The Special Postgraduate Entry Scheme is run by the University of Leeds Language Centre. This is a special pathway designed to prepare students graduating from high ranking Chinese universities for academic study at the University of Leeds on certain postgraduate programmes and to facilitate their transfer to the UK.
Benefits of the Scheme:
Excellent preparation for academic study, with a 10 week Pre- Masters English Language and Study Skills pre-sessional programme. The programme will:
Help you to improve your overall English language skills in writing, speaking, reading and listening
Develop your Academic study skills such as writing academic assignments, giving presentations, participating in seminars, reading textbooks and articles for research and listening to lectures
Further benefits include:
Help with the admissions procedure to the University of Leeds
Progression to your chosen university department on successful completion of the programme, if other academic conditions have been met
Lower living costs during the China phase of the programme
Support during the UK visa application process
Meeting other students from China intending to study in Leeds
n 帮助你提高整体的英语语言能力(听说读写)
n 发展你的学术学习能力,例如,完成学术作业,演讲,参加研讨会,研读课本和文章,听讲座
n 有助于你被利兹大学最终录取如果你已达到其他的入学要求,成功修完本课程可有助于你与已选择的大学院系更进一步。
n 在中国修读本课程期间,生活费用较低
n 为你在申请英国签证的过程中提供支持
n 遇到未来将在利兹一起学习的中国同学