

2011-09-19 15:53:31 英国留学云 4008-941-360





Undergraduate tuition fees

Sustainable Environmental Management (SAC) (BSc Hons)
School Programme Code Name of Programme Home/EU Overseas
Business School UTACCFIMAH Accounting and Finance (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTANMEH Ancient and Medieval History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTANHIS Ancient History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTANHCA Ancient History and Classical Archaeology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTANHGK Ancient History and Greek (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTANHLT Ancient History and Latin (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTACMME Ancient Mediterranean Civilisations (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTANIMBAH Animation (BA Hons) £1,820 £11,200
Mathematics UTAPMAT Applied Mathematics (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Moray House School of Education UTAPPSS Applied Sport Science (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTARABC Arabic (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTARAAGMAH Arabic and Ancient Greek (MA) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTARABS Arabic and Business Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTARAEC Arabic and Economics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTARAFR Arabic and French (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTARAHI Arabic and History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTARAHA Arabic and History of Art (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTARALI Arabic and Linguistics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHARABM1F Arabic and Mathematics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTARAPR Arabic and Persian (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTARAPO Arabic and Politics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHARAPS1F Arabic and Psychology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHARARU1F Arabic and Russian (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHARARS1F Arabic and Russian Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTARASA Arabic and Social Anthropology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTARASP Arabic and Spanish (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTARCHA Archaeology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTMAHARCAR1F Archaeology and Arabic (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTARCSA Archaeology and Social Anthropology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTARDES Architectural Design (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Edinburgh College of Art UTARHIS Architectural History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTARHIA Architectural History and Archaeology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTARSTD Architectural Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Edinburgh College of Art UTARCHB Architecture (BA Ord) £1,820 £15,850
Edinburgh College of Art UTBARARCHR1F Architecture (BAR) £1,820 £11,200
Edinburgh College of Art UTARCH Architecture (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Edinburgh College of Art UTARCHCCE Architecture in Creative and Cultural Environments (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Informatics UTAINTL Artificial Intelligence (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Informatics UTAICSC Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Informatics UTAIMAT Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Informatics UTAIPHY Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Informatics UTAIPSY Artificial Intelligence and Psychology (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Informatics UTAISEN Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Informatics UTAIMNG Artificial Intelligence with Management (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Physics & Astronomy UTASPHB Astrophysics (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Physics & Astronomy UTASPHM Astrophysics (MPhys) £1,820 £15,850
UTBAHSS Bachelor of Arts (Humanities and Social Science) BA (HSS) £1,820 £12,050
Biological Sciences UTBMEBIOCH1F Biochemistry (BMedSci Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSVBIOCH1F Biochemistry BSc (VetSci) (Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSBCH Biological Sciences (Biochemistry) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSMBC Biological Sciences (Biochemistry) with Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSBTE Biological Sciences (Biotechnology) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSMBT Biological Sciences (Biotechnology) with Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSCIS Biological Sciences (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSBCB Biological Sciences (Cell Biology) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSDCBI Biological Sciences (Developmental and Cell Biology) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSMDB Biological Sciences (Developmental and Cell Biology) with Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSECO Biological Sciences (Ecology) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSHBISEM1F Biological Sciences (Ecology) with Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSEVB Biological Sciences (Evolutionary Biology) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSMEB Biological Sciences (Evolutionary Biology) with Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSGEN Biological Sciences (Genetics) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSMGE Biological Sciences (Genetics) with Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSCBIIFP1F Biological Sciences (IFP) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSIMM Biological Sciences (Immunology) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSHBISIM1F Biological Sciences (Immunology) with Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBSIDIS Biological Sciences (Infectious Diseases) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBSHBSIDM1F Biological Sciences (Infectious Diseases) with Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBSMED Biological Sciences (Medical Biology) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBSHBSMBM1F Biological Sciences (Medical Biology) with Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSMOL Biological Sciences (Molecular Biology) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSMMO Biological Sciences (Molecular Biology) with Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSBMG Biological Sciences (Molecular Genetics) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBSNEU Biological Sciences (Neuroscience) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBSMNU Biological Sciences (Neuroscience) with Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBSHBISPI1F Biological Sciences (Pharmacology with Industrial Experience) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBSPCY Biological Sciences (Pharmacology) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBSPHY Biological Sciences (Physiology) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBSHBSCPM1F Biological Sciences (Physiology) with Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSPLS Biological Sciences (Plant Science) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSHBSPSM1F Biological Sciences (Plant Science) with Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTBSPSY Biological Sciences (Psychology) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBSREB Biological Sciences (Reproductive Biology) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBSMRB Biological Sciences (Reproductive Biology) with Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSZOO Biological Sciences (Zoology) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSHBISZM1F Biological Sciences (Zoology) with Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSMGT Biological Sciences with Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBMEDSBSCH Biomedical Sciences (BSc)- Guangzhou £1,820 £15,850
Business School UTBSTUD Business Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Business School UTBSTAC Business Studies and Accounting (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Business School UTBSTEC Business Studies and Economics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Business School UTBSTFR Business Studies and French (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Business School UTBSTGG Business Studies and Geography (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Business School UTBSTGE Business Studies and German (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Business School UTBSTLA Business Studies and Law (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Business School UTBSTSP Business Studies and Spanish (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTCELTC Celtic (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTCELAR Celtic and Archaeology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTCELEN Celtic and English Language (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTCELEL Celtic and English Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTCELGE Celtic and German (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTCELLI Celtic and Linguistics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTCELSC Celtic and Scandinavian Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTCEASHMAH Celtic and Scottish History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHCELSL1F Celtic and Scottish Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Engineering UTCHENB Chemical Engineering (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTCHENM Chemical Engineering (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTCHEEB Chemical Engineering with Environmental Engineering (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTCHEEM Chemical Engineering with Environmental Engineering (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTCHEES Chemical Engineering with European Studies (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTCHEMB Chemical Engineering with Management (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTCHEMM Chemical Engineering with Management (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCHPHB Chemical Physics (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCHPHM Chemical Physics (MChemPhys) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCHPHN Chemical Physics with a Year Abroad (MChemPhys) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCHPIN Chemical Physics with Industrial Experience (MChemPhys) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCMSTB Chemistry (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTBSCCHIFP1F Chemistry (IFP) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCMSTM Chemistry (MChem) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCMYRA Chemistry with a Year Abroad (MChem) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCMYRE Chemistry with a Year in Europe (MChem) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCMECB Chemistry with Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCMECM Chemistry with Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry (MChem) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCMECA Chemistry with Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry and a Year Abroad (MChem) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCMECY Chemistry with Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry and a Year in Europe (MChem) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCMECI Chemistry with Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry and Industrial Experience (MChem) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCWESUCHBSC Chemistry with Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry and Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCHESCHEMA Chemistry with Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry and Management (MChem) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTMCHCHEEC1F Chemistry with Environmental Chemistry (MChem Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTMCHCHECI1F Chemistry with Environmental Chemistry and Industrial Experience (MChem) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCESCM Chemistry with Environmental Chemistry and Management (MChem) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCMSIE Chemistry with Industrial Experience (MChem) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCMMNB Chemistry with Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCMMNM Chemistry with Management (MChem) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCMMCB Chemistry with Materials Chemistry (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCMMCM Chemistry with Materials Chemistry (MChem) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCMSMY Chemistry with Materials Chemistry and a Year in Europe (MChem) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCMSMI Chemistry with Materials Chemistry and Industrial Experience (MChem) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCMSMM Chemistry with Materials Chemistry and Management (MChem) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTCMSMA Chemistry with Materials Chemistry with a YearAbroad (MChem) £1,820 £15,850
Moray House School of Education UTCHPRA Childhood Practice (BA Ord) £1,220 £8,075
Moray House School of Education UTBA1CHIST1P Childhood Studies (BA Ord) (Part-time) £1,220 £8,075
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTCHNSE Chinese (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHCHNFR1F Chinese and French (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTCHNFRMAH Chinese and French (MA) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHCHNGE1F Chinese and German (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTCHNHI Chinese and History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHCHNJA1F Chinese and Japanese (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTCHNLN Chinese and Linguistics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTCHNRUMAH Chinese and Russian (MA) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHCHNSA1F Chinese and Social Anthropology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHCHNSO1F Chinese and Sociology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTCHNSPMAH Chinese and Spanish (MA) £1,820 £12,050
Engineering UTCVEEB Civil and Environmental Engineering (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTCVEEM Civil and Environmental Engineering (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTCVENB Civil Engineering (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTCVENM Civil Engineering (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTCVWCB Civil Engineering with Construction Management (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTCVWCM Civil Engineering with Construction Management (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
History, Classics & Archaeology UTCLMSTMAH Classical and Middle Eastern Studies (MA) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTCLARG Classical Archaeology and Greek (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTCLSST Classical Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTCLSCS Classics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTCLSEL Classics and English Language (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTCLSLN Classics and Linguistics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTCLSMH Classics and Medieval History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies UTBVMCLIVM1F Clinical Veterinary Medicine (BVMS) £1,820 £23,500
Informatics UTCOGSCBS Cognitive Science (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTCOSCS Cognitive Science (Humanities) (MA) £1,820 £15,850
Informatics UTCOGSC Cognitive Science (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Moray House School of Education UTCOEDF Community Education (BA Hons) (Full-time)- 4 Years £1,820 £12,050
Informatics UTCOPLI Computational Linguistics (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Physics & Astronomy UTCOPHB Computational Physics (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Physics & Astronomy UTCOPHM Computational Physics (MPhys) £1,820 £15,850
