如今,华威大学已被视为英国工党政府最欢迎的大学之一。华威大学同时也是最早和工商业界建立密切联系的高等学府,并且由于在商业方面的杰出研究,学校甚至得到了“华威公司”的昵称(Warwick PLC)。自1965年创立以来,华威大学已为世界各地输送了大批的优质人才。2013-2014年High Flier Research的调查研究显示,华威大学毕业生被列为英国顶尖企业雇主重点聘用的第7名,2012-2013年曾被列为第1名。
Intensive development of all language skills for academic purposes through specialised published and in-house course materials.
Focus on social English and some contemporary issues within Britain.
Development of study skills such as searching for information, synthesising source texts, organising and producing written work, and referencing.
opportunity to gain confidence in communicating effectively in seminars and in giving presentations
Weekly individual tutorials with an experienced tutor.
Extended project work based on preliminary course reading lists leading to a written library project
Intensive development of oral skills, including pronunciation, leading to an extended presentation.
Further development of listening skills through live lectures
Extended project work based on preliminary course reading lists leading to a written library project
Intensive development of oral skills, including pronunciation, leading to an extended presentation.
Further development of listening skills through live lectures