

2014-05-28 14:50:34 英国留学云 4008-941-360







School of Biological Science 生物科学系

MSc in Applied Ecology and Conservation 应用生态学与生态保持

MSc in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology 作物育种和生物医学

School of Chemical Sciences 化学系

MSc in Advanced Organic Chemistry: Principles, Applications and Frontiers高级有机化学:原理,应用和新领域

School of Development Studies 发展科学系

MA in Development Economics 发展经济学

MA in Education and Development 教育与发展

MA in Development Studies 发展学

MA in International Relations and Development Studies 国际关系和发展学

MA in Rural Development 农村发展学

MA in Social Development 社会发展学

MA in Theatre and Development 戏剧和发展学

MSc in Environment and Development 环境和发展学

MSc in Renewable Natural Resources and Development 可恢复自然资源和发展学

School o Economic and Social Studies 经济和社会科学系

MA in Economics 经济学

MA in Environmental Economics 环境经济学

MA in Industrial Economics 工业经济学

MA in Political Economy 政治经济学

MA in Economics and Finance 经济与金融学

MA in Economics and Health Economics 经济与健康经济学

MA in Economics and International Business 经济与国际贸易

MA in Economics and International Relations 经济与国际关系

MA in Economics and the Mass Media 经济与大众传媒

School of Education and Professional Development 教育与职业发展系

MA in Education 教育学

MA International Programmes 国际化课程

MA in Counselling Studies 辅导与咨询学

School of English and American Studies 英语与美国学系

MA in Modern Literature: Studies in Fiction 现代文学:小说

MA in Creative Writing 创作性写作

MA in Life-Writing 传记写作

MA in Medieval Writing and Culture 中世纪的写作与文化

MA in Comparative Literature 比较文学

MA in Culture and Communication 文化与传播

MA in Theatre Direction: Text and Production 戏剧学:剧本和制作

MA in Theatre and Development 戏剧与发展学

MA in Film Studies 电影学

Interdisciplinary MA in Medieval Studies 中世纪研究(学科间)

School of Environmental Sciences 环境科学系

MSc in Climate Change 气候变化学

MSc in Environmental Impact Assessment, Auditing and Management Systems 环境影响评估,审核与管理系统

MSc in Mathematical Modelling of the Environment 环境的数字模拟

Health Schools 健康科学系

MSc in Health Sciences 健康科学

MSc in Manipulative Physiotherapy 控制性物理疗法

School of Information Systems 信息系统系

MSc in Computing Science 计算机科学

MSc in Advanced Computing Science 高级计算机科学

MSc in Information Systems 信息系统

MSc in Bioinformatics 生物信息学

School of Language, Linguistics and Translation Studies 语言与翻译学

MA in Linguistics, Society and Culture 语言社会与文化

MA in Applied Translation Studies 应用翻译学

MA in Literary Translation 文学翻译

School of Law 法律系

LLM in International Commercial and Business Law 国际商法

LLM in International Trade Law 国际贸易法

LLM in Family Law and Family Policy 家庭法律与政策

LLM in Family Justice Studies 家庭审判学

LLM in Employment Law 雇佣法

School of Management 管理学系

MSc in Business Management 商务管理

MSc in Marketing 市场营销

MSc e Business 电子商务

School of Music 音乐系

Mmus in Critical Musicology 鉴赏音乐学

Mmus in Conducting 指挥学

Mmus in Music Performance Studies 音乐表演学


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