Informatics UTCMPSIBE Computer Science (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Informatics UTCMPSI Computer Science (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Informatics UTCMPSE Computer Science and Electronics (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Informatics UTCMPMS Computer Science and Management Science (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Informatics UTCMPMA Computer Science and Mathematics (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Informatics UTCMPHI Computer Science and Philosophy (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Informatics UTCMPPH Computer Science and Physics (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Informatics UTCMPWM Computer Science with Management (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Moray House School of Education UTDESTE Design and Technology (BEd) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTDEVCBI Developmental and Cell Biology (BMedSci Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Divinity UTDIVBF Divinity (BA DIV) £1,820 £12,050
Divinity UTBDGGEND31F Divinity (BD) (General) £1,820 £12,050
Divinity UTDIVDF Divinity (BD) (Honours) £1,820 £12,050
Divinity UTBDGGEND21F Divinity (Graduate Entry) (BD) (General) £1,820 £12,050
Divinity UTBDHDIVIN1F Divinity (Graduate Entry) (BD) (Honours) £1,820 £12,050
Divinity UTDIVCL Divinity and Classics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Divinity UTMAHDIVIH1F Divinity and History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Divinity UTDIVMF Divinity MA(Div)(H) £1,820 £12,050
GeoSciences UTBSCECOLE1F Ecological and Environmental Sciences (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTBSCECOLM1F Ecological and Environmental Sciences with Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTECOSI Ecological Science (Conservation and Ecological Management) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTECOSE Ecological Science (Ecology) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTECOEE Ecological Science (Environmental Science) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTECOSF Ecological Science (Forestry) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTECOSU Ecological Science (subject not known) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTECOMN Ecological Science with Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
History, Classics & Archaeology UTECNSH Economic and Social History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTECNSE Economic and Social History with Environmental Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTECNHI Economic History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTECNHB Economic History and Business Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Economics UTECNMC Economics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Economics UTECNAC Economics and Accounting (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Economics UTECNCH Economics and Chinese (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Economics UTECNEH Economics and Economic History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Economics UTMAHECOEN1F Economics and English Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Economics UTMAHECOHI1F Economics and History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Economics UTMAHECISL1F Economics and Islamic Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Economics UTECNLA Economics and Law (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Economics UTECNMA Economics and Mathematics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Economics UTMAHECPHY1F Economics and Physics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Economics UTECNPO Economics and Politics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Economics UTECNSO Economics and Sociology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Economics UTMAHECSPA1F Economics and Spanish (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Economics UTECNST Economics and Statistics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Economics UTECNES Economics with Environmental Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Economics UTECNFIMAH Economics with Finance (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Economics UTECNMS Economics with Management Science (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Economics UTMAHECOPS1F Economics with Psychology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Moray House School of Education UTBA1EDUCS1F Education Studies (BA Ord) (Full-time) £1,820 £12,050
Engineering UTEMENB Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTEMENM Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTELENG Electrical Engineering (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTEERENBENG Electrical Engineering with Renewable Energy (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTEERENMENG Electrical Engineering with Renewable Energy (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTELECB Electronics (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTELECM Electronics (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTELECS Electronics and Computer Science (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTELEEB Electronics and Electrical Engineering (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTELEEC Electronics and Electrical Engineering (Communications) (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTELEECM Electronics and Electrical Engineering (Communications) (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTELEEM Electronics and Electrical Engineering (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTELEMB Electronics and Electrical Engineering with Management (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTELEMM Electronics and Electrical Engineering with Management (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTELSEB Electronics and Software Engineering (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTELSEM Electronics and Software Engineering (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTELBIOMENG Electronics with Bioelectronics (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTBSCENIFP1F Engineering (IFP) (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTENUNEBENG Engineering for Sustainable Energy (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTSVENMMENG Engineering for Sustainable Energy (MEng Hons) - 5 year £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTENUNK Engineering Not Known (1st Year) £1,820 £15,850
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTENGSL English and Scottish Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTENGLA English Language (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTENGLH English Language and History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTENGLL English Language and Linguistics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTENGLT English Language and Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTENLIT English Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHENLIA1F English Literature and Arabic (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTENLCL English Literature and Classics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTENLHI English Literature and History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHENLIS1F English Literature and Sociology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTENVAR Environmental Archaeology (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTENVGE Environmental Geoscience (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTBSHENVPR1F Environmental Protection (SAC) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBMEEPIDE1F Epidemiology (BMedSci Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBMEEVLUB1F Evolutionary Biology (BMedSci Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Edinburgh College of Art UTFASHBAH Fashion (BA Hons) £1,820 £11,200
Edinburgh College of Art UTFITEBAH Film and Television (BA Hons) £1,820 £11,200
Edinburgh College of Art UTFNEAR Fine Art (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTFRENC French (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTFREBS French and Business Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLCFR French and Classics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHFREEC2F French and Economics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTFRENG French and English Language (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTFREEL French and English Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTFREEH French and European History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEFC French and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLFGR French and German (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEGF French and German and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTFRENHMAH French and History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTFREHA French and History of Art (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLFIT French and Italian (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEFI French and Italian and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTFRELI French and Linguistics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTFREPY French and Philosophy (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTFREPO French and Politics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHPORFR1F French and Portuguese (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEFO French and Portuguese and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLFRU French and Russian Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEFR French and Russian Studies and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLFSS French and Scandinavian Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEFS French and Scandinavian Studies and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTFRESL French and Scottish Literature (MA) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTFRESY French and Social Policy (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLFSP French and Spanish (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEFP French and Spanish and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
UTBSCBSCGE1F General (BSc Ord) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBMEGENET1F Genetics (BMedSci Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTGGPHY Geography (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTGGPHYMAH Geography (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTGGPAR Geography and Archaeology (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTGGPES Geography and Economic and Social History (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTGGPEC Geography and Economics (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTGGPPO Geography and Politics (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTGGPSA Geography and Social Anthropology (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTGGPSP Geography and Social Policy (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTGGPSO Geography and Sociology (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTGGPEV Geography with Environmental Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTGEOLG Geology (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTGEOL Geology (MEarthSci) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTGEOPG Geology and Physical Geography (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTGEOPHG Geology and Physical Geography (MEarthSci) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTGEOPY Geophysics (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTGEOGEO Geophysics and Geology (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTGEOME Geophysics and Meteorology (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTGERMN German (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTGERBS German and Business Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLCGE German and Classics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTGERENG German and English Language (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTENLGE German and English Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTGEREH German and European History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEGE German and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTGERMHMAH German and History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTGERHA German and History of Art (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLGIT German and Italian (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEGI German and Italian and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTGERLI German and Linguistics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHGERPE1F German and Persian (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTGERPY German and Philosophy (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTGERPO German and Politics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHPORGE1F German and Portuguese (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEGO German and Portuguese and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLGRU German and Russian Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEGR German and Russian Studies and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLGSS German and Scandinavian Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEGS German and Scandinavian Studies and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages , & Cultures UTGERSL German and Scottish Literature (MA) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTGERSY German and Social Policy (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLGSP German and Spanish (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEGP German and Spanish and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTGLASBAH Glass (BA Hons) £1,820 £11,200
Edinburgh College of Art UTGRDEBAH Graphic Design (BA Hons) £1,820 £11,200
History, Classics & Archaeology UTGREEK Greek Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTHISTY History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTHISAR History and Archaeology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTHISCL History and Classics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTMAHHISGE1F History and Geography (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTHISHA History and History of Art (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTHISPO History and Politics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTHISSH History and Scottish Historical Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTHISSHMAH History and Scottish History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTHISSO History and Sociology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTHOART History of Art (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTHOAAH History of Art and Architectural History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTHOACH History of Art and Chinese Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTMAHHIACS1F History of Art and Classical Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTHOAEL History of Art and English Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTHOAHM History of Art and History of Music (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTMAHHISAP1F History of Art and Philosophy (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTHOASL History of Art and Scottish Literature (MA) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTMAHHASAN1F History of Art and Social Anthropology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTMAHHIASC1F History of Art and Sociology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
UTHSSINFPR HSS International Foundation Programme £12,050 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTILLUBAH Illustration (BA Hons) £1,820 £11,200
Biological Sciences UTBMEIMMUN1F Immunology (BMedSci Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBMEINFDS1F Infectious Diseases (BMedSci Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBSVINFDS1F Infectious Diseases BSc (VetSci) (Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Informatics UTINFMT Informatics (MInf) £1,820 £15,850
Edinburgh College of Art UTINDEBAH Interior Design (BA Hons) £1,820 £11,200
Edinburgh College of Art UTINARBAH Intermedia Art (BA Hons) £1,820 £11,200
