父母的申请表是单独填写的,所以要提交两次,有单独的Ref No.
申请费用:800元/人 现在开通在线付款了,可以在填写完申请表以后在线支付。如果已在网上支付,将Worldpay发给你的确认函带去签证申请中心作为已付款的证明。
提交完申请表以后,就可以进入预约页面:https://www.vfs.firm.in/cn-appts ... ing/appwelcome.aspx
预约的时候要提供Ref No. 这里可以选择提交签证的人数,选2人,non-settlement visa.
按预约好的时间提前15分钟到达签证中心。VFS员工按check list上的要求收文件,复印件和翻译件放在一起,原件单独放一起。
父母的资料各自准备了一份,按复印件/翻译件递交。shared documents 如:户口,结婚证,房产证等是放在一起的。
4. 签证状态查询
也可以在线查询: https://www.vfs.org.in/UKG-Passp ... V1635htWhLZVVgaKw==
关于申请材料,很多人问资金的问题,到底多少才算足够。官网上的supporting document里面也没有明确要求,只规定提供bank statement:
“Showing what has been paid in and out of an account for up to the previous six months, and naming the account holder. If you have made deposits in your
account that are not in keeping with the account history then you may wish to explain the origins and timing of these deposits.”
比较confusing的是资金到底要多少?是否要存满6个月? 为此特地email了VFS中心。得到的答复是:
“The UK Embassy does not have any requirements about the amount and term of the applicant’s deposit, so your parents just need to submit their bank statement for the past 6 months to show they have stable income...”
有稳定收入是关键!即便父母已经退休,每个月的退休金是定期打入工资卡的。工资卡也有流水账单作为记录,余额并没有太多,几千块的样子。提供的 saving也没有很多,2个人12w RMB支持6个月在英国生活。当然,还有我自己的稳定收入,相信这也是很有用的evidence。saving没有之前论坛里说的一定要存够6个月,父母 的存款都是陆续转存成定期的,最近的一笔才1个月不到。
Supporting Documents from the Invitees
1.Invitees’ Personal Information
1) Current Passports
2) Online Application Forms
3) Marriage Certificate
2. Invitees’ Employment and Source of Income
1) Certificate of Retirement
2) Verifications of Retirement Income (单位开具的证明,标有退休金年收入。不要求)
3) 6 months’ Bank Statements and Bank Book Showing Stable Income
3. Evidence of the Invitees’ Finances
Available fund in total: CNY xxxx (父母各自账上的加在一起)
1) 6 months’ bank statement (父亲的)
2) Personal Certificate of Deposit, Bank of China (存款证明,冻结期没有要求,我只冻结了一个月。时间长短没有关系,签证完以后可以立即解冻。)
3) 6 months’ bank statement (母亲的)
4) Personal Certificate of Deposit, Bank of China
4.Property ownership
Certificate of Real Estate Ownership
5.Evidence of Relationship with the Inviter
1)Family Book 户口
2)Photos of family(准备了4张家庭合影,不要求。)
Supporting Documents from the Inviter
1.An invitation letter written to the Visa Officer
2.Inviter’s Details
Name/ Passport number/Visa Validity/ Visa issued date/Place of issue
1) Copies of passport and BRP
2) Police registration certificate
3.Inviter’s Employment and Source of Income
1) A letter from the inviter’s employer
2) 6 months’ payslips
3) 6 months’ bank statement
3.Evidence of the Inviter’s Finance
6 month Bank statement /Closing Balance: GBP xxxx
4.Accommodation Details
a copy of tenancy agreement, 2 bedroom (证明有足够的地方给父母居住)。