利兹大学,University of Leeds, 是一所拥有光辉的百年历史的英国顶尖大学之一,世界百强名校,在此诞生了6位诺贝尔奖得主,英国“常青藤”——罗素大学集团成员,六所英国“红砖大学”之一。利兹大学位于英国第二大金融城市利兹市市中心,其前身是建立于1831年的利兹医学院和建立于1874年的约克郡科学院。1887年,以上两个学校与曼彻斯特欧文学院、利物浦大学学院合并为维多利亚联合大学。1904年利兹大学获得皇家许可而成为独立的大学。利兹大学也是2012伦敦奥运会系中国奥运代表团主训练基地。
课程类型: 硕士课程
学校名称: 利兹大学 University of Leeds
学校位置: 约克郡及汉伯赛
课程长度: 12个月
开学日期: 9月
入学要求 Requirement:
学术要求:A good honours degree equivalent to an upper second, in social sciences.
英语要求: IELTS (written test) of 6.5 with no element below 6.0,
学费 Tuition Fee:20011/2012 £11,800
课程特征 Course Features:
International communications is a fast-growing area, with global media, states, the military, and transnational cultural communities, being increasingly engaged in it. The MA in International Communications takes an innovative, interdisciplinary approach, it systematically integrates theoretical and applied knowledge and interrogates the implications of globalisation, technological developments and communications.
课程内容 Course Content :
Core modules:
Communications and International Affairs
Communications and Global Change
Two option modules from the range offered in a particular academic year.
Research methods
职业前景 Career Perspectives:
The programme provides the foundations for a professional career in national and global media, international organisations, NGOs and research institutes (academic and non-academic) engaged in the study of communications and international affairs.