, Bristol (later the University of Bristol) from 1880 to 1887. The Nobel Prize 1904 ‘in recognition of his services in the discovery of the inert gaseous elements in air, and his determination of their place in the periodic system’.

Paul Dirac (1902–84)

Graduated from Bristol with a BSc (Engineering) in 1921, then studied mathematics at Bristol for a further two years.

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1933 (1/2 share) ‘for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory’.

Cecil Frank Powell (1903–69)

At Bristol from 1927, first as Research Assistant to A M Tyndall, then appointed lecturer and, in 1948, established as Melville Wills Professor of Physics.

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1950 ‘for his development of the photographic method of studying nuclear processes and his discoveries regarding mesons made with this method’.

Sir Winston Churchill (1874–1965)

Chancellor of the University of Bristol from 1929 until 1965.

The Nobel Prize for Literature 1953 was awarded to Sir Winston Churchill, ‘for his mastery of historical and biographical description as well as for brilliant oratory in defending exalted human values’.

Dorothy Hodgkin (1910–94)

Chancellor of the University of Bristol from 1970 until 1988.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1964 was awarded to Dorothy Hodgkin, ‘for her determinations by X-ray techniques of the structures of important biochemical substances’.

Hans Albrecht Bethe (1906–2005)

Held a fellowship at the University of Bristol in 1934.

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1967 ‘for his contribution to the theory of nuclear reactions, especially his discoveries concerning the energy production in stars’.

Max Delbrück(1906-81)

Research worker at the University in 1930-32.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1969 (1/3 share) for discoveries concerning ‘the replication mechanism and genetic structure of viruses’.

Gerhard Herzberg (1904-99)

Carried out postdoctoral work at the University in 1929-30.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1971 ‘for his contributions to the knowledge of electronic structure and geometry of molecules, particularly free radicals’.

Sir Nevill Francis Mott (1905–96)

Chair in theoretical physics at Bristol from 1933, then, after a period of military research in London during the war, head of the Bristol physics department.

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1977 (1/3 share) for ‘fundamental theoretical investigations of the electronic structure of magnetic and disordered systems’.

Harold Pinter (1930–2008)

Playwright. Honorary Doctor of Letters, University of Bristol, 1998.

The Nobel Prize for Literature 2005 was awarded to Harold Pinter, ‘who in his plays uncovers the precipice under everyday prattle and forces entry into oppression’s closed rooms’.

Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio (b.1940)

Writer. Studied English at Bristol, 1958-9.

The Nobel Prize for Literature 2008 was awarded to Le Clézio, ‘author of new departures, poetic adventure and sensual ecstasy, explorer of a humanity beyond and below the reigning civilization’.

Angus Deaton (b.1945)

Professor of Econometricsat Bristol from 1976 until 1983.

The Nobel Prize in Economics 2015 was awarded to Angus Deaton ‘for his analysis of consumption, poverty, and welfare’.


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