Business School UTIBUSN International Business (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Business School UTIBUWL International Business with a Language (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTBMEINPHP1F International Public Health Policy (BMedSci Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies UTBSVINTPH1F International Public Health Policy BSc (VetSci) (Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Social & Political Science UTINTRE International Relations (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTINTRELAW International Relations and Law (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTISLAM Islamic Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTITALN Italian (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTITABS Italian and Business Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLCIT Italian and Classics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTITAENG Italian and English Language (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTITAEL Italian and English Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEIT Italian and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTITALHMAH Italian and History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTITAHA Italian and History of Art (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTITALI Italian and Linguistics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHITAME1F Italian and Middle Eastern Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTITAPY Italian and Philosophy (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTITAPO Italian and Politics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHPORIT1F Italian and Portuguese (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEIO Italian and Portuguese and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLISR Italian and Russian Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEIR Italian and Russian Studies and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLISS Italian and Scandinavian Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEIS Italian and Scandinavian Studies and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTITASL Italian and Scottish Literature (MA) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTITASY Italian and Social Policy (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLISP Italian and Spanish (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEIP Italian and Spanish and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTJAPNS Japanese (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHJAPHI1F Japanese and History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTJAPLI Japanese and Linguistics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHJAPPH1F Japanese and Philosophy (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTJESIBAH Jewellery and Silversmithing (BA Hons) £1,820 £11,200
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTLANSO Language and Society (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTLATIN Latin Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Law UTLLBLAWHO1F Law (LLB Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Law UTLLBLAWOR1F Law (LLB Ord) £1,820 £12,050
Law UTLLBLAWOG1F Law (LLB Ord) (Graduate Entry) £8,350 £12,050
Law UTLAWAC Law and Accountancy (LLB Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Law UTLAWBS Law and Business Studies (LLB Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Law UTLAWCE Law and Celtic (LLB Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Law UTLAWEC Law and Economics (LLB Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Law UTLAWFR Law and French (LLB Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Law UTLAWGE Law and German (LLB Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Law UTLAWHI Law and History (LLB Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Law UTLLBINT Law and International Relations (LLB Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Law UTLAWPO Law and Politics (LLB Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Law UTLAWSA Law and Social Anthropology (LLB Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Law UTLAWSY Law and Social Policy (LLB Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Law UTLAWSG Law and Sociology (LLB Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Law UTLAWSP Law and Spanish (LLB Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Divinity UTDIVLT Licentiate in Theology £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTLINGS Linguistics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTLINAI Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTMAHLINEN1F Linguistics and English Language (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTLINMA Linguistics and Mathematics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTLINSA Linguistics and Social Anthropology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTMAHMUSPH1F MA (Hons) Music and Philosophy £1,820 £15,850
Physics & Astronomy UTMAPYB Mathematical Physics (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Physics & Astronomy UTMAPYM Mathematical Physics (MPhys) £1,820 £15,850
Mathematics UTMATHB Mathematics (BSc Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Mathematics UTBSCMAIFP1F Mathematics (IFP) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Mathematics UTMATHM Mathematics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Mathematics UTMMATHEMA1F Mathematics (MMath Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Mathematics UTMATPM Mathematics (Pure Mathematics) (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Mathematics UTMATBS Mathematics and Business Studies (BSc Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Mathematics UTMATMU Mathematics and Music (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Mathematics UTMATPH Mathematics and Physics (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Mathematics UTMATST Mathematics and Statistics (BSc Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Mathematics UTMATMG Mathematics with Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Engineering UTMCHEB Mechanical Engineering (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTMCHEM Mechanical Engineering (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTMCHMB Mechanical Engineering with Management (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTMCHMM Mechanical Engineering with Management (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTMCHRB Mechanical Engineering with Renewable Energy (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTMCHRM Mechanical Engineering with Renewable Energy (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBMEMEDIB1F Medical Biology (BMedSci Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTMESCI Medical Sciences (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTMDBCB Medicinal and Biological Chemistry (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTMDBCM Medicinal and Biological Chemistry (MChem) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTMDBCN Medicinal and Biological Chemistry with a Year Abroad (MChem) £1,820 £15,850
Chemistry UTMDBCI Medicinal and Biological Chemistry with Industrial Experience (MChem) £1,820 £15,850
UTMEDPR Medicine (Preclinical) (MBChB) £2,895 £19,600
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMIDEAST Middle Eastern Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHMIESH1F Middle Eastern Studies and History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTMNDLA Mind and Language (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLUK1 Modern European Langs(2) 1st Year-Not Known (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEUS Modern European Languages (Not Known) and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLFEH Modern European Languages: French and European History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLIEL Modern European Languages: Italian and English Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Biological Sciences UTBMEMOLBI1F Molecular Biology (BMedSci Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Edinburgh College of Art UTBM1MUSIC1F Music (BMus Ord) (Full-time) £1,820 £15,850
Edinburgh College of Art UTMUSIC Music (BMus) £1,820 £15,850
Edinburgh College of Art UTMUSTC Music Technology (BMU(mt)H) £1,820 £15,850
Edinburgh College of Art UTBM3MUSTE1F Music Technology (BMU(mt)O) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBMENEUSC1F Neuroscience (BMedSci Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTVETNSCBSC Neuroscience BSc (VetSci) (Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Health in Social Science UTNURSE Nursing (BN) £1,820 £15,850
Clinical Sciences & Community Health UTOHSCI Oral Health Sciences (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
UTBSCORDIS1F Ordinary Sciences (BSc Ord)- 3 Years £1,820 £15,850
Edinburgh College of Art UTPAINBAH Painting (BA Hons) £1,820 £11,200
Divinity UTPASTS Pastoral Studies (CertHE) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTPECOBAH Performance Costume (BA Hons) £1,820 £11,200
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHPERSP1F Persian and Philosophy (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTPRSPO Persian and Politics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTPRSSA Persian and Social Anthropology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHPERST1F Persian Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Biomedical Sciences UTBMEPHARM1F Pharmacology (BMedSci Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBMEPHAIE1F Pharmacology with Industrial Experience (BMedSci Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTPHILY Philosophy (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTMAHPHILA1F Philosophy and Archaeology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTMAHPHIBS1F Philosophy and Business Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTPHIEC Philosophy and Economics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTPHIEL Philosophy and English Language (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTPHIET Philosophy and English Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTPHIGR Philosophy and Greek (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTPHIINT Philosophy and International Relations (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTPHILI Philosophy and Linguistics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTPHIMA Philosophy and Mathematics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTPHIPO Philosophy and Politics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTPHIPS Philosophy and Psychology (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Divinity UTMAHPHRST1F Philosophy and Religious Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTMAHPHISL1F Philosophy and Scottish Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTPHISA Philosophy and Social Anthropology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTMAHPHSOC1F Philosophy and Sociology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Divinity UTPHITH Philosophy and Theology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTPHOTBAH Photography (BA Hons) £1,820 £11,200
Moray House School of Education UTPYSED Physical Education (BEd) £1,820 £15,850
Physics & Astronomy UTPHYSB Physics (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Physics & Astronomy UTBSCPHIFP1F Physics (IFP) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Physics & Astronomy UTPHYSM Physics (MPhys) £1,820 £15,850
Physics & Astronomy UTPHAMU Physics and Music (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Physics & Astronomy UTPHYME Physics with Meteorology (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Physics & Astronomy UTPHYMU Physics with Music (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBMEPHYSI1F Physiology (BMedSci Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTVETPHYBSC Physiology BSc (VetSci) (Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Social & Political Science UTPOLTC Politics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTPOLES Politics and Economic and Social History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTPORBSMAH Portuguese and Business Studies (MAH) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHPOREN1F Portuguese and English Language (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHPOREL1F Portuguese and English Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTPOREUMAH Portuguese and European Union Studies (MAH) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHPORHI1F Portuguese and History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHPORHA1F Portuguese and History of Art (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHPORLI1F Portuguese and Linguistics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHPORPH1F Portuguese and Philosophy (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTPORPOMAH Portuguese and Politics (MAH) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHPORRS1F Portuguese and Russian Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLERO Portuguese and Russian Studies and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHPORSS1F Portuguese and Scandinavian Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLESO Portuguese and Scandinavian Studies and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTPORSL Portuguese and Scottish Literature (MA) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTPORSPMAH Portuguese and Social Policy (MAH) £1,820 £12,050
Moray House School of Education UTPREDB Primary Education (BEd) £1,820 £12,050
Moray House School of Education UTPREDD Primary Education (PGDE) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTPRDEBAH Product Design (BA Hons) £1,820 £11,200
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTBMEPSYCH1F Psychology (BMedSci Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTPSYCH Psychology (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTPYCHM Psychology (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTPYCHB Psychology and Business Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences UTPYCHL Psychology and Linguistics (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Divinity UTRELEL Religious Studies and English Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Divinity UTRELSB Religious Studies BA(RS) £1,820 £12,050
Divinity UTRELSM Religious Studies MA(RS)(H) £1,820 £12,050
Biomedical Sciences UTBMEREPBI1F Reproductive Biology (BMedSci Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biomedical Sciences UTBSVREPBI1F Reproductive Biology BSc (VetSci) (Hons) £1,820 £15,850
GeoSciences UTBSHRURRM1F Rural Resource Management (SAC) (BSc Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHRUSCH1F Russian and Chinese (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTRUSST Russian Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTRUSBS Russian Studies and Business Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTRUSCL Russian Studies and Classics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTRUSENG Russian Studies and English Language (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTRUSEL Russian Studies and English Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTRUSEH Russian Studies and European History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLERST Russian Studies and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTRUSSHMAH Russian Studies and History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTRUSHA Russian Studies and History of Art (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTRUSLI Russian Studies and Linguistics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTRUSPY Russian Studies and Philosophy (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTRUSPO Russian Studies and Politics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLRSS Russian Studies and Scandinavian Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLERS Russian Studies and Scandinavian Studies and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTRUSSL Russian Studies and Scottish Literature(MA) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTRUSSY Russian Studies and Social Policy (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHRUSSO1F Russian Studies and Sociology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLRSP Russian Studies and Spanish (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLERP Russian Studies and Spanish and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSNKRT Sanskrit (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSNKGR Sanskrit and Greek (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSNKLA Sanskrit and Latin (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSNKLI Sanskrit and Linguistics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSCSTU Scandinavian Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSCSBS Scandinavian Studies and Business Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLCSS Scandinavian Studies and Classics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSCSEC Scandinavian Studies and Economics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSCANENG Scandinavian Studies and English Language (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSCSET Scandinavian Studies