虽然谢菲尔德大学2016年入学设置了多个法律类硕士专业课程,但是目前只开放了International Criminology MA,Law - LLM和Law - MA,其他法律类硕士课程暂时还没有确定其开放申请日期,学校表示:因为这些专业还没有确定好最新的入学要求。。。
International Criminology MA
European Law, Politics and Governance - MA - Law course page
Global Politics and Law - MA - Law course page
Global Politics and Law - MA (Doshisha Pathway) - Law course page
Law - LLM
Law - LLM Corporate and Commercial Law
Law - LLM European Law
Law - LLM International Law and Global Justice
Law - MA
Law - Graduate Diploma