

2011-09-09 11:54:02 英国留学云 4008-941-360





Undergraduate (Overseas Fees) 2011/2

All fees are annual unless otherwise stated

College of Art, Science & Engineering 2011/2 (£)
All undergraduate programmes 11600
Art & Design 10915
Mathematics 11200
Civil Engineering 13700
Mechanical/Electrical Engineering/Physics/Renewable Energy 12700
College of Arts & Social Science 2011/2 (£)
All undergraduate programmes 9200
Architecture 10915
Education, Social Work & Community Education see separate table for CPD fees
College of Life Sciences 2011/2 (£)
All undergraduate programmes 10500
College of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing 2011/2 (£)
School of Medicine
MBChB Pre-clinical 16750
MBChB Clinical 25500
BMSc (1 year) 12000
School of Dentistry
BDS Pre-clinical 16750
BDS Clinical 25500
BMSc (1 year) 12000


Postgraduate (Overseas) Fees 2011/12

All fees are annual unless otherwise stated

College of Art, Science & Engineering  2011/12 (£)
All programmes  12125
Business Intelligence 14125
Mathematics (Graduate Diploma) 11600
Mathematical Biology 12125
Mechanical/Electrical Engineering/Physics/Renewable Energy      12700
Art and Design  11435
Civil Engineering (Taught & Research) 13700
College of Arts & Social Science 2011/12 (£)
Taught (MLitt, MSc,MRes)  10000
Research( PhD, MPhil)  10000
MSc Remote Sensing  11000
Accounting and Finance - MSc, Mres,  10000
Accounting and Finance - PHD  10500
Accounting and Finance - Dip Res  8500
Accounting and Finance - professional masters  12500
Scottish Internship Graduate Certificate 2700
Architecture: Advanced Practice Management  3400
* for the full programme -18 months OR £790 per 30 credit module 790
Architecture PHD 11025
MSc Advanced Sustainability of the Built Environment 9850
LLM  9500
Diploma  6900
Certificate  3700
LLM International Dispute Resolution - Course Fee 8200
International Dispute Resolution -by module (see separate table)
LLM Health Care Law & Ethics (distance learning) 7100
LLM Health Care Law & Ethics (distance learning)(per module - 4 modules + Research Skills & Dissertation) 1840
LLm International Commercial Law (Joint CERGY PONTOISE) 10000
LLM  Comparative & European Private International Law (Toulouse Joint Programme) 10000
PhD  10800
LLM by research  10000
LLM in Water Governance and Conflict Resolution  14910
LLM in Water Law  11000
Diploma  9400
Certificate  5200
MSc Water Resource Management Law 11000
Diploma 9400
Certificate  5200
PhD  10800
MSc Executive Oil & Gas Leadership 25000
Executive MBA (18-24 Months course-total fee)  21200
MBA (12 Months course-total fee)  17700
MSc International Oil & Gas Management 16000
LLM, MSc  16000
Diploma  10500
Certificate  7100
MLitt Mod Language Teaching/English Language Teaching 2800
per module  700
Education,Social Work & Community Education
PHD, MPHIL 10000
PGDE(Primary and Secondary)  9500
Education, Social Work & Community Education see separate table for CPD fees
College of Life Sciences 2011/12 (£)
Research (MSc, PhD)  10500
MSc Forensic Facial Identification 12500
MSc Human Anatomy  15000
MRes Crops for the Future 12500
MSc Forensic Art   12500
MSc Medical Art   12500
Certificate Depiction & Identifcation of the Dead TBC
MSc Forensic Art (Part time - £90 Per Credit)
- year 1  3960
- year 2  3870
- year 3  2970
- year 4  5400
MSc Medical Art(Part time - £90 Per Credit)
- year 1  3960
- year 2  3870
- year 3  2970
- year 4  5400
College of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing 2011/12 (£)
Research Degrees -School of Medicine (Laboratory/Non-Clinical) 10,500
Research Degrees - School of Dentistry (Laboratory/Non-Clinical) TBC
Research Degrees - School of Dentistry (Clinical) TBC
Research Degrees - School of Nursing and Midwifery 8400
Taught Programmes
School of Medicine
MChOrth  13950
MSc/ Dip Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Technology (Distance Learning) (not conflated)
Diploma  5360
Module Group 1& 2  2680
Module Group 3&4  2680
MSc Project  2500
MSc Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Technology (in House) 9060
MSc/Dip/Cert Motion Analysis (Distance Learning) (not conflated)
Certificate  2040
Diploma  2040
Masters  2500
MSc Motion Analysis (in House) 9060
PG Certificate: Clinical Audit and Research for Healthcare Professionals
per Unit  244
per Half-Unit  147
Units 1-4  880
Units 5-9  1025
total cost of Programme  1905
Primary Care
MSc/Dip/Cert in Primary Care (Conflated Course Fee)
Certificate 3200
Diploma 6400
MSc 9200
MSc/Dip/Cert in Primary Care (by module - not conflated)
15 credit module 800
Dissertation (60 credits) 2800
Public Health
Master of Public Heath  12750
Master of Science in Applied Health Statistics 12750
Master in Diabetes Care & Education TBC
Medical Education
Masters/Dip/Cert Medical Education (in House - Conflated Course Fee)
Masters 9400
Diploma 6700
Certificate 3400
Masters/Dip/Cert Medical Education (Distance Learning - Conflated Course Fee)
Masters  5800
Diploma  4200
Certificate  2300
Introductory Course 500
PGCert/MRes Cancer Biology (with CLS, in house - Conflated course fee)
PGCert Cancer Biology 4170
MRes Cancer Biology 12500
MSc Minimal Access Surgery 20000
School of Dentistry
MDSc Prosthodontics  26250
School of Nursing & Midwifery
Please see separate table for all other Nursing and Midwifery Fees
Centre for Forensic and Legal Medicine 2011/2 (£)
MSc Forensic Toxicology 12500
Master in Forensic Medicine  12500

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