and English Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSCSEH Scandinavian Studies and European History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLESS Scandinavian Studies and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSCSTHMAH Scandinavian Studies and History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSCSHA Scandinavian Studies and History of Art (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSCSLI Scandinavian Studies and Linguistics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSCSPY Scandinavian Studies and Philosophy (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSCSPO Scandinavian Studies and Politics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSCSSL Scandinavian Studies and Scottish Literature (MA) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSCSSY Scandinavian Studies and Social Policy (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLSSS Scandinavian Studies and Spanish (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEPS Scandinavian Studies and Spanish and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSETHN Scottish Ethnology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSETAR Scottish Ethnology and Archaeology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSETCE Scottish Ethnology and Celtic (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSETEL Scottish Ethnology and English Language (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSETET Scottish Ethnology and English Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSETSS Scottish Ethnology and Scandinavian Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSEYSHMAH Scottish Ethnology and Scottish History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSETSL Scottish Ethnology and Scottish Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTSHSHUMAH Scottish History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTSHESH Scottish History and Economic and Social History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSLITT Scottish Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSLCLAMAH Scottish Literature and Classics (MA) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSLHISMAH Scottish Literature and History (MA) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSLUHSMAH Scottish Literature and Scottish History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSCOTS Scottish Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Edinburgh College of Art UTSCULBAH Sculpture (BA Hons) £1,820 £11,200
Moray House School of Education UTARTDSPGDE Secondary Education (Art and Design) (PGDE) £1,820 £12,050
Moray House School of Education UTCHINEPGDE Secondary Education (Chinese) (PGDE) £1,820 £12,050
Moray House School of Education UTDETECPGDE Secondary Education (Design and Technology) (PGDE) £1,820 £12,050
Moray House School of Education UTDRAMAPGDE Secondary Education (Drama) (PGDE) £1,820 £12,050
Moray House School of Education UTENGLIPGDE Secondary Education (English) (PGDE) £1,820 £12,050
Moray House School of Education UTGGPHYPGDE Secondary Education (Geography) (PGDE) £1,820 £12,050
Moray House School of Education UTHISTRPGDE Secondary Education (History) (PGDE) £1,820 £12,050
Moray House School of Education UTMATHSPGDE Secondary Education (Maths) (PGDE) £1,820 £12,050
Moray House School of Education UTFRNCHPGDE Secondary Education (Modern Lang: French) (PGDE) £1,820 £12,050
Moray House School of Education UTGERMNPGDE Secondary Education (Modern Lang: German) (PGDE) £1,820 £12,050
Moray House School of Education UTMUSICPGDE Secondary Education (Music) (PGDE) £1,820 £12,050
Moray House School of Education UTPHYEDPGDE Secondary Education (Physical Education) (PGDE) £1,820 £12,050
Moray House School of Education UTRELSTPGDE Secondary Education (Religious Studies) (PGDE) £1,820 £12,050
Moray House School of Education UTBIOLGPGDE Secondary Education (Science - Biology) (PGDE) £1,820 £12,050
Moray House School of Education UTCHEMSPGDE Secondary Education (Science - Chemistry) (PGDE) £1,820 £12,050
Moray House School of Education UTPHYSIPGDE Secondary Education (Science - Physics) (PGDE) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTSOCAH Social and Architectural History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTSANPY Social Anthropology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTSANPO Social Anthropology and Politics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTSANSP Social Anthropology and Social Policy (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTSANDE Social Anthropology with Development (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTSANSH Social Anthropology with Social History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTSANAS Social Anthropology with South Asian Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
History, Classics & Archaeology UTSOHIS Social History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTSOPEC Social Policy and Economics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTSOPLA Social Policy and Law (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTSOPPO Social Policy and Politics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTSOPEH Social Policy and Social and Economic History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTSOPSO Social Policy and Sociology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTSOPPS Social Policy with Social and Political Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTSOWRK Social Work (BSc Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTSCYGY Sociology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTSCYPO Sociology and Politics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTSCYPS Sociology and Psychology (MA Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Social & Political Science UTSCYEH Sociology and Social and Economic History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTSCYSA Sociology and Social Anthropology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Social & Political Science UTSCYAS Sociology with South Asian Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Informatics UTSWENG Software Engineering (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Informatics UTSWENM Software Engineering with Management (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSPANS Spanish (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSPABS Spanish and Business Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLCSP Spanish and Classics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSPANENG Spanish and English Language (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSPAEL Spanish and English Literature (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSPAEH Spanish and European History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMLEPN Spanish and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSPANHMAH Spanish and History (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSPAHA Spanish and History of Art (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSPALI Spanish and Linguistics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSPAPY Spanish and Philosophy (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSPAPO Spanish and Politics (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSPAPG Spanish and Portuguese (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSPAPE Spanish and Portuguese and European Union Studies (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSPASL Spanish and Scottish Literature (MA) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTMAHSPASA1F Spanish and Social Anthropology (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Literatures, Languages & Cultures UTSPASY Spanish and Social Policy (MA Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Moray House School of Education UTSPRMG Sport and Recreation Management (BSc Hons) £1,820 £12,050
Moray House School of Education UTBMESPOSM1F Sports Science Medicine (BMedSci Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTSFSEB Structural and Fire Safety Engineering (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTSFSEM Structural and Fire Safety Engineering (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTSENAB Structural Engineering with Architecture (BEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Engineering UTSENAM Structural Engineering with Architecture (MEng Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Social & Political Science UTMAHSUSDE1F Sustainable Development MA (Hons) £1,820 £12,050
GeoSciences UTBSHSUSEM1F £1,820 £15,850
Edinburgh College of Art UTTEXTBAH Textiles (BA Hons) £1,820 £11,200
Divinity UTTHEOL Theology (CertHE) £1,820 £12,050
Divinity UTGRATHERS1F Theology and Religious Studies (GradDip) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,050
Divinity UTGRATHERS1P Theology and Religious Studies (GradDip) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,025
Physics & Astronomy UTTHEPHBSCH Theoretical Physics (BSc) £1,820 £15,850
Physics & Astronomy UTTHEPHMPHYS Theoretical Physics (MPhys) £1,820 £15,850
Edinburgh College of Art UTDESIBAH UGT Design - admissions only £1,820 £11,200
Edinburgh College of Art UTFIARBAH UGT Fine Art - admissions only £1,820 £11,200
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies UTCLIVMS Veterinary Medicine (Preclinical) (BVMS) £1,820 £23,500
Biomedical Sciences UTBSCVETSP1F Veterinary Sciences (Pharmacology) (BSc) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBMEZOOLO1F Zoology (BMedSci Hons) £1,820 £15,850
Biological Sciences UTBSVZOOLO1F Zoology BSc (VetSci) (Hons) £1,820 £15,850


Postgraduate tuition fees

School Programme Code Name of Programme Home/EU Overseas Additional Programme Costs
Business School PTMSCACFIN1F Accounting and Finance (MSc) £14,800 £17,500 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCACMUT1F Acoustics and Music Technology (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £800
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCACMUT1P Acoustics and Music Technology (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £400
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCAARCD1F Advanced Architectural Design (MSc) £5,300 £12,200 £800
Social & Political Science PTPGCAPSAP1P Advanced Professional Studies (Adult Protection) PgCert £1,770 £4,070 £0
Social & Political Science PTPGDAPSCJ1P Advanced Professional Studies (Criminal Justice) PgDip £1,770 £4,070 £0
Social & Political Science PTPGCAPMHO1P Advanced Professional Studies (Mental Health Officer Award) (PgCert) £1,770 £4,070 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCAPSMH1P Advanced Professional Studies (Mental Health) MSc £2,650 £6,100 £0
Social & Political Science PTPGCAPSMH1P Advanced Professional Studies (Mental Health) PgCert £1,770 £4,070 £0
Social & Political Science PTPGDAPSMH1P Advanced Professional Studies (Mental Health) PgDip £1,770 £4,070 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCASWSA1P Advanced Social Work Studies (Adult Protection) (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Social & Political Science PTPGCASWMH1P Advanced Social Work Studies (Mental Health Officer Award) (PgCert) (Part-time) £1,770 £4,070 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCASWCJ1P Advanced Social Work Studies in Criminal Justice (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCASDEM1P Advanced Sustainable Design (Mixed Mode) (MSc) £2,650 £6,100 £400
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCASDEC1F Advanced Sustainable Design (On Campus) (MSc) £5,300 £12,200 £800
Health in Social Science PTMSCADNUP1F Advancing Nursing Practice (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Health in Social Science PTMSCADNUP1P Advancing Nursing Practice (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £2,650 £6,100 £0
Health in Social Science PTMSCADNUP2P Advancing Nursing Practice (MSc) (Part-time)- 3 Years £1,770 £4,070 £0
Health in Social Science PTPGCADNUP1P Advancing Nursing Practice (PgCert) (Part-time) - 9 Months £1,770 £4,070 £0
Health in Social Science PTPGDADNUP1P Advancing Nursing Practice (PgDip) (Part-time) - 21 Months £1,770 £4,070 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCAFRID1F Africa and International Development (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCAFRID1P Africa and International Development (MSc) (Part-time) £3,275 £6,100 £0
Social & Political Science PTPGCAFRID2P Africa and International Development (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Social & Political Science PTPGCAFRID1P Africa and International Development (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Part-time) - 1 Year £3,350 £3,350 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCAFRST1F African Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCAFRST1P African Studies (MSc) (Part-time) £3,275 £6,100 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCAMHIS1F American History (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCAMHIS1P American History (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
PTMSCANAPR1P Anaesthesia Practice (MSc) (Part-time) - 39 Months £3,685 £3,685 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMSCANAPR1F Anaesthesia Practice (PgDip) (Full-time) £3,850 £3,850 £0
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCANPLY1F Ancient Philosophy (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £14,800 £200
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCANPLY1P Ancient Philosophy (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £7,400 £100
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies PTMSCANBIO1F Animal Biosciences (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £4,000
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARTANIM1F Animation (MA) £5,100 £14,870 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMFATANIM1F Animation (MFA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCANTHI1F Anthropology of Health and Illness (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCANTHI1P Anthropology of Health and Illness (MSc) (Part-time) £3,275 £6,100 £0
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies PTMSCAABAW1F Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £900
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies PTMSCAABAW2P Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £2,650 £6,100 £450
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies PTMSCAABAW1P Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare (MSc) (Part-time)- 3 Years £1,770 £4,070 £450
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCAPLIN1F Applied Linguistics (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £14,800 £200
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCAPLIN1P Applied Linguistics (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £7,400 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCARMDS1F Arab and Muslim Diaspora Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCARMDS1P Arab and Muslim Diaspora Studies (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCARAWS1F Arab World Studies (MSc) (Full Time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCARCSC1F Archaeological Science (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCARCSC1P Archaeological Science (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCARCHA1F Archaeology (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCARCHA1P Archaeology (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCARCUR1F Architectural and Urban Design (MSc) £5,300 £12,200 £800
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCARCON1F Architectural Conservation (MSc) £5,100 £11,200 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTPGDARCCO1F Architectural Conservation (PgDip) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARMARCH1F Architecture (MArch ARB/RIBA Pt 2) £1,820 £15,850 £50
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARMARCS1F Architecture (Studies) (MArch) £1,820 £15,850 £50
Edinburgh College of Art PTPGDAARCC1F Architecture and Architectural Conservation (PgDip) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTPGDARCUD1F Architecture and Urban Design (PgDip) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCARTGL1F Art in the Global Middle Ages (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCARTGL1P Art in the Global Middle Ages (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARTASNA1F Art, Space and Nature (MA) £5,100 £14,870 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMFATASNA1F Art, Space and Nature (MFA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Informatics PTMSCAINTL1F Artificial Intelligence (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £600
Informatics PTMSCINFEM5P Artificial Intelligence (MSc) (Part-time)- 3 Years £1,770 £5,350 £0
