哈德斯菲尔德大学(http://www.hud.sh.cn/)历史可追溯回1841年,学校坐落在约克郡西部繁荣的哈德斯菲尔德城镇内,是一所朝气蓬勃、日益扩大的教育机构。它以亲切友好而著称,拥有骄人的毕业生就业记录,并为学生提供热情周到的服务。学校的学生来自英国各地和世界60多个国家。学校的教学质量和研究水平被QA(Quality Assureeance Agency for Higher Education)评分为21.3。学校开设有常年的语言课程、大学预科、本科课程、硕士预科及硕士课程。哈德斯菲尔德大学与工商界和艺术界建立了紧密的联系,而且是全英五大工读交替制课程(sandwich courses)提供者之一。工读交替制学员有机会在工商行业得到一份带薪工作。每年有多达4,000多名本科生在修读该课程期间受益于为期一年的工作。
English preparation courses |
Tuition fee |
Pre-Sessional English Programmes |
£850 - £6,750 |
International Foundation Year |
£9,450-£9,675 |
International Year One |
£9,060 |
Pre-Master's Programme |
£6,450-£12,900 |
Undergraduate (Bachelors) courses |
Tuition fee |
Computing, Engineering and Science |
£11,750 (Scholarships available) |
Accountancy, Architecture, Business, Design, Education, Health, History, Hospitality, Law, Music, Politics, PR and Media, Theatre, Transport and Logistics |
£10,750 (Scholarships available) |
Work Placement Year |
£1,400 |
Postgraduate (Masters) taught courses |
Tuition fee |
Computing, Engineering and Science |
£12,250 (Scholarships available) |
Accounting, Architecture, Business, Design, Education, Health, Marketing, Music, Transport and Logistics |
£11,250 (Scholarships available) |
£13,250 (Scholarships available) |
Postgraduate research programmes |
Tuition fee |
Computing, Engineering and Science |
£11,500 |
Accounting, Architecture, Business, Design, Education, Health, Marketing, Music, Transport and Logistics |
£9,750 |
** This figure applies to a single academic year running from September to the following July (11 months). Some postgraduate courses may run for longer than this. This figure is for guidance only and may vary depending on the individual student‘s requirements.
We currently estimate your living costs to be around £5,500 per year.