

2014-03-26 18:22:25 英国留学云 4008-941-360





No.1罗伯特戈登大学Robert Gordon University


原文内容:Our top university for graduate employment is again north of the border in Aberdeen. Robert Gordon University maintains strong links with industry in sectors such as engineering, computing and healthcare, and can trump all competition with its 97.1% employment rate.

No.2北安普顿大学University ofNorthampton


原文内容:Northampton University is, according to its website, renowned globally for its specialism in subjects such as Wastes Management, Leather Technology and Fashion. The approach seems to be paying off, because Northampton can boast a 95.6% graduate employment rate, and the runner up spot on this list.


No.3伦敦大学国王学院King‘s College London


原文内容:The only institution from our nation`s capital to find its way into the top 10 is King`s College London. Founded by King George IV and the Duke of Wellington in 1829, John Keats`s old stamping grounds have a 95.2% employment rate – though how many of these are Romantic poets is currently unknown.

No.4格拉斯哥大学University ofGlasgow


原文内容:The oldest university on our list, Glasgow`s Russell Group institution has been equipping its graduates for the job market since 1451, and seems to be doing a fine job – 94.9% of them find their way into work.

No.5兰卡斯特大学University ofLancaster


原文内容:Located in quiet rural surrounds just south of its namesake city, Lancaster university sends 94.4% of its graduates into jobs or full-time education.


No.6萨里大学University ofSurrey


原文内容:Another former polytechnic in the top 10, this Guildford-based university scores a 94% graduate employment rate.

No.7阿伯丁大学University ofAberdeen


原文内容:Another Scottish university makes the top 10 in the form of Aberdeen University. Founded in the late 15th century, this venerable institution can boast that 93.7% of its degree leavers quickly find their next career or education move.

No.8诺丁汉特伦特大学 Nottingham TrentUniversity


原文内容:The former polytechnic in Nottingham has an impressive 93.6% employment rate as well.

No.9爱丁堡龙比亚大学Edinburgh Napier University

爱丁堡龙比亚大学同样拥有93.6%的就业率,不过有一个人将不用为找工作而担心——她就是刚刚获得爱丁堡龙比亚大学法律荣誉学位,代表英国参加了伦敦奥运会女子800米田径赛的Lynsey Sharp。

原文内容:Number nine in our list is also Edinburgh-based – there must be something in the water, or at least the job market. Edinburgh Napier also scores 93.6% graduate employment. One of its most recent graduates won`t be worrying about that though – Lynsey Sharp, who picked up a 2:1 in Law recently, is competing for Great Britain in the 800m at the Olympics.


No.10爱丁堡大学 University ofEdinburgh


原文内容:The only Russell Group university in Scotland`s capital scrapes into our top 10, with 93.6% of leavers from their first full-time degree courses finding employment or further education within six months of graduation.

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