Divinity PTMSCBIBST1F Biblical Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Divinity PTMSCBIBST1P Biblical Studies (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Divinity PTMTHBIBST1F Biblical Studies (MTh) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Divinity PTMTHBIBST1P Biblical Studies (MTh) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Biological Sciences PTPGDBITXP1F Biodiversity and Taxonomy of Plants (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £5,300 £16,050 £0
Biomedical Sciences PTMSCBIOWE1P Biodiversity, Wildlife and Ecosystem Health (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Biomedical Sciences PTPGCBIOWE1P Biodiversity, Wildlife and Ecosystem Health (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Biomedical Sciences PTPGDBIOWE1P Biodiversity, Wildlife and Ecosystem Health (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Engineering PTMSCBIOEL1F Bioelectronics (MSc) £5,300 £16,050 £0
Biological Sciences PTMSCBIOIN1F Bioinformatics (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £1,000
Biological Sciences PTPGDBIOIN1F Bioinformatics (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £5,300 £16,050 £0
Engineering PTMSCBIOME1F Biomechanics - (MSc) £5,300 £16,050 £0
Biological Sciences PTMSCBIOTE1F Biotechnology (MSc) £5,300 £16,050 £2,000
Business School PTMBABUSAD1F Business Administration (MBA) (Full-time) £23,200 £23,200 £0
Business School PTMBABUSAD1P Business Administration (MBA) (Part-time) £6,300 £6,300 £0
Business School PTMBABUSAD2P Business Administration (MBA) (Part-time) - 30 Months £6,300 £6,300 £0
Engineering PTMSCCARCS1F Carbon Capture and Storage (Engineering) (MSc) £5,300 £16,050 £400
GeoSciences PTMSCCARCA1F Carbon Capture and Storage (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £400
GeoSciences PTMSCCARCA1P Carbon Capture and Storage (MSc) (Part-time) £1,770 £5,350 £200
Business School PTMSCCARBF1F Carbon Finance (MSc) £16,050 £16,050 £0
Business School PTMSCCARBF1P Carbon Finance (MSc) £8,025 £8,025 £0
Business School PTMSCCARMA1F Carbon Management (MSc) (Full-time) £8,950 £14,800 £0
Business School PTMSCCARMA1P Carbon Management (MSc) (Part-time) £4,475 £7,400 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCCHIST1F Childhood Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCCHIST1P Childhood Studies (MSc) (Part-time) £3,275 £6,100 £0
Health in Social Science PTMSCCYPMH1F Children and Young People's Mental Health and Psychological Practice (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Health in Social Science PTMSCCYPMH1P Children and Young People's Mental Health and Psychological Practice (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Health in Social Science PTPGCCYPMH1P Children and Young People's Mental Health and Psychological Practice (PgCert) (Part-time) £1,770 £4,070 £0
Health in Social Science PTPGDCYPMH1F Children and Young People's Mental Health and Psychological Practice (PgDip) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Health in Social Science PTPGDCYPMH1P Children and Young People's Mental Health and Psychological Practice (PgDip) (Part-time) £1,770 £4,070 £0
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCCHLLC1F Chinese Literature, Language and Culture (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCCHLLC1P Chinese Literature, Language and Culture (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMCHCHNST1F Chinese Studies (MCS) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Divinity PTMSCCHRNW1F Christianity in the Non-Western World (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Divinity PTMSCCHRNW1P Christianity in the Non-Western World (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Divinity PTMTHCHRNW1F Christianity in the Non-Western World (MTh) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Divinity PTMTHCHRNW1P Christianity in the Non-Western World (MTh) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCCARTA1F Classical Art and Archaeology (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCCARTA1P Classical Art and Archaeology (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCCLSCS1F Classics (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCCLSCS1P Classics (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMSCCLINE1P Clinical Education (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) (Part-time) £2,620 £2,620 £100
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTPGCCLIED1P Clinical Education (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Part-time) £2,620 £2,620 £50
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTPGDCLINE2P Clinical Education (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) (Part-time) £2,620 £2,620 £50
Health in Social Science PTDCPCLIPC1F Clinical Psychology (Core Programme Route) (DClinPsychol) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £1,750
Health in Social Science PTDCPCLIPC1P Clinical Psychology (Core Programme Route) (DClinPsychol) (Part-time)- 4 Years £2,650 £6,100 £875
Health in Social Science PTDCPCLIPC2P Clinical Psychology (Core Programme Route) (DClinPsychol) (Part-time)- 6 Years £2,650 £6,100 £875
Health in Social Science PTDCPCLIPF1F Clinical Psychology (Flexible Study Route) (DClinPsychol) (Full-time)- 3 Years £5,300 £12,200 £1,750
Health in Social Science PTDCPCLIPF2F Clinical Psychology (Flexible Study Route) (DClinPsychol) (Full-time)- 4 Years £5,300 £12,200 £1,750
Health in Social Science PTDCPCLIPF3F Clinical Psychology (Flexible Study Route) (DClinPsychol) (Full-time)- 5 Years £5,300 £16,050 £1,750
Health in Social Science PTDCPCLIPF1P Clinical Psychology (Flexible Study Route) (DClinPsychol) (Part-time)- 4 Years £2,650 £6,100 £875
Health in Social Science PTDCPCLIPF2P Clinical Psychology (Flexible Study Route) (DClinPsychol) (Part-time)- 5 Years £2,650 £6,100 £875
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCCSCSO1P Cognition in Science and Society (MSc) £2,650 £7,400 £150
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCCSCSO1F Cognition in Science and Society (MSc) £5,300 £14,800 £600
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTPGCCOGAG1P Cognitive Ageing Research Methods for Medical Scientists (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Health in Social Science PTPGCCOGBT1P Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Children and Young People (PgCert) £1,770 £4,070 £0
Informatics PTMSCCOGSC1F Cognitive Science (MSc) £5,300 £16,050 £600
Informatics PTMSCINFEM1P Cognitive Science (MSc) (Part-time) £1,770 £5,350 £0
Law PTLLMCOMLA1F Commercial Law (LLM) (Full-time) £5,300 £13,500 £0
Law PTLLMCOMLA1P Commercial Law (LLM) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,750 £0
Law PTLLMCOLCH1F Commercial Law and Chinese (LLM) £5,300 £13,500 £0
Moray House School of Education PTMSCCOMED1F Community Education (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Moray House School of Education PTMSCCOMED3P Community Education (MSc) (Part-time) £1,770 £4,070 £0
Moray House School of Education PTMSCCOMED1P Community Education (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Law PTLLMCOMEP1F Comparative and European Private Law (LLM) (Full-time) £5,300 £13,500 £0
Law PTLLMCOMEP1P Comparative and European Private Law (LLM) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,750 £0
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCCOMGL1F Comparative and General Literature (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCCOMGL1P Comparative and General Literature (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
Social & Political Science PTMSCCOMPP1F Comparative Public Policy (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCCOMPP1P Comparative Public Policy (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £3,275 £6,100 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCCOMPP2P Comparative Public Policy (MSc) (Part-time)- 3 Years £2,185 £4,070 £0
Law PTLLMCOMPL1F Competition Law and Innovation (LLM) (Full-time) £5,300 £13,500 £0
Law PTLLMCOMPL1P Competition Law and Innovation (LLM) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,750 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMUSCMPST1F Composition (MMus) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £300
Edinburgh College of Art PTMUSCMPST1P Composition (MMus) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £150
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCCOMPS1F Composition for Screen (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £800
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCCOMPS1P Composition for Screen (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £400
Informatics PTMSCCMPSI1F Computer Science (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £600
Informatics PTMSCINFEM2P Computer Science (MSc) (Part-time)- 3 Years £1,770 £5,350 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARTCONT1F Contemporary Art Theory (MA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Health in Social Science PTMSCCOUSA1F Counselling (Continuing Professional Practice) (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Health in Social Science PTMSCCOUSA1P Counselling (Continuing Professional Practice) (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £2,650 £6,100 £0
Health in Social Science PTMSCCOUSA2P Counselling (Continuing Professional Practice) (MSc) (Part-time)- 3 Years £1,770 £4,070 £0
Health in Social Science PTMCOCOUIP1F Counselling (Interpersonal Dialogue) (MCouns) (Full-time)- 2 years £11,600 £11,600 £0
Health in Social Science PTMCOCOUNS1P Counselling (MCouns) (Part-time)- 4 years £2,960 £2,960 £0
Health in Social Science PTMSCCOUNS1P Counselling (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Health in Social Science PTPGCCOUNS1P Counselling (PgCert) (Part-time) £2,960 £2,960 £0
Health in Social Science PTPGDCOUNS1P Counselling (PgDip) (Part-time) £5,035 £5,035 £0
Health in Social Science PTMSCCOUSC1P Counselling Studies (Advanced Practice) (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £2,650 £6,100 £0
Health in Social Science PTMSCCOUST1F Counselling Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Health in Social Science PTMSCCOUST1P Counselling Studies (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £2,650 £6,100 £0
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCCRWRI1F Creative Writing (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Law PTMSCCRIMJ1F Criminology and Criminal Justice (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Law PTMSCCRIMJ1P Criminology and Criminal Justice (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCCULST1F Cultural Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £300
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCCULST2P Cultural Studies (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £2,650 £6,100 £150
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCCULST1P Cultural Studies (MSc) (Part-time)- 3 Years £1,770 £4,070 £150
Moray House School of Education PTMSCDANSE1F Dance Science and Education (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Moray House School of Education PTPGDDANSE1F Dance Science and Education (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £3,535 £8,135 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARDESGN1F Design (MArch ARB/RIBA Pt 2) £1,820 £15,850 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARDESGN2F Design (MArch ARB/RIBA Pt 2) £1,820 £15,850 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCDESDM1F Design and Digital Media (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £13,500 £800
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCDESDM1P Design and Digital Media (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 years £2,650 £6,750 £400
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCDEVLN1F Developmental Linguistics (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £14,800 £600
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCDEVLN1P Developmental Linguistics (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 years £2,650 £7,400 £300
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCDIASP1F Diaspora and Migration History (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCDIASP1P Diaspora and Migration History (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Engineering PTMSCDIGCO1F Digital Communications and Signal Processing (MSc) - 20 Months £10,700 £10,700 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCDCMPS1F Digital Composition and Performance (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £800
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCDCMPS1P Digital Composition and Performance (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 years £2,650 £6,100 £400
Physics & Astronomy PTMSCDSCIC1F Distributed Scientific Computing (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £1,000
Physics & Astronomy PTPGDDSCIC1F Distributed Scientific Computing (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £5,300 £16,050 £1,000
Biological Sciences PTMSCDDITB1F Drug Discovery and Translation Biology (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £1,000
Biological Sciences PTPGDDDITB1F Drug Discovery and Translation Biology (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £5,300 £16,050 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMUSEAKPS1F Early Keyboard Performance Studies (MMus) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £300
Edinburgh College of Art PTMUSEAKPS1P Early Keyboard Performance Studies (MMus) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £150
GeoSciences PTMSCECOEC1F Ecological Economics (SAC) (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £1,600
GeoSciences PTMSCECOEC2P Ecological Economics (SAC) (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 years £2,650 £8,025 £800
GeoSciences PTMSCECOEC1P Ecological Economics (SAC) (MSc) (Part-time)- 3 years £1,770 £5,350 £800
GeoSciences PTPGDECOEC1F Ecological Economics (SAC) (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £5,300 £16,050 £1,400
Economics PTMSCECNFI2F Economics (Finance) (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Economics PTMSCECNFI3P Economics (Finance) (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 years £2,650 £6,100 £0
Economics PTMSCECNSG1F Economics (Scottish Graduate Programme) (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Economics PTMSCECNSG3P Economics (Scottish Graduate Programme) (MSc) (Part-time) - 25 Months £2,650 £6,100 £0
Economics PTMSCECNSG1P Economics (Scottish Graduate Programme) (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 years £2,650 £6,100 £0
GeoSciences PTMSCECSYS1F Ecosystem Services (MSc)- 1 Year FT £5,300 £16,050 £500
GeoSciences PTMSCECSYS1P Ecosystem Services (MSc)- 2 Years PT £2,650 £8,025 £250
GeoSciences PTMSCECSYS2P Ecosystem Services (MSc)- 3 Years PT £1,770 £5,350 £250
Moray House School of Education PTMSCEDUCD1F Education (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Moray House School of Education PTMSCEDUCD1P Education (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Moray House School of Education PTMSCEDUCD2P Education (MSc) (Part-time)- 3 Years £1,770 £4,070 £0
Moray House School of Education PTMSCELTPL1F Education: Language - theory, practice and literacy (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Moray House School of Education PTPGCELTPL1F Education: Language - theory, practice and literacy (PgCert) (Full-time) - 4 Months £1,770 £4,070 £0
Moray House School of Education PTPGDELTPL1F Education: Language - theory, practice and literacy (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £3,535 £8,135 £0
Moray House School of Education PTMSCEDLDR1P Educational Leadership (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) £1,770 £4,070 £0
Moray House School of Education PTMEDEDLMN1P Educational Leadership and Management (MEd) (Part-time)- 33 months £4,725 £4,725 £0
Moray House School of Education PTPGCEDLMN1P Educational Leadership and Management (PgCert) (Part-time) - 15 Months £3,150 £3,150 £0
Moray House School of Education PTPGDEDLMN1P Educational Leadership and Management (PgDip) (Part-time)- 27 months £3,585 £3,585 £0
Moray House School of Education PTMSCEDURE1F Educational Research (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Moray House School of Education PTMSCEDURE1P Educational Research (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £2,650 £6,100 £0
Moray House School of Education PTMSCEDURE2P Educational Research (MSc) (Part-time)- 3 Years £1,770 £4,070 £0
Moray House School of Education PTMSCELRNG1F E-Learning (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Moray House School of Education PTPGCELRNG1F E-Learning (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Full-time) - 4 Months £1,770 £4,070 £0
