

2012-10-08 09:39:49 英国留学云 4008-941-360








University of Hull Faculty of Education International Students Bursary:£1000 tuition fee waived for all self-funding Undergraduate and Postgraduate international students.

Application deadline: 1 September 2012

University of Hull Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences International Students Bursary: £1000 tuition fee waived for all Undergraduate and Postgraduate international students

Application deadline: 1 September 2012

University of Hull Faculty of Science International Student Scholarship: £1500 tuition fee waived ,Unlimited for Undergraduate and Tauguht Master Degree Programmes

Application deadline: 1 September 2012

University of Hull Business School International Undergraduate Bursary: £1000 tuition fee waived for all Undergraduate  international students

University of Hull Business School SQA HND Scholarship: £2500 tuition fee waived for all SQA HND students who achieve AAA or AA in their end graded units and IELTS 6.5 with no element less than 5.5

Application deadline: 1 July 2012

University of Hull International Undergraduate Scholarship (non-Business): Half tuition fee waived, There are two Scholarships available for Chinese partner universities (by invitation)

University of Hull Business Undergraduate China Scholarship: There are five Scholarships available , each paying £2800 based on academic excellence.

Application deadline: 1 June 2012

University of Hull Business School International MSc Bursary: £1000 tuition fee waived for for all Chinese MSc students

University of Hull Business School International MBA Scholarship: £8200 tuition fee waived, There are five Scholarships available for All other International applicants full-time MBA

Application deadline: 3 June 2012

University of Hull Business School International MBA Bursary: Any applicant not in receipt of a Scholarship will automatically receive a bursary of £1500.

Application deadline: 3 June 2012

Language Bursary for Module 3 Pressional English: £ 1020 tuition fee waived For all international student who register degree programme in September 2012


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