Moray House School of Education PTPGDELRNG1F E-Learning (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £3,535 £8,135 £0
Engineering PTMSCELECT1F Electronics (MSc) £5,300 £16,050 £0
Engineering PTMSCELASD1F Electronics: Analogue System Design (MSc) £5,300 £16,050 £0
Biomedical Sciences PTMSCEMNID1P Emerging and Neglected Infectious Diseases (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Biomedical Sciences PTPGCEMNID1P Emerging and Neglected Infectious Diseases (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Biomedical Sciences PTPGDEMNID1P Emerging and Neglected Infectious Diseases (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCENGLA1F English Language (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £14,800 £200
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCENGLA1P English Language (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £7,400 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCENLUS1F English Literature: United States Literature - Cultural Values from Revolution to Empire (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCENLUS1P English Literature: United States Literature - Cultural Values from Revolution to Empire (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCENTST1F Enlightenment Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCENTST1P Enlightenment Studies (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
GeoSciences PTMSCENVDE1F Environment and Development (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £700
GeoSciences PTMSCENVDE1P Environment and Development (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £8,025 £350
GeoSciences PTPGDENVDE1F Environment and Development (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £5,300 £16,050 £700
GeoSciences PTMSCENVCS1F Environment, Culture and Society (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £500
GeoSciences PTMSCENVCS1P Environment, Culture and Society (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £8,025 £250
GeoSciences PTMSCENVPM1F Environmental Protection and Management (SAC) (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £800
GeoSciences PTMSCENVPM1P Environmental Protection and Management (SAC) (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £2,650 £8,025 £400
GeoSciences PTMSCENVPM2P Environmental Protection and Management (SAC) (MSc) (Part-time)- 3 Years £1,770 £5,350 £800
GeoSciences PTPGDENVPM1F Environmental Protection and Management (SAC) (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £5,300 £16,050 £1,400
GeoSciences PTMSCENVSS2P Environmental Sustainability (MSc) £1,770 £5,350 £0
GeoSciences PTMSCENVSS1F Environmental Sustainability (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £700
GeoSciences PTPGDENVSS1F Environmental Sustainability (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £5,300 £16,050 £700
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies PTMSCEQUIS1P Equine Science (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies PTPGCEQUIS1P Equine Science (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies PTPGDEQUIS1P Equine Science (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Divinity PTMSCETHIC1F Ethics (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Divinity PTMSCETHIC1P Ethics (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Divinity PTMTHETHIC1F Ethics (MTh) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Divinity PTMTHETHIC1P Ethics (MTh) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCEUARC1F European Archaeology (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCEUARC1P European Archaeology (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Law PTLLMEULAW1F European Law- (LLM) (Full-time) £5,300 £13,500 £0
Law PTLLMEULAW1P European Law (LLM) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,750 £0
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCEUROP1F European Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCEUROP1P European Studies (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCEUTHT1F European Theatre (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCEUTHT1P European Theatre (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
Social & Political Science PTMSCEUUPL1F European Union Politics and Law (MSc) (Full-time) £10,050 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCEUUPL1P European Union Politics and Law (MSc) (Part-time) £5,025 £6,100 £0
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCEVOLC1F Evolution of Language and Cognition (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £14,800 £600
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCEVOLC1P Evolution of Language and Cognition (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £7,400 £300
GeoSciences PTMSCEXPGE1F Exploration Geophysics (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £400
GeoSciences PTMSCEXPGE1P Exploration Geophysics (MSc) (Part-time) £1,770 £5,350 £200
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARTFASH1F Fashion (MA) £5,100 £14,870 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMFATFASH1F Fashion (MFA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARTFIDI1F Film Directing (MA) £5,100 £14,870 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMFATFIDI1F Film Directing (MFA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCFILPS1F Film in the Public Space (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £500
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCFILPS1P Film in the Public Space (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £250
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCFLMST1F Film Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCFLMST1P Film Studies (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
Business School PTMSCFININ1F Finance and Investment (MSc) (Full-time) £14,800 £18,900 £0
Mathematics PTMSCFINMA2F Financial Mathematics (jointly with Heriot-Watt University) (MSc) (Full-time) £13,500 £16,050 £0
Mathematics PTMSCFINMA1F Financial Mathematics (jointly with Heriot-Watt University) (MSc) (Full-time) £13,500 £16,050 £150
Mathematics PTMSCFINMA1P Financial Mathematics (jointly with Heriot-Watt University) (MSc) (Part-time) £6,750 £8,025 £0
Mathematics PTMSCFINMO1F Financial Modelling and Optimization (MSc) (Full-time) £13,500 £16,050 £0
Mathematics PTMSCFINMO1P Financial Modelling and Optimization (MSc) (Part-time) £6,750 £8,025 £0
Mathematics PTPGDFINMO1F Financial Modelling and Optimization (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £13,500 £16,050 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCFMLST1F First Millennium Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCFMLST1P First Millennium Studies (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
GeoSciences PTMSCFOODS1F Food Security (SAC) (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £1,600
GeoSciences PTMSCFOODS2P Food Security (SAC) (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £8,025 £800
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCFORAN1F Forensic Anthropology (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £200
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCFORAN1P Forensic Anthropology (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £100
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARTFUPR1F Furniture and Product Design (MA) £5,100 £14,870 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMFAFUPRO1F Furniture and Product Design (MFA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCGENHI1F Gender History (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCGENHI1P Gender History (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMSCGENPR1F General Practice (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTCHMGENSU1P General Surgery (Online Distance Learning) (ChM) £3,925 £3,925 £0
GeoSciences PTMSCGISCI1F Geographical Information Science (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £500
GeoSciences PTMSCGISCI1P Geographical Information Science (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £2,650 £8,025 £0
GeoSciences PTMSCGISCI2P Geographical Information Science (MSc) (Part-time)- 3 Years £1,770 £5,350 £0
GeoSciences PTMSCGESSA1F Geoscience for Subsurface Exploration, Appraisal and Development (MSc) £3,940 £20,500 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARTGLAS1F Glass (MA) £5,100 £14,870 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMFATGLAS1F Glass (MFA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCGLINT1F Global and International Sociology (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCGLINT1P Global and International Sociology (MSc) (Part-time) £3,275 £6,100 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCGLOCR1F Global Crime, Justice and Security (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCGLOCR1P Global Crime, Justice and Security (MSc) (Part-time) £3,275 £6,100 £0
Law PTLLMGLENV1F Global Environment and Climate Change Law (LLM) (Full-time) £5,300 £13,500 £0
Law PTLLMGLENV1P Global Environment and Climate Change Law (LLM) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,750 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCGLOHA2F Global Health and Anthropology- (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCGLOHA1P Global Health and Anthropology (MSc) (Part-time) £3,275 £6,100 £0
Biomedical Sciences PTMSCGLOID1P Global Health and Infectious Diseases (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Biomedical Sciences PTPGCGLOID1P Global Health and Infectious Diseases (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Biomedical Sciences PTPGDGLOID1P Global Health and Infectious Diseases (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCGLOHP1F Global Health and Public Policy (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCGLOHP2P Global Health and Public Policy (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £3,275 £6,100 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCGLOHP1P Global Health and Public Policy (MSc) (Part-time)- 3 Years £2,185 £4,070 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMSCGLOHE1P Global Health: Non Communicable Diseases (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTPGCGLOHE1P Global Health: Non Communicable Diseases (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert £3,350 £3,350 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTPGDGLOHE1P Global Health: Non Communicable Diseases (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARTGRDE1F Graphic Design (MA) £5,100 £14,870 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMFATGRDE1F Graphic Design (MFA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCHLTIP1F Health Inequalities and Public Policy (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCHLTIP1P Health Inequalities and Public Policy (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £3,275 £6,100 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCHLTIP2P Health Inequalities and Public Policy (MSc) (Part-time)- 3 Years £2,185 £4,070 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMSCHEAIN1P Health Informatics (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) (Part-time) £2,620 £2,620 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTPGCHEAIN1P Health Informatics (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Part-time) £2,620 £2,620 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTPGDHEAIN2P Health Informatics (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) £2,620 £2,620 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTPGDHEAIN1P Health Informatics (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) (Part-time) £2,620 £2,620 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMSCHEING1P Health Information Governance (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) (Part-time) £2,620 £2,620 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTPGCHEING1P Health Information Governance (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Part-time) £2,620 £2,620 £0
Health in Social Science PTPGCHEAST1F Health Studies (PgCert) (Full-time) - 4 Months £5,350 £5,350 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCHLTSY1F Health Systems and Public Policy (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCHLTSY2P Health Systems and Public Policy (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £3,275 £6,100 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCHLTSY1P Health Systems and Public Policy (MSc) (Part-time)- 3 Years £2,185 £4,070 £0
Physics & Astronomy PTMSCHPCMP1F High Performance Computing (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £1,000
Physics & Astronomy PTMSCHPCMP1P High Performance Computing (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £2,650 £8,025 £0
Physics & Astronomy PTMSCHPCMP3P High Performance Computing (MSc) (Part-time)- 3 Years £1,770 £5,350 £500
Physics & Astronomy PTPGDHPCMP1F High Performance Computing (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £5,300 £16,050 £1,000
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCHGHLS1F Highland Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCHGHLS1P Highland Studies (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCHGHLS2P Highland Studies (MSc) (Part-time)- 3 Years £1,770 £4,070 £50
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCHISTY1F History (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCHISTY1P History (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCHISTP1F History and Theory of Psychology (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £14,800 £200
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCHISTP1P History and Theory of Psychology (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £7,400 £100
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCHISTD2F History of Art, Theory and Display (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £13,500 £100
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCHISTD2P History of Art, Theory and Display (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,750 £50
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCHISTD1F History, Theory and Display (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCHISTD1P History, Theory and Display (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
Biomedical Sciences PTMSCHANAT1F Human Anatomy (MSc) £5,300 £16,050 £5,000
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCHUMCN1F Human Cognitive Neuropsychology (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £14,800 £600
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCHUMCN1P Human Cognitive Neuropsychology (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £2,650 £7,400 £300
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCHUMOS1F Human Osteoarchaeology (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £200
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCHUMOS1P Human Osteoarchaeology (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £100
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARTILLU1F Illustration (MA) £5,100 £14,870 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMFATILLU1F Illustration (MFA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Moray House School of Education PTMSCINSPE1F Inclusive and Special Education (MSc) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Informatics PTMSCINFEM1F Informatics (European Master) (MSc) £5,300 £16,050 £0
Informatics PTMSCINFMT1F Informatics (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £600
Informatics PTMSCINFMT2P Informatics (MSc) (Part-time)- 3 Years £1,770 £5,350 £0
Law PTLLMITLDL1F Information Technology Law (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Full-time) £13,500 £13,500 £0
Law PTLLMITLDL2P Information Technology Law (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Part-time) - 20 Months £6,750 £6,750 £0
Law PTLLMITLDL4P Information Technology Law (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Part-time) - 32 Months £4,500 £4,500 £0
Law PTLLMITLDL3P Information Technology Law (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Part-time)- 2 Years £6,750 £6,750 £0
Law PTLLMITLDL1P Information Technology Law (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Part-time)- 3 Years £4,500 £4,500 £0
Law PTLLMINFTL1F Innovation, Technology and the Law (LLM) (Full-time) £5,300 £13,500 £0
Law PTLLMINFTL1P Innovation, Technology and the Law (LLM) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,750 £0
Law PTLLMINFTD1F Innovation, Technology and the Law (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Full-time) £13,500 £13,500 £0
Law PTLLMINFTD1P Innovation, Technology and the Law (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Part-time) - 20 Months £6,750 £6,750 £0
Law PTLLMINFTD4P Innovation, Technology and the Law (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Part-time) - 32 Months £4,500 £4,500 £0
Law PTLLMINFTD3P Innovation, Technology and the Law (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Part-time)- 2 Years £6,750 £6,750 £0
Law PTLLMINFTD2P Innovation, Technology and the Law (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Part-time)- 3 Years £4,500 £4,500 £0
GeoSciences PTMSCIRMAN1F Integrated Resource Management (MSc) £5,300 £16,050 £400
Health in Social Science PTMSCISIHS2P Integrated Service Improvement: Health and Social Care (MSc) £2,620 £4,070 £0
Health in Social Science PTMSCISIHS1P Integrated Service Improvement: Health and Social Care (MSc) (Part-time) £3,925 £6,100 £0
Health in Social Science PTPGCISIHS1P Integrated Service Improvement: Health and Social Care (PgCert) (Part-time) £2,185 £4,070 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCINTHI1F Intellectual History (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCINTHI1P Intellectual History (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Law PTLLMINTPR1F Intellectual Property Law (LLM) (Full-time) £5,300 £13,500 £0
Law PTLLMINTPR1P Intellectual Property Law (LLM) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,750 £0
Law PTLLMIPLDL1F Intellectual Property Law (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Full-time) £13,500 £13,500 £0
Law PTLLMIPLDL1P Intellectual Property Law (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Part-time) - 20 Months £6,750 £6,750 £0
Law PTLLMIPLDL4P Intellectual Property Law (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Part-time) - 32 Months £4,500 £4,500 £0
Law PTLLMIPLDL2P Intellectual Property Law (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Part-time)- 2 Years £6,750 £6,750 £0
Law PTLLMIPLDL3P Intellectual Property Law (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Part-time)- 3 Years £4,500 £4,500 £0
Law PTLLMINLCH1F Intellectual Property Law and Chinese (LLM) £5,300 £13,500 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMFAINFAR1F Interior Architectural Design (MFA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARTINDE1F Interior Design (MA) £5,100 £14,870 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARTINAR1F Intermedia Art (MA) £5,100 £14,870 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMFAINART1F Intermedia Art (MFA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMSCINTMD1P Internal Medicine (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTPGCINTMD1P Internal Medicine (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTPGDINTMD1P Internal Medicine (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCINEUP1F International and European Politics (MSc) (Full-time) £10,050 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCINEUP1P International and European Politics (MSc) (Part-time) £5,025 £6,100 £0
Biomedical Sciences PTMSCINTAH2P International Animal Health (MSc) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Biomedical Sciences PTMSCINTAH1P International Animal Health (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Biomedical Sciences PTPGCINTAH1P International Animal Health (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Biomedical Sciences PTPGDINTAH1P International Animal Health (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Business School PTMBAIBUSN1F International Business (MBA) (Full-time) £24,700 £24,700 £0
Business School PTMBAIBUSN2F International Business (MBA) (Full-time) - 16 Months £24,700 £24,700 £0
Business School PTMSCIBUEM1F International Business and Emerging Markets (MSc) (Full-time) £17,500 £17,500 £0
Business School PTMSCIBUEM1P International Business and Emerging Markets (MSc) (Part-time) £8,750 £8,750 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCINTER1F International Development (MSc) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCINTER1P International Development (MSc) £3,275 £6,100 £0
Law PTLLMINTEL1F International Economic Law (LLM) (Full-time) £5,300 £13,500 £0
Law PTLLMINTEL1P International Economic Law (LLM) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,750 £0
Law PTLLMINTLA1F International Law (LLM) (Full-time) £5,300 £13,500 £0
Law PTLLMINTLA1P International Law (LLM) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,750 £0
Law PTLLMITLCH1F International Law and Chinese (LLM) £5,300 £13,500 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCINTPO1F International Political Theory (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCINTPO1P International Political Theory (MSc) (Part-time) £3,275 £6,100 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCINTRE1F International Relations (MSc) (Full-time)- 1 Year £10,050 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCINTRE1P International Relations (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £5,025 £6,100 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCINTME1F International Relations of the Middle East (MSc) (Full-time)- 1 Year £10,050 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCINTMA1F International Relations of the Middle East with Arabic (MSc) (Full-time)- 2 Years £7,850 £12,200 £0
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCISLAM1F Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCISLAM1P Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCJAPST1F Japanese Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCJAPST1P Japanese Studies (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARTJESI1F Jewellery (MA) £5,100 £14,870 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMFAJESIL1F Jewellery (MFA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMLALANDS1F Landscape Architecture (MLA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCLANDA1F Landscape Architecture (MSc) £5,100 £11,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCLEHDL1P Landscape, Environment and History (Distance Learning) (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Moray House School of Education PTMSCLANTC1F Language Teaching (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Moray House School of Education PTMSCLANTC1P Language Teaching (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Moray House School of Education PTPGDLANTC1F Language Teaching (PgDip) (Full-time) £3,535 £8,135 £0
Moray House School of Education PTPGDLANTC1P Language Teaching (PgDip) (Part-time) £1,770 £4,070 £0
Law PTLLMLAWAA1F Law (LLM) (Full-time) £5,300 £13,500 £0
Law PTLLMLAWAA1P Law (LLM) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,750 £0
Law PTLLMLAWCH1F Law and Chinese (LLM) £5,300 £13,500 £0
Law PTPGDLEGPS1F Legal Practice and Skills (PgDip) (Full-time) £6,000 £12,200 £400
Law PTPGDLEGPS1P Legal Practice and Skills (PgDip) (Part-time) £3,000 £6,100 £200
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCLITTR1F Literary Translation as Creative Practice (MSc)- 1 Year(FT) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCLITTR1P Literary Translation as Creative Practice (MSc)- 2 Years(PT) £2,650 £6,100 £50
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCLITTR2P Literary Translation as Creative Practice (MSc)- 3 Years(PT) £1,770 £4,070 £50
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCENLLM1F Literature and Modernity: 1900 to the Present (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCENLLM1P Literature and Modernity: 1900 to the Present (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCLITSO1F Literature and Society 1688-1900 (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCLITSO1P Literature and Society 1688-1900 (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCLITRA1F Literature and Transatlanticism (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCLITRA1P Literature and Transatlanticism (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
Business School PTMSCMGMNT1F Management (MSc) (Full-time) £13,500 £17,500 £0
Business School PTMSCMGMNT1P Management (MSc) (Part-time) £6,750 £8,750 £0
Moray House School of Education PTMSCMGMTD1F Management of Training and Development (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Moray House School of Education PTPGCMGMTD1F Management of Training and Development (PgCert) (Full-time) - 4 Months £1,770 £4,070 £0
Moray House School of Education PTPGDMGMTD1F Management of Training and Development (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £3,535 £8,135 £0
Business School PTMSCMARKE1F Marketing (MSc) £8,950 £14,800 £0
Business School PTMSCMARBA1F Marketing and Business Analysis (MSc) £8,950 £14,800 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCMVCOP1F Material and Visual Cultures of the Past (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCMVCOP1P Material and Visual Cultures of the Past (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCMCHOB1F Material Cultures and History of the Book (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCMCHOB1P Material Cultures and History of the Book (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
Chemistry PTMSCMACHE1F Materials Chemistry (MSc) £5,300 £16,050 £1,000
Mathematics PTMSCMATHS1F Mathematics (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Mathematics PTMSCMATHS1P Mathematics (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Mathematics PTPGDMATHS1F Mathematics (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £5,300 £12,200 £0
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCMECUP1F Media, Culture and Practice (MSc) £5,300 £12,200 £500
PTMSCMEDIE1P Medical Education (MSc) (Part-time) £1,770 £4,070 £0
Law PTLLMMELDL1F Medical Law and Ethics (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Full-time) £13,500 £13,500 £0
Law PTLLMMELDL2P Medical Law and Ethics (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Part-time) - 20 Months £6,750 £6,750 £0
Law PTLLMMELDL4P Medical Law and Ethics (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Part-time) - 32 Months £4,500 £4,500 £0
Law PTLLMMELDL3P Medical Law and Ethics (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Part-time)- 2 Years £6,750 £6,750 £0
Law PTLLMMELDL1P Medical Law and Ethics (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Part-time)- 3 Years £4,500 £4,500 £0
Chemistry PTMSCMEDCH1F Medicinal and Biological Chemistry (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £1,000
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCMEDHI1F Medieval History (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCMEDHI1P Medieval History (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCMEDST1F Medieval Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCMEDST1P Medieval Studies (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCMEDAR1F Mediterranean Archaeology (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCMEDAR1P Mediterranean Archaeology (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCMEADI1F Middle Eastern Diasporas (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCMEADI1P Middle Eastern Diasporas (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCMLAEC1P Mind, Language and Embodied Cognition (MSc) £2,650 £7,400 £100
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCMLAEC1F Mind, Language and Embodied Cognition (MSc) £5,300 £14,800 £200
Divinity PTMSCMNSTY1F Ministry (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Divinity PTMSCMNSTY1P Ministry (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Divinity PTMTHMNSTY1F Ministry (MTh) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Divinity PTMTHMNSTY1P Ministry (MTh) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCMAHCC1F Modern Art: History, Curating, Criticism (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £13,500 £100
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCMAHCC1P Modern Art: History, Curating, Criticism (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,750 £50
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCMOBIH1F Modern British and Irish History (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCMOBIH1P Modern British and Irish History (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCMCHCS1F Modern Chinese Cultural Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCMCHCS2P Modern Chinese Cultural Studies (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
Social & Political Science PTMSCMRPOL1F Multi-level and Regional Politics (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCMRPOL1P Multi-level and Regional Politics (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £3,275 £6,100 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCMUSCM1F Music in the Community (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £300
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCMUSCM1P Music in the Community (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £150
Edinburgh College of Art PTMUSMUSIR1F Musical Instrument Research (MMus) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £300
Edinburgh College of Art PTMUSMUSIR1P Musical Instrument Research (MMus) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £150
Edinburgh College of Art PTMUSMUSCO1F Musicology (MMus) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £300
Edinburgh College of Art PTMUSMUSCO1P Musicology (MMus) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £150
Social & Political Science PTMSCNATST1F Nationalism Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCNATST1P Nationalism Studies (MSc) (Part-time) £3,275 £6,100 £0
Molecular & Clinical Medicine PTMSCNEURE1P Neuroimaging for Research (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Molecular & Clinical Medicine PTPGCNEURE1P Neuroimaging for Research (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Molecular & Clinical Medicine PTPGDNEURE1P Neuroimaging for Research (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies PTMSCONEHE1F One Health (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £4,000
Mathematics PTMSCORSCH1F Operational Research (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £13,500 £0
Mathematics PTMSCORSCH1P Operational Research (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,750 £0
Mathematics PTPGDORSCH1F Operational Research (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £5,300 £13,500 £0
Mathematics PTMSCORCPO1F Operational Research with Computational Optimization (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £13,500 £0
Mathematics PTMSCORCPO1P Operational Research with Computational Optimization (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £2,650 £6,750 £0
Mathematics PTPGDORCPO1F Operational Research with Computational Optimization (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £5,300 £13,500 £0
Mathematics PTMSCORENE1F Operational Research with Energy (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £13,500 £0
Mathematics PTMSCORENE1P Operational Research with Energy (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,750 £0
Mathematics PTMSCORFIN1F Operational Research with Finance (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £13,500 £0
Mathematics PTMSCORFIN1P Operational Research with Finance (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £2,650 £6,750 £0
Mathematics PTPGDORFIN1F Operational Research with Finance (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £5,300 £13,500 £0
Mathematics PTMSCORRIS1F Operational Research with Risk (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £13,500 £0
Mathematics PTMSCORRIS1P Operational Research with Risk (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,750 £0
Mathematics PTPGDORRIS1F Operational Research with Risk (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £5,300 £13,500 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMCDORSUR1F Oral Surgery (MClinDent) (Full-time) £11,150 £29,150 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMCDORTHD1F Orthodontics (MClinDent) (Full-time) £10,050 £29,150 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMCDORTHD1P Orthodontics (MClinDent) (Part-time)- 3 Years £5,025 £14,575 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCOSTEO1F Osteoarchaeology (MSc) (Full-time)- 1 Year £5,300 £12,200 £200
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCOSTEO1P Osteoarchaeology (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £2,650 £6,100 £100
Moray House School of Education PTMSCOUTED1F Outdoor Education (MSc) (Full-time) - 15 Months £5,300 £12,200 £2,425
Moray House School of Education PTPGDOUTED1F Outdoor Education (PgDip) (Full-time)- 1 Year £3,535 £8,135 £2,425
Moray House School of Education PTMSCODSTE1F Outdoor Environmental and Sustainability Education (MSc) (Full-time) - 15 Months £5,300 £12,200 £1,175
Moray House School of Education PTPGDODSTE1F Outdoor Environmental and Sustainability Education (PgDip) (Full-time) £3,535 £8,135 £1,175
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMCDPAEDE1F Paediatric Dentistry (MClinDent) (Full-time) £11,150 £29,150 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMCDPAEDE1P Paediatric Dentistry (MClinDent) (Part-time) £5,575 £14,575 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTPGDPEMED1P Paediatric Emergency Medicine (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMSCPEMED1P Paediatric Emergency Medicine (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTPGCPEMED1P Paediatric Emergency Medicine (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Part-time) £3,350 £3,350 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMSCPAINM1P Pain Management (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) (Part-time) £3,925 £3,925 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTPGCPAINM1P Pain Management (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Part-time) £3,490 £3,490 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTPGDPAINM1P Pain Management (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) (Part-time) £2,730 £2,730 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARTPAIN1F Painting (MA) £5,100 £14,870 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMFAPAINT1F Painting (MFA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARTPECO1F Performance Costume (MA) £5,100 £14,870 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMFATPECO1F Performance Costume (MFA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Moray House School of Education PTMSCPERPS1F Performance Psychology (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Moray House School of Education PTPGDPERPS1F Performance Psychology (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £3,535 £8,135 £0
Moray House School of Education PTMSCPERSF1F Personal and Social Outdoor Education (MSc) (Full-time) - 15 Months £5,300 £12,200 £2,050
Moray House School of Education PTPGDPERSF1F Personal and Social Outdoor Education (PgDip) (Full-time) £3,535 £8,135 £2,050
GeoSciences PTMSCPETRG1F Petroleum Geoscience (MSc) £3,940 £20,500 £0
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCPHILY1F Philosophy (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £14,800 £200
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCPHILY1P Philosophy (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £7,400 £100
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARTPHOT1F Photography (MA) £5,100 £14,870 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMFATPHOT1F Photography (MFA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Physics & Astronomy PRMSCPHEDR1F Physics Education Research (MSc by Research) £5,300 £16,050 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCPOLST1F Policy Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCPOLST1P Policy Studies (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £3,275 £6,100 £0
Social & Political Science PTPGCDEMPP1P Practice in Government and Public Policy (PgCert) (Full-time) £6,300 £6,300 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARTPRIN1F Printmaking (MA) £5,100 £14,870 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMFAPRINT1F Printmaking (MFA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARTPROD1F Product Design (MA) £5,100 £14,870 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMFAPRODE1F Product Design (MFA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMCDPRSDT1F Prosthodontics (MClinDent) (Full-time) £11,150 £29,150 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMCDPRSDT2P Prosthodontics (MClinDent) (Part-time)- 3 Years £5,575 £14,575 £0
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCPSYLI1F Psycholinguistics (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £14,800 £600
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCPSYLI1P Psycholinguistics (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £7,400 £300
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCPSYRE1P Psychological Research (MSc) £2,650 £7,400 £300
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCPSYRE1F Psychological Research (MSc) £5,300 £14,800 £600
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCPSYRM1F Psychological Research Methods (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £14,800 £600
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCPSYRM1P Psychological Research Methods (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £7,400 £300
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCPYCHI1F Psychology of Individual Differences (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £14,800 £600
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCPYCHI1P Psychology of Individual Differences (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £7,400 £300
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCPSYLI2F Psychology of Language (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £14,800 £600
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCPSYLI2P Psychology of Language (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £7,400 £300
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMPHEALTH1F Public Health (MPH) (Full Time) £5,300 £12,200 £600
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMPHEALTH1P Public Health (MPH) (Part Time), £2,650 £6,100 £300
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMSCPUHLR1F Public Health Research (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £600
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMSCPUHLR2P Public Health Research (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £2,650 £6,100 £300
Social & Political Science PTMPPPUBPO1F Public Policy (MPP) (Full Time) £14,800 £14,800 £0
Biological Sciences PTMSCQUGGA1F Quantitative Genetics and Genome Analysis (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £1,000
Biological Sciences PTMSCQUGGA1P Quantitative Genetics and Genome Analysis (MSc) (Part-time) £1,770 £4,070 £0
Biological Sciences PTPGDQUGGA1F Quantitative Genetics and Genome Analysis (PgDip) - 9 Months £5,300 £12,200 £0
Divinity PTMSCRELST1F Religious Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Divinity PTMSCRELST1P Religious Studies (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCRENTE1F Renaissance to Enlightenment (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCRENTE1P Renaissance to Enlightenment (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
Divinity PTMSCSCIRE1F Science and Religion (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Divinity PTMSCSCIRE1P Science and Religion (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCSCTPM1F Science and Technology Policy and Management (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCSCTPM1P Science and Technology Policy and Management (MSc) (Part-time) £3,275 £6,100 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCSCTST1F Science and Technology Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCSCTST1P Science and Technology Studies (MSc) (Part-time) £3,275 £6,100 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCSCITD1F Science, Technology and International Development (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCSCITD1P Science, Technology and International Development (MSc) (Part-time) £3,275 £6,100 £0
Social & Political Science PTPGDSCITD1F Science, Technology and International Development (PgDip) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTPGDSCITD1P Science, Technology and International Development (PgDip) (Part-time) £2,185 £4,070 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCSCAVC1F Scottish Art and Visual Culture 1750-2000 (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCSCAVC1P Scottish Art and Visual Culture 1750-2000 (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCSCOHI1F Scottish History (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCSCOHI1P Scottish History (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCSCOTS1F Scottish Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCSCOTS1P Scottish Studies (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARTSCUL1F Sculpture (MA) £5,100 £14,870 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMFASCULP1F Sculpture (MFA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Engineering PTMSCSIPRC1F Signal Processing and Communications (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £0
Engineering PTMSCSIPRC1P Signal Processing and Communications (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £2,650 £8,025 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCSLFLS1F Slavery and Forced Labour Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCSLFLS1P Slavery and Forced Labour Studies (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCSOCHI1F Social and Cultural History (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCSOCHI1P Social and Cultural History (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCSANPY1F Social Anthropology (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCSANPY1P Social Anthropology (MSc) (Part-time) £3,275 £6,100 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCSORES1F Social Research (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCSORES1P Social Research (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £3,275 £6,100 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCSORES2P Social Research (MSc) (Part-time)- 3 Years £2,185 £4,070 £0
Social & Political Science PTSOWRK Social Work (MSW) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCSNDES1F Sound Design (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £13,500 £800
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCSNDES1P Sound Design (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,750 £400
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCSNDEV1F Sound Environments (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £800
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCSNDEV1P Sound Environments (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £400
Social & Political Science PTMSCSAIDE1F South Asia and International Development (MSc) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTMSCSAIDE1P South Asia and International Development (MSc) (Part-time) £3,275 £6,100 £0
Social & Political Science PTPGDSAIDE1F South Asia and International Development (PgDip) (Full-time) £6,550 £12,200 £0
Social & Political Science PTPGDSAIDE1P South Asia and International Development (PgDip) (Part-time) £2,185 £4,070 £0
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCSLANP1F Speech and Language Processing (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £600
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCSLANP1P Speech and Language Processing (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £8,025 £300
Moray House School of Education PTMSCSPRBM1F Sport and Recreation Business Management (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Moray House School of Education PTPGDSPRBM1F Sport and Recreation Business Management (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £3,535 £8,135 £0
Mathematics PTMSCSTATO1F Statistics and Operational Research (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £13,500 £0
Mathematics PTMSCSTATO1P Statistics and Operational Research (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,750 £0
Moray House School of Education PTMSCSTCON1F Strength and Conditioning (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Moray House School of Education PTPGDSTCON1F Strength and Conditioning (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £3,535 £8,135 £0
Engineering PTMSCSTFSE1F Structural and Fire Safety Engineering (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £16,050 £0
Engineering PTMSCSTENM1F Structural Engineering and Mechanics (MSc) (Full-time) £4,500 £15,000 £0
Engineering PTMSCSTENM1P Structural Engineering and Mechanics (MSc) (Part-time) £2,250 £7,500 £0
Engineering PTPGDSTENM1F Structural Engineering and Mechanics (PgDip) (Full-time) £4,500 £15,000 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMSCSUGSC1P Surgical Sciences (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) (Part-time) £2,350 £2,350 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTPGCSUGSC1P Surgical Sciences (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Part-time) £2,350 £2,350 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTPGDSUGSC1P Surgical Sciences (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) (Part-time) £2,350 £2,350 £0
Engineering PTMSCSUSES1F Sustainable Energy Systems (MSc) £5,300 £16,050 £250
Engineering PTPGDSUSES1F Sustainable Energy Systems (PgDip) - 9 Months £5,300 £16,050 £0
Biological Sciences PTMSCSSBIO1F Systems and Synthetic Biology (MSc) £5,300 £16,050 £1,000
Biological Sciences PTPGDSSBIO1F Systems and Synthetic Biology (PgDip) (9 Months) £5,300 £16,050 £1,000
Moray House School of Education PTMEDTESOL1P Teaching English To Speakers Of Other Languages (MEd) (Part-time)- 2 Years £2,650 £6,100 £0
Moray House School of Education PTMSCTESOL1F Teaching English To Speakers Of Other Languages (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Moray House School of Education PTPGCTESOL1F Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (PgCert) (Full-time) - 4 Months £1,770 £4,070 £0
Moray House School of Education PTPGDTESOL1F Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 Months £3,535 £8,135 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARTTEXT1F Textiles (MA) £5,100 £14,870 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMFATTEXT1F Textiles (MFA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Biological Sciences PTMSCBITXP1F The Biodiversity and Taxonomy of Plants (MSc) £5,300 £16,050 £2,000
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCTCITY1F The City (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £800
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCTCITY1P The City (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £400
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCTHLLW1F The Hellenistic World (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCTHLLW1P The Hellenistic World (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCTSWWE1F The Second World War in Europe (MSc) £5,300 £12,200 £0
History, Classics & Archaeology PTMSCTSWWE1P The Second World War in Europe (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Divinity PTMSCTHEHI1F Theology in History (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Divinity PTMSCTHEHI1P Theology in History (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Divinity PTMTHTHEHI1F Theology in History (MTh) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Divinity PTMTHTHEHI1P Theology in History (MTh) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Clinical Sciences & Community Health PTMSCTTATB1P Transfusion, Transplantation and Tissue Banking (MSc) (Part-time) £1,770 £5,350 £0
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCTRANS1F Translation Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCTRANS1P Translation Studies (MSc) (Part-time)- 2 Years £2,650 £6,100 £50
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCTRANS2P Translation Studies (MSc) (Part-time)- 3 Years £1,770 £4,070 £0
Biomedical Sciences PTMSCTRMED1P Translational Medicine (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) (Part-time) £2,620 £2,620 £0
Biomedical Sciences PTPGCTRMED1P Translational Medicine (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Part-time) £2,620 £2,620 £0
Biomedical Sciences PTPGDTRMED1P Translational Medicine (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) (Part-time) £2,620 £2,620 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTMSCURDES1F Urban Design (MSc) £5,100 £11,200 £0
Edinburgh College of Art PTPGDURBDE1F Urban Design (PgDip) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCVIKST1F Viking Studies (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £100
Literatures, Languages & Cultures PTMSCVIKST1P Viking Studies (MSc) (Part time) £2,650 £6,100 £50
Edinburgh College of Art PTMARTVISM1F Visual and Material Cultures (MA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences PTMSCVISCO1F Visual Cognition (MSc) £5,300 £14,800 £600
Edinburgh College of Art PTMFAVISCU1F Visual Culture (MFA) £3,400 £11,200 £0
Divinity PTMSCWLDCH1F World Christianity (MSc) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Divinity PTMSCWLDCH1P World Christianity (MSc) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0
Divinity PTMTHWLDCH1F World Christianity (MTh) (Full-time) £5,300 £12,200 £0
Divinity PTMTHWLDCH1P World Christianity (MTh) (Part-time) £2,650 £6,100 £0


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